Applied for a Job! Hope it Won't Interfere...

Aug 05, 2010

I was looking through the job ads in my town and I saw a Legal Assistant job opportunity!  Thing is, I plan on becoming a Paralegal in the future, so this job would be FANTASTIC experience for me.  No experience is required, they said they are willing to train the right individual...and since this is what I actually WANT to do for a career, I feel that it would be PERFECT for me. 

Of course, this could interfere with the WLS plans :S  I really hope it doesn't..that's assuming I actually get the job.  Chances are slim really since I don't even have office experience.  I hate not knowing what's going on and the waiting is making me batty.  I hope I get this job, I just hope that if I do I will still be able to have WLS.  I guess it's a matter of what's more health or my future career?  That's a tough one.  Insights would be helpful! 

All the Waiting

Aug 03, 2010

I was MIA for a long time from OH.  I was waiting to hear back about my referral, and got so discouraged that I just couldn't even look at OH anymore.  Seeing everyone getting their surgery dates, their appointments, losing weight...I admit, I was JEALOUS.  SO, I'm back because I got a call! FINALLY I got a call! I waited 8 MONTHS to hear any word about my referral, and finally St. Joes in Hamilton called to book an orientation on August 16!!!  9am!  I'm thrilled of course, and I'm SO glad to finally be on the path to a new and improved ME. 

I weighed myself earlier today, scale said 245.8 lbs.  I kind of fluctuate within a 10 lb range, 245 kind of being the lower end of the 10 lb range.  I just can't wait for that number to be 145 instead of 245! lol.

So anyway, Im back...I'm waiting...and waiting...and waiting...but I know it'll all be worth it in the end.

First Step

Nov 30, 2009

Had a physical, and talked to my Dr. about surgery.  She is supportive!  Going for bloodwork tomorrow, and glucose and thyroid testing.  Then she will send out forms for approval by OHIP!  This is the beginning of a long journey to a NEW ME and I'm excited!

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Nov 30, 2009
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