Dr manuel garcia garza mexico

Jun 28, 2016

Plz help. Has anyone had surgery with dr manuel garcia garza in Mexico????


Frustrations- wait list

Feb 09, 2010

 So the waiting list for Dr Tang was at 6 months. The government then decided to cut the surgeries from 15 a month to 2 a month. Now when I was planning to have my surgery completed by the end of 2010 I am told that it will be more like 2012.  I never planned for this and this is causing me to have the hugest disappointment. I just want to get on with my life. I am so tired of these delays.  I wish more than anything I had the money to do this surgery privately and just pay for it and get on with my life! I'm still going to the gym and stuff but I go through periods that can last up to a month where I just can't make myself go. Thankfully I am on the winning side of that right now and have been going to the gym and doing well for the last little while. I'm just frustrated! 
I hate that My life is in someone elses hands!!!


Nov 19, 2009

 Still waiting to hear about my surgery. wondering when its going to be. I am currently in Europe on vacation for a month. will be back home in 2  weeks or so. I am quite enjoying my vacation but i know that I am going to have to go back and face the music. my diet has kind of been on vacation as well. do ta do... OK i know not good. I keep saying tomorrow i will eat healthy but... we all know how that goes. But I hope that when i go back i am able to get on with it again. Situations with the friends are kind of on the rocks right now but, I am happy... or at least I will be happy in the long run to have ended this unhealthy friendship. I just really need to stay strong and not cave in again as i have done so many times in the past. Anyways... the vacation is peaceful and relatively unstressfulk except when i think about having to go back. well that is all for now my friends. i hope your all well and having a healthy day!!!!!


Nothing Interesting

Oct 08, 2009

 well really nothing interesting happening. Im moved and settled now and just taking it day by day. im very excited for halloween in a few weeks!!!



Aug 24, 2009

OK. so the last few weeks has been a whirlwind! I have chosen to leave my current work place because I am very unhappy there and I dont want to get stuck there. I have faith in myself that I can do better. So I am also moving out of my apartment and back in with my parents which will be a huge adjustment to make. I am going back to school to better myself. I am a little aprehensive to committ to school right now and paying for it when there I do not know when my surgery will take place. But school doesn't start till march so I have a while to see what happens with the surgery. anyway I hope all your journeys are going well. *hugs* And thanks for being so great!!! Oh and one more little thing.... I did a weigh in today and lost another 6 pounds, so I am at a total of 74 pounds lost... and it is all on my own. I have to say I am a little proud of myself :)


Quick Update

Jul 27, 2009

Ok, So quick update. I saw surgeon, he approved me for the VSG. YAY! Now I am waiting to see the anesthesioligist and also for a date. I have no idea how long his waiting list is right now for surgery so maybe i will try to check on that.
So far I have lost 65 pounds on my own!!!!  I know that getting WLS will be what I need to help me along this Journey. So, for now, I am Wating patiently.  



Jul 12, 2009

I am so emotionally spendt over this whole thing going on with my "best friend". Her boyfriend is repeatedly posting nasty things about me on facebook. She in no way has put him in his place or defended me or at very least told him to stop posting nasty things about me. I can't forgive this type of thing.  I have deleted both of them from my friends but now he is writing on a mutual friends wall.

I am trying to take care of myself now. But this situation is too much for me to handle. I feel like I have no one to turn to and I am completely exhausted.
I even had a cigarette last night. I quit 3 weeks ago.

I am overwhelmed completely!


Jun 21, 2009

ok so I have been basically flat on my back for the last 7 days with the flu. I am guaranteed to have not lost any weight in the last week and most likely gained weight. The week befor that I had my "monthly friend" who brought mr Cramps with her. That was the worst I have ever had it! So painful. I thought I may have been hemorging at one point. So ya, I am most definately not better from the flu yet but I really need to get back on track and back on my feet. Counting calories starting now!!! I need to to get back on track.
Yogurt- 100g        35 cal      0 gram fat
Coffee- 1 Cup      70 cal      3 gram fat

I have to do this.  I have to get back on track......... More than anything I think I am trying to will myself into this... come on mind and  body... You can do it....lol

OH friends, plz give me motivation and love...... xoxo
1 comment


Jun 08, 2009

Got my next appointment with the surgeon coming up. Hopefully this time around he will have more faith in me and move this surgery back onto the table..... july 2nd!


May 23, 2009

Went on a 6 day road trip and somehow managed to not gain weight! yay! This process can be sooo slow at times it drives me nuts having to do all this waiting. But I am putting in the work and trying to lose this weight without anyones help at this point..... Just waiting for the next step

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Vancouver, XX
Mar 19, 2009
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