The B.B.M.H.S.'s Visit . . . .

May 23, 2012

B@stard  Behavioral Mental Health Specialist (BBMHS) . . .

Well, after telling her that I don't eat because:

(1)  One of my Father's friends molested me . . .
(2)  My Mother didn't stop breastfeeding me too early, nor pimped me out for groceries . . .
(3)  When Mary Jane Rottencrotch broke up with me, I was sooooooo distraught, that I put on the fat . . .
(4)  nor am I mad at Jesus because He force fed me, while conducting the miracle of the fish and barley loaves. . .

I am overweight, big boned, juicy, Big Poppa, fat, Big Man because. . .


I told her, that I have to reprogram my brain to:

(1)  Cook and Eat Healthier . . .
(2)  Exercise DAILY . . . .
(3)  Learn to connect healthy living with a healty spiritual center . . .

. . . And would you believe, she was VERY happy that I came to this conclusion!

Her advice on the book I am reading:  Treat it like fried catfish . . . eat the meat. . . spit out the bones!

~Just Me . . .

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