Brian Quebbemann

"What was your first impression of him/her?Doctor Quebbemann first appeared somewhat impersonal. How did your impression change over time? Doctor Q does warm up to his patients with time. How would you describe his/her office staff? The turnover in front office staff needs to be addressed. The importance of these positions to overall approachability at the office cannot be underestimated. The demeanor of the front office staff "is" the first contact, and if not handled appropriately, could be the last contact made by many of these patients. What did you like least about him/her? Doctor Q has a great smile, but it's like gold -- one has to pan for it! What should future patients know about him/her? Doctor Q is a serious surgeon, very highly qualified. How much does he/she emphasize aftercare? Doctor and his physician team are great in this area. Does he/she have a structured aftercare program? Doctor has put together an effective team of aftercare physicians and he attempts to make himself available to his patients even in light of his busy schedule. How did he/she address the risks of surgery? Doctor did explain the risks, he also explained the percentages of such risks in comparison to the risks of obesity. How would you rate him/her overall? If 10 is the highest, Dr. Quebbemann is 100+. Which is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or both great? Without a doubt, surgical competence. "
About Me
Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 27, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
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