My name is Candace and i am 25 yrs. old.  I am married with no childeren but i have 6 dogs that keep me busy.  My husband and I have been married now for 6 1/2 yrs. but have been together for 8 1/2 yrs.  I am selfemployed and i love it but it can be stressful at times( most of the time actually ) I own my own hair salon which is great and i LOVE LOVE LOVE doing hair.  It is my passion i guess you coulds say.  
  About 7 1/2 yrs. ago my husband & I were in a pretty bad car accident.  That changed my life forever!!!  It took a year to recovery and two knee surgeries.  I also found out that i had Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome which was not so great.  I guess i have always had it but the symptoms were trigered from the stress of the car wreck.  I always weighed about 145 to 165 before everything happened but 8 months after i got married i weighed 305 lbs!!!  That was so crazy.  I did not change eatting habits or my activity but i ballooned because if the PCOS which at the time i did not realize.  So when i found myself weighing that much i changed my diet dramatically and i joined a gym.  I managed to get down to 230lbs but then platoed.  Frustrating if i may say so.. That has been my life sense Aug of 02', my weight yoyoing.  Now i am at 270lbs and i am sick of it.  I have started my wls journey.  I do not have a date yet but i have started the program i need to do to get one.

About Me
Mount Morris, NY
Apr 22, 2008
Member Since

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The beggining
