8 Months Out

Jan 02, 2009

Hello, gosh it sure has been a long time since I posted anything.  What the past 8 mths have been like.  Amazing!!  I have lost right at 100lbs .  I was feeling really good, but since surgery my back has been acting up again.  They said with the weight lost, it has shifted my body.  So I have a new bulge in my disc.  This has caused me much pain since early Nov.  I have been out on FMLA.  I haven't been able to do much.  I can't even clean my house.  But all is getting well.  I have had 2 nerve blocks.  Which has helped with some of the pain.  They also have me on 2 pain meds.  But I have Faith in the LORD that he will make this better.  Other than that, I am liking the new me.  I am smaller now then when I got married.  I just can't wait to get under 200, which is just a few pounds.  I want to lose about 50 more pounds.  Hope fully after that I can start trying to have another baby.  My clock is ticking..lol  I will try to post more.  Life just gets so busy when you have a 3 year old.  I hope everyone has a wonderful NEW YEAR!  I am going to make this one of the best ones! 

8 Weeks Out

Jun 22, 2008

I know I haven't been posting for a while.  Tomorrow will be 8 weeks out.  I have been at very slow rate for weight loss.  I am down 44 lbs.  But the last 3 or 4 weeks I haven't really lost.  I was told I would hit this spot.  Now that I am back to work, I am moving around more.  My scar is healing.  It is still sore, but I know it takes time.  As for my back, well lets say it is geting there.  Much better than before.  With all the stuff happening in the last 8 weeks, I haven't really did any exercising.  I know that may be one reason for the slow weight loss.  So it looks like that will be part of my everyday life now.  I am just going to start out walking.  I am going to check the gym out that is in our community.  It is like 35.00 a year.  So that way I can start seeing the loss again.  I will try to keep it more updated. 

3 weeks out!

May 22, 2008

Well yesterday was 3 weeks post op.  I am feeling so much better.  My scares are healing good.  I am able to move so much better.  I have been sleeping in the bed for the past 3 nights.  Although it makes my hips hurt, I am getting more sleep.  To my scale I have at home I have lost 33lbs.  I go back on 5/29 for my 1 mth follow up.  I will find out the true loss.  I can kinda see it.  I am able to wear all of my wedding rings now.  One I haven't been able to wear in a while.  It really feels good.  I put on a pair of jeans yesterday that used to be too tight.  They fit with some looseness WOOHOO!!!  I just hope I am doing everything right.  Sometimes I feel I don't eat enough.  I do miss the chewing part of it.  My puree trial is almost up.  I can't wait!!  I hope I do well.  I will be returning to work on 6/2/08.  That is if Dr. Byrne releases me.  I want to thank all who have responded to my concerns.  This is a wonderful site which has some fantastic people!!  I am glad to be a part of it

Two weeks out!!

May 14, 2008

Hello everyone!  I hope you all are doing good.  Things are starting to look better for me.  I have had a ruff 2 weeks.  Starting to feel much better.  I am just taking day by day.  I had my staples removed Monday.  That was a weird feeling.  Just glad they are out!!!  Just waiting for the day I can finally sleep back in my bed!!!

1 week out.

May 07, 2008

Hello everyone!  I am sorry I haven't really written yet.  My surgery was last wed.  I was having lap bypass.  Well, once I was out of recovery and what I could remember I had lap and open.  Right at the last moment when trying to connect my small intestines to my new pouch there was a thick roll of fat that he just couldn't get through.  HE tried very hard.  Dr. Byrne did not want to make it open, but he had too.  So I have about 50 staples.  The days in the hospital were ruff.  They just mainly keep me on pain meds.  Also said I had sleep apnea so I was on a C Pat thingy.  I had a tube down my nose and one in my tummy.  I was released from the hospital on Sunday.  I went back on Tuesday to have the drain in my tummy removed was causing pain.  I think they took the tube in my nose out on Saturday.  That was when I go to finally drink something!!  Heck it could have been friday.  Some of the hospital was just a blur.  BUT THEY WERE ALL FANTASTIC!!  They were right there if I needed anything!!  Plus the support from my family also.  
  As of today, I am feeling much better.  Eating and drinking.  Though I do feel like I am always thursty.  My husband has been great fixing me food for me!!  I know when I went back on Tuesday I had lost 7 lbs.  They said the pumped me with so much fluid after surgery, she was sure it added a few pounds.  So right now I am just taking it day by day.  Each day is getting better and better.  I just can't get a full nights rest.  I usually get about 2 to 3 hours then I am up again...  But I just wanted to let you all know how it is going.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.  I can't sit here for long, it starts to hurt.  So I will end here.  I can't finally say that I am a Looser in a good way!!

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Apr 29, 2008

Tomorrow is my big day!  I can't wait.  Just wanted to say if you can all say a prayer for me.  I need all of them I can get. 

1 Week till Surgery!

Apr 24, 2008

 The race is on till Wednesday.  I am so ready, but so scared at the same time!  I know all will be good.  Dr. Byrne is a great doctor.  Soon I will be on the losing side!!

About Me
Goose Creek, SC
Surgery Date
Apr 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 7
8 Weeks Out
3 weeks out!
Two weeks out!!
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!
1 Week till Surgery!
