Hot, Hot, Heat...

Jul 10, 2010

The first real heat of the Pacific Northwest just came with an ugly sizzle.  To this point, we had only hit 75 degrees TWICE, so hitting upper 90's was rough.  I did minimal work around the house, but I barely made it through shopping ;)  Hard to push through the heat, but thanks to the big Ice Tea Jeff got me, I carried on ;)  Walking around large stores sometimes is good exercise, even if I feel like I wussed out.

No word from Dr Hunter's Office, shucks.  I see my regular doc on Monday, so I will fill her in on my journey.  I want her to look over my previous bloodwork (March), as there were some questions I had.

I am inspired enough to pull my daughters bike out of the garage -- If folks don't want to see this fat chick pedal around town, I will post my comings & goings!  I want to check a path near home - runs along the Green River & a public golf course.  I hate to wuss out, but I think it is a better idea that I start out with flat areas - until I am lighter.  Nothing like the thought of having to push a bike back to your truck, if anything went wrong...  Jeff is now wondering about getting a bike for himself ;)  On the road, again... hee hee hee!
B : )~

