Feeling Pretty Good, Today...

Oct 22, 2010

I am getting ready for a mini vacation - driving to the Washington Coast - and proud that I am actually planning all my meals away from home.  I am very happy to realize that I don't feel the need to vacation from dieting at this point.  I have no problem cooking my "special" meals for everyone else, and not feel like I am missing out.  Having been successful in the past (haven't we all been there?!?), I am really happy that I have lost that feeling I "NEED" certain foods.  No "Last Meals" for me.  The cravings are under control, which is half the battle in my mind.  Most of my meals have always been healthy, I know my problem is the quantities.

Having pounded a lot of pavement today, shopping & getting everything in order before my trip, I was really uplifted to have my next door neighbor ask me a welcome question,  "I don't want to sound rude, but you've lost quite a bit of weight, haven't you?"  It is only 40 pounds at this point, but it felt really good to have someone notice.  The pain in my feet and my ankle has been really bad, but every time I wipe the sweat from my brow, I know I am one more step closer to getting my weight to a more manageable number.  I gave myself a year to get my weight "under control" before making the decision that I need to take a more aggressive approach - and here I am, almost two years in the holding pattern (one year was caused by an auto accident), and I am finally seeing the Finish Line. 

For anyone who gets frustrated feeling like they are stuck, you just have to keep moving forward.  Steps do not have to be big ones, even the small ones add up.   It may not be easy or quick to get a surgical date, the weight did not appear suddenly, so plan on spending some time working toward reversing the negative behavior.  I have tried really hard to keep my mind on moving forward.  Sure, if I had gotten surgery five years ago, I would probably be in better physical shape, but I really do think that my emotions weren't under control.  Being healthy mind & body is my ultimate goal.

Some people can have treats once in a while, but some people cannot eat treats without being aware that there is a mathematical equation that adds up quickly!  I hate to admit that my ex husband could be right about anything, but he told me something that is very true for me, "Some people just cannot have any sweets. It isn't a matter of self control, it is a matter of how your body deals with the empty calories."  Geez, I hate when someone can point out something so basic, and I still do not want to acknowledge it.  Eating thoughtfully, being active - even when feeling you cannot go any further, and staying positive.  

Life is too long not to enjoy yourself, yet too short to be miserable.  I feel really good today!
B  : )~ 

