Staring at My Scale...

Mar 09, 2011

I just chuckled this morning.  I have been staring at a scale that would not move for almost a week now.  Before anyone says it, I know! I know! Don't weigh yourself daily - insert my frustrated smile here.

There has been an ongoing joke in my house, that I need to run upstairs to weigh myself, when the long awaited bowel movement finally gets here!  Ewww, I just had a Peanuts Cartoon Special run through my head:  "Look Charlie Brown, it's the Great Brown Movement!"  Sorry, I tend to share a little too much.  Well, the awaited event finally happened yesterday afternoon, and no, I did not run upstairs.  I waited to weigh myself right before my nightly shower - in full clothing (which weighed in at SIX POUNDS!) then full nude.  WHAT?!  I still did not see my scale budge, but figured I wasn't going to obsess (much) about it.

This morning, I was lazy, and only left the warmth of bed to go to the bathroom.  I shrugged, pulled out the cruel scale, and just laughed.  How in the world could I have lost two pounds over night?!  Okay, there must be some leprechaun Tom-foolery at hand, as all I did this morning was urinate.  Announcing my two pound scale adjustment (I weighed three times to be sure), I was then told, "Yeah, well did you see how much of the blankets you had on YOUR side of the FLOOR?!"  Hmmm, me a blanket hog?  Okay, you got me, I hate the cold weather in Seattle!  Could I really have been sweating off my pounds in bed?  Who cares?!

My love/hate relationship with my scale will continue.  At least I know my scale loves me more than the one at one of my support groups!  The scale at home matches both of my doctors office scales, yet the one at the support group was so cruel & said I weigh eight extra pounds.  Note to self:  Don't give a damn; you can always go home & snuggle up to your "home" scale...

Back to the Peanuts Special, I have decided that one of my daily snacks has to be half a cup of Fiber One.  Dang it, I hate missing out on the "daily event" most everyone gets - don't make me hurt you if you have them more than once a day!  With all things, I will try to stay positive, smile at NSV (Non Scale Victories), and keep on keeping on. Last night I actually could have sneaked a Hershey's Kiss, but decided not only would my breath rat me out, it would be a stupid, childish move.  So see, if I can grow up and behave like an adult (laughter fills my immature mind), so can you!

Stop letting your scale dictate the way your day goes.  It isn't easy, but you will have a better day!  Oh, and I finally took measurements - woo hoo, I have lost so many inches, I hope that they don't find anyone else!
Brenda : )~

