What Color Should I Wear, Tomorrow...?

Mar 10, 2011

Now, I get the concept of the 12 Step Program, I just don't really know the steps involved.  I was just sitting here, fighting a "blue" moment when it dawned on me: I am SOBER.

My thoughts earlier went to a stupid bag of chips.  Yes, I am honest and tend to say what is on my mind.  Doritos has a new flavor, and I have tried it, and really liked it.  Lucky for me I am sober, ha ha!  "I wonder if anyone opened the bag of Doritos, yet?"  I didn't go lumbering off to the pantry to check, so I guess that this is a moment to reflect on.  I know I am feeling blue, for no real particular reason, but instead of feeding my emotions, I am writing them out.  Recognizing the problem is a... first... step?! 

My weight is here because I ate too much.  I cannot blame every inch on heredity, metabolism, so I guess that is another step... Two?  Acknowledgment.  After having my stomach reduced to a wee pouch, I really cannot fill it to the degree I had just three months ago.  Lucky for me, my "triggers" don't work the same way they used to!  I can think about food - sometimes bad food (evil Doritos!) - but I usually don't have the "urge" to eat.  Man, I hope this feeling lasts, because I know what I used to be like in this kind of mood!

Don't get me wrong, I was not someone who ate junk food, drove through fast food restaurants, but even healthy choices can be bad choices, if not made in moderation.  Hmmm, moderation - maybe another step?  When my mind is not in a happy place, I know I have a tendency to think, "Wonder what is in the kitchen?"  So, I am happy that I am not defaulting to bad habits!

My day had a couple of hiccups, so I get that I may be down for those reasons.  What really bugs me is this: Why can a normal day leave me feeling like I am in the dumps?  I may know the answer, so I will just say, "I'll take hormones for a thousand, Alex...."  "What is, I think my body is releasing too much estrogen out of my fat cells, and I cannot keep up?"  Trying to be rational usual saves me from grazing.  If it isn't hormones, no biggie!  I doubt my hormones will take offense for me singling them out to blame for my mood...

Anyhow, why am I writing this for the world to see?  Mainly because, I love to tell others to "Stay Positive!" and want you to see that even a positive person has a bad day once in a while.  My day hasn't been some terrible tragedy, just that I am a little "blue".  I just made another silly connection:  I have been wearing the color blue, three days in a row.  Tomorrow, I choose a different color!  I am not being silly, just figure I need a change of pace.

Any suggestions on which color to wear?
Brenda : )~

