Nutritionally Necessary...

Aug 17, 2011

Last Meal Mentality is something you need to banish before deciding to go the Bariatric route, and here is why: There is nothing so unnerving as to be sitting in bed, knowing there are Hershey's Kisses (with Macadamia Nuts) sitting in the closet, and all you have to do is stop listening to the bickering in your head, and go get them.  That was what I did last night around midnight.

The Hershey's Kisses I spoke of, have been in my boyfriend's closet since February of this year.  Who knows if they are even still good?  I won't, because I am trying to deal with my own head hunger issues and do not need to tempt myself into just having one.. two... or fourteen of them.  All of us are told in the seminars that sugar will make you dump, so don't eat it.  I am here to tell you NOT to tell yourself that, but to decide you should not eat them, because they aren't nutritionally necessary to live.

Trust me, after surgery, I tested all sorts of foods, just to SEE if I would get sick.  This is the wrong way to use your tool.  I get a mild dumping from some foods, I get jittery from coffee sometimes, but getting my head on straight is my goal.  If you tell yourself you can NEVER have something, ever again, how likely are you to test this theory?  Me, close to 80%, I think.  Don't get me wrong, I know right from wrong, but I also have an almost sick need to hear the phrase, "I told you so," or the other one, "Nu uh!"  When people ask me the hardest thing about my life since surgery, I tell them it is the voices in my head.

For those worried about whether I gave in and ate the Kisses, I actually woke up at 7:45am and in my head I said, "You made it!"  Oddly enough, I was happy.  My head hunger drives me wonky.  Today, I was busy, and forgot to eat lunch.  How many of you have had that happen?  Well, don't let it become a regular thing, as it messes with your tool.  I strive to have five small meals a day, so about every two hours I have protein.  Don't let having things get in your way, this is your new way to survive, so make time to have a quick meal.  It helps with head hunger - it really does!

I have tasted alcohol since surgery.  I have had sugar since surgery.  I have had caffeine since surgery.  Have I striven for a better diet?  Yes.  If you do not have the deprivation working against you, it is easier to just say, "No thank you" when foods you know aren't nutritionally necessary in your life.  Yup, I have said "No thanks" many times, and sometimes I smile just to myself, and give myself an "atta girl" for not just giving in.  You will find what you really do not need, and you may find things you cannot live without.  Just learn to balance the good with the bad.  If you slip, pick yourself up, and strive to improve your diet the rest of that day. 

One hundred and fifty-five pounds.  That is the amount of weight I was carrying around last year that I really do not miss.  I took small steps to get where I am, and I am enjoying the journey!  Stay positive!!!

I still have a long way to go, but I am getting closer.  When you think you NEED that Hershey's Kiss, just think, "Is this nutritionally necessary?"  If you change the way you think about food, it isn't so tempting.

Brenda : )~

