Plastics Update...

Sep 30, 2011

Well, the good news is the surgeon says my panneculectomy is needed, and will be covered, at my current size.  The bad news, he says his current hospital (he left a five state trauma hospital in Seattle for the smaller one I see my primary doc at) cannot accommodate someone with my needs.  Then the good news sways back in, the hospital where I had my WLS is also the NEXT BEST in the area, considering the surgeon who would have been THE best, just retired - argh.  So, another referral, and I should be closer to my surgery.

Folks still in a HIGH BMI range (I am just below 50) can actually have the excess skin removed, but there are other factors to consider.  Why this surgeon said he wouldn't take my (or ANY other panneculectomies) has to do with the recovery process.  He told me people needing such extreme work, are on the unit for a minimum of two weeks - longer if needed.  The hospital we was at also deals with extreme burn cases - remember I said it was a five state trauma hospital - well, they were the best of the best for what I am needing.

Here is another thing to consider, if your hospital is a Center of Excellence, there is most likely a Plastics Department who has worked with many others LIKE US.  When he brought up Virginia Mason, I said, "Oh, that is where my surgery was..." He told me to continue my search with them.  My one year follow up with my bariatric surgeon is in November, but on Monday, I will be calling their office for a referral to plastics within their network - tada!

I brought in many before photos, and the surgeon raised his eyebrows and said if he didn't know better, "I would have thought you were two different people!"  Yes, he agrees, I have literally swam my ass off!  This is why I need to get the panneculectomy sooner than later -- the weight is causing pain in my back.  Sigh.  Oh, and he told me "No charge for the visit!"  Woo hoo!

So, in a way, this isn't much news, but I actually faced something that I was afraid to do -- mainly, the being told an outright "no".  The surgeon was VERY nice, and says I have the right attitude.  See, being POSITIVE is the way to be!

I will update my next visit to the plastic surgeon, so stay tuned for more news!
Brenda : )~

