The Year is Going Out on a HIGH Note...

Dec 22, 2011

First things first - THANK YOU to all my supporters -- I really am able to go further and believe in myself fully when I have others cheering me on!  When I hear I am inspiring others, when I get comments, that inspires me!  Throughout this who process, I have tried to be as honest about my feelings, good & bad, and shared even some embarrassing facets of my life, and I promise not to hold back or stop.

For those who asked how to get the process going, my suggestion is first, ask your surgeons office who they refer patients to, as my primary doctor referred me to a surgeon who could not handle my case, as it is severe -- his words.  You do not need to be at a goal weight IF you have at least a Grade 3 or better pannus (please refer to my last blog, it outlines Grades 1 - 5), as this is considered RECONSTRUCTIVE, not merely cosmetic, and effects your life dramatically.  Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is involving muscle, as in my case, will happen when I am actually within the surgeon's preferred "goal weight".  My cosmetic surgeon did ask me if I am planning on losing more, I chuckled and said, "Of course I am..."  That is one of the reasons he isn't giving me a "belly button," as I will be getting more surgery down the line.  Oh, and if I do not get a traditional belly button, I already have plans what I want in it's place!  I will share as it happens...

For those who have been following my journey, you have heard my back pain complaints, and I have had four doctors now say that the pannus is directly causing my issue, and I indeed need reconstructive surgery.  The process now can be quick, as i am under the impression that my case is severe enough to get an approval upon first submission of my surgery.  At that point, it could be just weeks until I get into the surgery room and get a more streamline torso -- I am wondering what size I'll be, so if can start planning on getting new swimsuits!  My daughter laughed and asked me why I have such a large supply of "hand me down" jeans, it is because, "after surgery, I don't know what size I'll be!"  I have jeans from size 18 up to the 28's I am wearing at this moment! 

Tomorrow, I head to California, so I wanted to at the very least give everyone who wrote me this thank you!  I promise to get back to each and every one of you, please bear with me as I will be on the road.

I have only 12 more miles to swim, and already have two places to swim while I am gone for Christmas.  Next year, I know I will want to do at least 600 miles, and the surgeon says I should only be out of the water 6 weeks.  I am wondering if 750 miles is too far, but it is what I am leaning toward.  If you are going to set a goal, make it a good one!

As soon as I know, I promise to post more.  I will include many photos, and of course the "nitty gritty" of the whole process.  I am not afraid of the pain, frankly, I look at it as a "rite of passage," and many of those aren't painless, wink wink!  Anything worth having, is worth working toward, and that includes working through the pain.  When I consider the years I have spent in pain from my excess weight, a couple of weeks of pain should be a walk in the park.  Besides, I happen to know they prescribe pretty good drugs to post operatives, just kidding, sort of...  Here's to a HAPPY & Healthy NEW YEAR, and New ME!

Stay positive!
Brenda : )~

