Whistle While I Work...

Jan 06, 2012

Ever have one of those days where you get EVERYTHING done?  I did, and am I beaming with my accomplishment. 

Mammogram.  One word that makes many women find excuses to not do this simple task, I just want to ask those of you who fall into that description, why???  It only takes maybe a half hour to an hour of your day away, and early detection is crucial if you have anything questionable in your scans.  Fatty tissue isn't always as easy to self test, so why not take the little bit of time, and get your boobies squished?

The funny thing I got a kick out of when I stripped down for the exam, I FIT in the One Size Fits All gown - woo hoo!  Last year, they had to grab me one of their "extended size" gowns, so this is an improvement to me.  When asked if I have had any changes since my last scan, "Oh, I lost a significant amount of weight..."  When she asked "How much," I beamed, "Oh, just 165 pounds..."  She looked up, and congratulated me.

My miles for the week stands at 14, but I am going swimming tomorrow, so I may get to add more.  When I went to get my truck serviced, it was great to not have to move my seat after it is serviced, and fitting in an arm chair is something I silently celebrate.  Having the Service Manager, who has known me five years, not recognize me, now THAT was the best part of the visit.

Okay, another request for old, too big for you, swimsuits.  I am also asking if YOU need/want a suit, please send me (private message) what you need, I'll try to get it for you!  If you have a swimsuit that is too big, why not pay it forward to another who can use it?  Sure, you won't get the tax deduction, but you may be helping someone get active.  I do have some suits between 26 - 32, and maybe one or two beyond.  I have already received a few requests, and I am trying to fill them.

Oh, a swimwear tip for those of you like me, with a hanging, saggy tummy... I wear a swim brief one size smaller then my swimsuit - backwards!  I hate that my belly is bigger than my butt, but hey, I make it work!  I found black works great - and you could even use a pantie girdle, but wearing it backwards (for me) keeps my belly tucked in.

Work, chores, exercise, and I even got to have some Thai food for dinner.  Yup, I am whistling, even if only in my head, because I had a great day!

Stay positive!
Brenda : )~

