Back into the Groove....

Jul 10, 2012

I pulled an early morning swim today, I was a little unnerved, but needed to work off some steam.  I did mile 371 this morning, and I have to say, I am LOVING my new waterproof mp3 player!  I mentioned it, but did not give more information about it -- it is not in the ear, but plays through my cheekbone, and I bought the extended warranty, since I've already killed 2 sets of waterproof earplugs with my other player.  Yes, they do make waterproof mp3 players -- but mine is hopefully a better player, and I can still use my ear plugs to keep water from giving me the dreaded swimmers ear, sigh.  Anyhow, do your research, but I am rocking out to the Finis SwiMP3.2 Player.

What's going through my mind?  Well, I hadn't brought it up, but I had to have a skin lesion removed today.  I saw my doctor back on the 25th of last month with a wound that just would not heal -- it is in the middle of my waist, in the middle of my back, so not the best place to have stitches!  Anyhow, I have tried to not get worked up over it, but worst case they check the biopsy and tell me it is skin cancer.  After treating it for over two weeks, the wound that had been on my back a month and a half was still not healing, so I now have a chunk of skin removed & what will hopefully be a cool scar.  My doctor told me to not swim for a few days, and of course, don't bend over -- or I may pop a stitch.

Upon leaving the doctors office, I ran a couple errands, or at least tried to -- yet another store closure that took me off guard, sigh.  Losing weight means all new bras - I bought new ones the other day, but somehow grabbed one too small.  Stopping for a couple items at the grocery store, I succumbed to the fresh flowers.  Says the florist, "Sometimes we just have to treat ourselves!"  To which, I agree -- when is the last time YOU had fresh flowers?  Go out & spend a couple bucks - I got a good deal on a dozen "rainbow" colored roses, and I am enjoying them now.  When you buy your flowers, think about YOU each time you look at them, I promise it will bring you nothing but smiles!

I called a friend to invite her to a support group meeting, but she has a headache.  When is the last time YOU went to a support group meeting?  You know they are there for your own good, why not make a commitment to go to at least one this month?  Anyhow, I will be happy to see folks I haven't seen in over a month, and make sure I am back on the straight & narrow!  Talking with others who are going through the same issues is the best way to keep your head in the game -- so if you haven't gone to a support group meeting, it is time to start looking for one.  Ask your doctors office, check here on the State Forum -- you may find one closer than you think!  If you really cannot find one, consider starting one!  I did ;)

With most of the United States suffering from heat, I am still stuck wearing 3/4 length sleeves and long pants -- it's a chilly 64 degrees in Seattle.  Hoping my back is healed in time, I have some big plans for my summer!  I have two decks that run the back of my home, they need to be replaced, guess who is getting a quick course in carpentry?  Yup, I have been looking forward to being strong enough to do the grunt work, it will make me enjoy those decks more!  I must say, before losing more than 180 pounds, I could not imagine myself volunteering to do such heavy labor, but I am so looking forward to it!

Cleaning out my closets, I actually had to start replacing clothing, so for the first time in years, I am actually "in style".  I laughed when telling some of my friends the new stores I am now able to shop in -- and one especially, the "hoochie mama store"!  I will post a photo or two, but I thought the "80's look" was LONG GONE... Nope, it is back, and sadly, I love how it looks on me!  Shorts, short skirts, snug tops, correct fitting bras -- oh, and CUTE panties!  I didn't go too far, but I finally cut loose with some money and am looking pretty good.  Often I forget to reward myself for the hard work, but when I do -- I reward myself well -- you should too!

With the stitches in my back, I will be walking instead of swimming.  Lucky for me I have cool weather.  Stay positive, and get your body moving!

Brenda : )~

