I've switched (no pun intended) to Dr Huacuz

Jan 04, 2009

There are several reasons, despite a bit of a reputation for not dealing with surgery complications very well.

1.  He is going to give me lap DS for the same price I can get open DS with Ungson. This will help in my recovery, etc. I have to get back to work and my kids right away, I don't have the luxury being a single mom to take a long time to recuperate.

2.  I can have friends come and watch over my in TJ, no one can come with me to Hermosillo.

3.  I'll be close to American hospitals in San Diego in case anyting should happen, I won't be close to the American border in Hermosillo.

4.  I feel an opportunity to report first hand on Dr Huacuz and his surgical center - something that can help others make an honest decision, as well.

5.  I've confirmed he has done over 200 DS surgeries - he prefers lap - and no deaths.

*edit - 1 year later - this was the WORSE decision I ever made - read on.

