3 1/2 Weeks out from Surgery

Apr 25, 2009

Well it's three and half weeks out from my surgery and I'm doing better.  I'm still struggling with the pneumoia but getting a little stronger each day. 

I went back to work this week for part days.  That was tough, but I'm hoping to be able to work a full week next week.

I am beginning to eat some solids I have been able to keep cottage cheese and lowfat cheddar cheese down but not much else.  I'm still trying to get my protein requirements in each day. 

I'm looking forward to adding fish next week and then I'm really looking forward to getting to eat some regular food within the next two weeks.

I'm still struggling with whether I made a mistake or not in doing this but hopefully in a few months I will belief it was all worth it.

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Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2009
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