Starting My 180 Days again.

Jan 20, 2012

Well here I am starting my weigh ins all over.  Lets see how it goes.  I am not counting my chicks still I see them outside the shell. 

Shut Door

Jun 29, 2011

I found out last week that  my BMI  had to be at obesity levels for 3 consecutive years in order for the insurance to ok my surgery. If I had some medical conditions that could push it some but who wnts to wait for that to roll around??   So,  it  will be until May 2012 before I can qualify. 

Now, I don't want to stay this way for anotheyr year, much less another day.  However, after several days of crying and broken heartedness, I have calmed down to the place where I can think.  This did not surprise the Father in heaven, He saw it before I did. 

We have decided to continue on with the therapist for my food issues and seek the Lord Jesus further.

So, so long for now.

Finished Up 180 Days of Weigh Ins

Jun 21, 2011

Monday, June, 20, 2011 was my last weigh in for my 180 days.  What a mile stone in this journey.
Now I am on my second wait, all my information being submitted to my insurance company.  It covers 100% so I should not have to wait long.

A small bump in the road is my regular physicians office not submitting my information correctly.  My doctor had retired and a new person has come aboard.  A few of my weigh ins had not been submitted to surgeons office, so that is being taken care of.  Next the company that pulls records did not pull specific information requested by surgeons office, that is being worked on.  So, today I will be making a phone call or two to check on this progress, if any, has been done.

In the meantime, I am working on homework from my therapist.  I was recommended to this person because he specializes in eating issues. 

So that is where I am today, as of June the 21st.

Walking Further On My Journey. 2nd. Post

Jun 17, 2011

It is a hot Saturday evening here in the south Alabama.  This week has been busy in the process of ending my 180 days of weigh ins.  That will be Monday, June 20th.  Just Thursday I called my surgeons office to see if all my medical records had been sent from my family physicians office.  The answer was 'some'.  And not what was asked for.  So another trip to the physicians office to sign another consent for records with an even more detailed note of what the surgeon needs printed on it.  I am hopeful that it will be sent.

Just the other day, Wednesday, I was asked to see a therapist for food issues.  This was to help me set to mind steps to success with my wls.  Strange kinda little guy.  But, I am to see this person for 6 weeks prior and that being once a week.  I figure I can do this.  However, he did send me homework and lots of it.  Reading and forms to fill out and of course a food journal.

So,  I am looking forward to Monday of my last weigh in for my final 180 days and then all my info faxed to the surgeons' office.  Then I should have a call for my BEGIN class.

My question that has croped up is: During this process has any of you felt displaced?  Not connected?  Let's if you are in limbo?  That is how I feel.  Strange.  It is as if  on the inside of me there is Shandel, the regular person and I have been held hostage almost in a prison I put myself in.  And the jail break is so soon.

I went and put on layaway my child's school uniforms today.  I am a teacher at her school and I too must purchase uniforms, however, I am waiting because I will have had my surgery before school starts back.  In August I will know what size to get and THAT will change also.   It just feels strange.

Enough of that.  I am grateful to be this close.  I thank my LORD Jesus for getting me here and taking me all the way.

My Beginning Journey

Jun 15, 2011

My name is Shandel and I am a southern gal.  Blessed with a good marriage of almost 23 years to my high school sweetheart.  We have also been loving the experience of being parents to two girls. Parenthood has taught us many things and is still teaching us.   My husband and I are both born again Christians in Jesus Christ. My husband is a fire fighter and I am a teacher at a small Christian school.  And welove to plan trips to Disney coming up soon!!

Where am I on my journey??  Well, I am in the place of waiting on my last weigh in at my family physicians office.  Going to WLS support group meetings and about to see a therepist for about 6 weeks of pre-surgery counseling.  So my journey is still in the beginning stages, however, it is going in the right direction. 

My age is now 45 and I have not always been over weight. I have been on the opposite side of obese.  Anorexia.  In my teen years mainly.  My weight did not start climbing until the summer 1999.  After the birth of my first child.  Within a few months following that summer, our child was diagnosed with leukemia.  A rare form of leukemia.  8 months later she passed and I found myself so over weight that I did not have anything to wear to her funeral. 

Since that time, almost 10 years, I have put on more weight.  Have been on several anti-depressants and sleep aids.  However, the past year 2 years the Lord has been working in my life in a new and fresh way.  I went to see my doctor and told him that I was sick of the pills and the way I felt.  The pill route was only heading to more pills down the road.  Thank God I have not accumilated any other health issues.  Though I was told by my doctor that diabetes, heart problems, joint issues, etc... were in my future. 

I believe I have more to live for than just exhaustion and couch living.  I want to be active again.  Active as a teacher and a mother. To be a better wife to my husband and friend.  God is good and I know this to be true.  I look forward to serving the Lord Jesus more in my latter years and I believe WLS will help me accomplish this.  

God bless and see ya later.  shandel 

So, here I am.  You are welcome to visit my album of pictures.
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