Day 13- With a little reward for myself!

Aug 09, 2011

So I did it.  I put the scale in the closet.  I have gone all day without weighing myself.  It's basically killing me right now but I KNOW that this constant weighing is not good for me and there is no reason that I can't wait until Thursday when I have my post op appointment to get weighed in.  But it's still driving me nuts because I WANT to know I have lost more.  I have a feeling that the inevitable three week stall is going to be really tough on me. 

Today was my second day back at work.  I let myself sleep in a little more this morning and went into the office at about 11.  If I could actually get to bed at a decent hour it probably wouldn't be so hard to get up in the morning.  But I've never been one for doing things the easy or common sense way!  I had a little difficulty concentrating at work and left at about 3:30 for an appointment.  The appointment, well, I have been on a quest for over a year now to figure out what makes my mind tick and determine why I use and abuse food the way that I do.  As a part of this quest, I have been meeting every other week with a counselor who deals specifically with food issues.  During my time seeing her, I came to the realization on my own, that I needed a little extra help and that I wasn't going to be doing it on my own.  She was very hesitant for me to proceed, as she sees a lot of people who have failed at the surgery.  But I knew I had to give it a go.  So in addition to my surgery I have pledged to continue to see her to discuss my emotions related to food.  Today was my first appointment back since my surgery and it went very well!  She was surprised by how well I am doing and we talked a lot about where I might want to focus in the coming months.  I think, in order to get the most out of these session, I need to refocus and work specifically on these issues without letting the other day to day chaos of my life interfere.  Usually I go in there, spout off on whatever is bothering me and we never seem to get to the food related issues because I'm so full of other stuff.  But from now on- FOCUS!  Focus Shannon, focus!

After my appointment, I met a friend for my first reward!  In celebration of my 20 pound loss, I FINALLY got a much needed pedicure!  Seriously...I needed it.  And it felt glorious.  My toes are now a super cute trendy new shade of blue and I got to spend some quality time with a friend!  I should have stayed out, though, as I got roped into helping the hubby stain the deck for a few hours when I got home.  :)

Overall, today was a nice day.  It's almost 11 pm and I am exhausted and hoping sleep will come easy.  Tomorrow our foster dog has a meet and greet and may get adopted.  We have had her for two months so it will be weird adjusting to life without her.  But I'm hoping for the best. 

Over and out-


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2010
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