My weight came on rapidly in my early 20s, eventually attributed to PCOS. In the last 20 years I have done WW (multiple times), Jenny Craig, Susan Powter, low-fat, low-carb, Phen-Fen, to name a few, not to mention accupuncture, supplements, etc. I have never made it below 220 and size 18. 

Carrying 100 extra pounds for 20 years is taking a toll on my body, and things I've always done have become more difficult.  With a diagnosis of severe sleep apnea, my passion for European travel suddenly feels cumbersome... imagine carrying a machine over your shoulder up the stairs of a 400 year old cottage in Ireland. Ugh!

Ultimately, the deterioration of my 73 year old father is what has brought me to this place.  He struggles to walk and hurts all the time.  This is my future... unless, I do something to alter my path.  I had not been comfortable with other forms of WLS, until I learned of VSG in February.  I am one week away from submitting piles of paperwork to insurance for approval.  I have been excited and terrified, all at the same time.

My choice is driven by a desire to NOT hurt.  I want to feel a little closer to my age, rather than 20 years older.  When I realized I didn't love myself as a size 10 (I thought I was fat and ugly as a teenager), I decided I was running out of time and needed to learn to love myself at size 20.  And I do!  I love myself enough to make a difficult choice, and change my life for the better. 

I am grateful for those who have courageously gone before, and offer their hands in support for those of us just entering the path.

Bright blessings to you on your sacred journey.

About Me
Jun 21, 2012
Member Since
