My first hospital check-up 29 July 2009

Jul 29, 2009

Today was my first hospital checkup since Surgery, my Doc was very pleased with my progress and advised that i should continue to do all that i am doing. She also said that i was looking fantastic so that was great to hear. I did ask about the fact that i've stalled for over 3 weeks and if there's something that i can do to break it, she advised me that i'm losing inches and should just continue with what i'm doing.. I'm still frustrated about it but i'm trying to be positive. I'm very strong willed and love a challenge and i think thats what frustrates me more..the fact that i'm putting in so much effort and not seeing any results.
Yesterday was a great day at the gym where Ash and I spent 2 1/2 hours... i really enjoyed it. The gym is about 10mins walk from home and i think we had to crawl all the way home, every muscle in my body hurt. But it felt great to have worked so hard. I quite enjoy sweating now! There must be something wrong with me for saying that

Anyway once again Ash was armed with her camera taking pics of my journey.

