Sharon B. 23 years, 1 month ago

******Begging for comments******ok everyone,***** I am beseaching you for post of comments to my profile page today throughout the weekend. I will print them out and take them with me to North Carolina on monday. so please, please, if you have not done it already, go by my profile comments page, and post some well wishes, some inspiration, and some blessing for me. I really would appreciate it soooooo much. Thanks all my love

Sharon B. 23 years, 1 month ago

***From Pastor Darrly Ross.*** I'm somewhat new to the list even though I've been lurking in the background reading about others experience for 2 months now I've never posted due to lack of male activity, I don't believe the realizes that there are also FAT men. However I do clearly identify with you as I am also "SOLD OUT 4 JESUS". I really haven't much to say at the moment other than I love you in Christ Jesus and am agreeing in prayer with you "that you are all ready healed by his stripes and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and further we cancel every plan, plot or scheme the enemy may devise against you, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ! Baby Girl, I have to be honest as to why I have a vested interest in you, Shirley Caesar said and I receive it in the name of Jesus " I'm next in Line" for a miracle. I don't know why you switched from Dr. Smith to Dr. Gonzales but I've been overweight since I was 12 and I'm now 48, as soon as I'm approved (Lord I know were supposed to be anxious for nothing) but its been 36 long painful yrs. and like the man at the pool of Bethesda laid on his mat for 36 yrs. Lord I'm ready to get in the water and receive my healing. I really wrote more than I intended but please know I am praying for your expedient recovering without incident as I intend to go to Dr. Gonzales after you share everything with me. I know you attend World Changers from reading your web postings I also am a minister of the most high God. My wife & I live alone now, not to far from your church, we live in Fairburn. Ops' gotta show my pride' my granddaughter is currently visiting from Pensacola. We'd love to hear from you if you should ever get a moment, I'm Pastor Darryl and she is Sister Cynthia Ross. God Bless you and your entire household***** In His Service***** Pastor Darryl Ross***** P.S. I'm gonna have to get you to teach me how you do all that fancy stuff to your web page too.

Sharon B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Sweetheart, I Just wanted you to know how much I love and support you. From your husband Daniel.

sherry G. 23 years, 1 month ago

What a very touching poem!! I wish you luck! You will be in my prayers!

Margaret M. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hey Sharon, It seems like months ago that you said your surgery would possibly be in June. Girl, I just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming surgery date. I am so happy for you. I pray that God bless and keep you. If you trust and believe you will always be safe. I will see you on the other side. Margaret

Angela B. 23 years, 1 month ago

I loved your poem and enjoy all your posts. Wishing you the very best of luck!

Sharon B. 23 years, 1 month ago

"See You On The Otherside" Sharon B...© My Family say, that I am a fool, racing and counting down the ways. To a surgery that could be life threatening, and even end my days. Why am I so happy and excited to under go the knife? When I will be cut open, and could even loose my life! So I asked myself could they be right, and could I be so wrong? Do I really want to continue to live like this, and if I do, how long? Then I took a look at myself, in the mirror on the wall, And I remember and I realize that in reality, I do not have a life at all! My high blood pressure is rising up for sure, And the chronic pain shooting up my back, is more than I can endure. My clothes are big,, and I made them all by hand, I don't go anywhere unless I have to, cause it's too painful for me to stand. My thighs are so big they rub together, giving me a rash of heat. And the constant swelling of my ankles, keep me from putting shoes upon my feet. Children laugh at me in the grocery store, and call me an ugly name I laugh and joke along with them, as if my feelings are a game. If I continue to live each day like this, I just know I'll go insane. So call me a fool, or whatever you want to, but I must do what I must do! I want to be able to run or even dance, and this surgery is my very last chance. So yes, ..I am running to the cutting table, for this surgery like a blast. And freedom from this obese body, is what I will gain at last! So on next week, I will take a plane, and in a car I'll ride, And when my journey is over, I will see you on the otherside!

Tracy B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi Sharon! I just wanted to wish you good luck on your surgery. I know God is going to keep you safe and guide the surgeon's hands. I have been reading your posts on the board and I just want you to know that you have been very inspiring. I just found your profile page and am going to visit your poetry site and things. I would love to see your house! You seem like a woman full of life and love. I have a surgery date of June 18th in Tulsa, OK. I ask that you also pray for me. Your faith has really been an inspiration to me also. I have even saved some of your poems/prayers to read through before surgery. God Bless Sharon!!

Sharon B. 23 years, 1 month ago

**My Surgery Plans and schedule** Ok I think this is everything. **We will Leave Atlanta at 8:25am 5-7-01 on AirTran Airways 914 DC9 Jet Arrive in Greensboro NC at 9:40am Our rental car will be waiting for pick up at 10am We will drive for 30 minutes to Winston Salem NC check into.. The Extended Stay America Hotel (336)768-0075 Surgery pre-op testing: May 7-01 at 2pm Surgery May 8-01: at 6am Open Duodenal Switch Time Estimated 2 hours Dr. Gonzales, Eduardo M., MD Address/Phone: 1000 Southpark Blvd. Suite A, Winston-Salem, NC 27127 (336) 659-8483 Hospital Name: Forsyth Memorial Hospital Address/Phone: 3333 Silas Creek Pkwy., Winston-Salem, NC 27103-3013 (336) 718-5000 We will hang around in Carolina for a few extra days, and I will make one last trip to the good Doctor's office before I leave town. Of course I am a picture lover so i will be taking pictures with everyone at every given moment! <smiles> we will leave NC by plane on May 13 at: 10:20am we will arrive in Atlanta at: 11:45am should get home by 12 noon

Donna P. 23 years, 1 month ago

Sharon, it goes without saying that you are in my prayers! (But I said it anyway hee hee). I am holding you up in prayer each day and I know that you will be surrounded on every side with angels and with the healing power of God. Just keep your mind focused on Him and you will get through this. I am looking forward to putting your good report on this page soon!
About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2001
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released some weight!
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coming up on six years
