2 Week Update

Sep 16, 2010

Well It's now Sept. 16.   Sixteen days since my surgery and I now weight 263 lbs.  Am tolerating my Stage 4 foods well.  That's it for now.  My 1 month appointment is scheduled for Sept. 30 and I will post again then.

Back Home After Surgery

Sep 06, 2010

Hello everyone,

Just would like to thank all of you who sent your prayers.  I am back home from my surgery which was Tuesday, August 31.  The first day was rough.  I came from under surgery with the most nauteous feeling and kept having the urge to throw up.  The pain wasn't too bad but the gagging aggravated the surgery site, I couldn't eat or drink anything and started throwing up blood.  After about 12 hours of that scenario.  It finally subsided.  I was told by the doctor the next day that I had a blood clot in my pouch.  Thank GOD for his mercy.

Well from that point on everything was fine I was able to tolerate the liquids and they Kept me for an additional 2 days to monitor me and I was home by Friday evening, September 3.

I weighed in at 279 lbs. the day of surgery and now weigh 271 after one week.  Keep in touch and keep me in your prayers.
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Got My Surgery Date

Aug 10, 2010

Finally got my diabetes under control and had my consultation with the surgeon.  The surgeon I orignally had retired and his colleague is nowing performing the operation.  My surgery date is August 31.  The doctor wants me to start a liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery he says to shrink the liver.  I am so excited yet nervous.


Update on my Progress

May 03, 2010

Well, I had my medical evaluation on April 6 and my AC1 level (blood sugar average over 3 month period) was at 318 so I had to be referred to my PCP for an increase in meds and was told that they could not approve my surgery until my blood sugar average was between 70 to 180.  My PCP has increased my meds and want me to report my blood sugar levels weekly for the next few weeks.  My next appointment with him is May 12 so hopefully by then he will send approval to the bariatric center.  I completed the nutrition class on April 21, had my psych evaluation on April 29 and my stress test on April 30.  Hopefully everything is reported to my PCP by May 12 and if he approves then my next step will be the surgical consultation with the bariatric surgeon.  Keep me in your prayers and your fingers crossed.  I am so looking forward to joining the losers bench and improving my health so I will be able to enjoy my family for years to come.

My Story

Mar 20, 2010

I am 47 years old and weigh 300 pounds.  Have been over weight since high school.  At age 18,  I weighed 140 pounds and by the time I was 23 years old I was 180 pounds and the yoyo dieting and weight battle began.  By the time I was 29 years old I weighed 259 pounds, had developed diabetes and hypertension.  Over the years I had accepted that I was obese and in my mind I justified it by saying it was genetics (since my mom was also over weight).  As my health has continued to decline over the years I now have neurological ailments (legs, and back) and was told that if I didn't lose weight not only would I require surgery but I was starting to develop retinopathy (diabetic blindness).  It was at that point that I have decided enough is enough.  I have tried every diet from Jenny Craig, Nutrasystem, the cookie diet, liquid diets, Quick Weight Loss Center and every fad diet in between. 

My stepson's mom had the RNY surgery in August of 2009 and has lost 135 pounds since then and looks great and is no longer diabetic and no longer requires high blood pressure along with other medications that come along with being over weight. 

I attended the bariatric seminar on March 8, 2009 and am  scheduled to see the coordinator on March 25.  I am a little scared because of the risk factor but I have to think about the alternative:  blindness, no legs, stroke, or even worse.  Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers as I start on my journey to a new beginning.

About Me
New Baltimore, MI
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2010
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