
Well I have finally reached a huge goal! I have lost 100 lbs. and am so
excited!! I knew I would lose weight with this surgery but never
imagined I would actually lose over 100 lbs. I feel really good. I have 40
more lbs. to go to get to my goal weight and it actually seems that it
might be attainable. I never imagined I would be this successful. WOW is
it exciting!


I thought it was about time to update! I am in an 11 week training
class for my new job so life has been hectic and stressful which has
resulted in my slacking on this site! I am feeling pretty good. Have lost 75
lbs now. I recently had a set back, I ate too much junk and got pretty
sick. I had to go back to a post-surgery diet of liquids and soft
foods. Luckily I bounced back real quick and am working on better eating
habits again. I am still struggling with getting into a steady exercise
routine, but will get there eventually.


Just a quick weigh in today. I lost another 5 lbs (-60) so I thought I
would post it! Almost half of my extra weight is gone...woohoo just 10
more lbs. and I will be half way there!


I had hit a plateau apparently, and had not been losing much weight but
all of a sudden this week I have started losing again. I have now lost
55 lbs! It is very exciting. Unfortunately my blood pressure is back
up, not sure why. I have had a lot of stress in the last week or two with
starting a new job so I am hoping this is the reason for my blood
pressure shooting up again. I have not had to use BP meds since surgery and
have had great blood pressure but now I started back on the BP meds and
am going to see the doctor about it soon. I am slowly but SURELY
getting back to exercising! I can't believe how quick my muscles have
deteriorated. I feel like a little old lady with very little strength.
Hopefully this will change soon! I am starting to have a lot of sagging skin
so exercise and protein is my focus right now and I hope to have some
good results to post soon! Thanks to all my friends and family for your
continued support, I love you all!


I didn't realize how long it had been since I have been on here! Almost
a month. I am now 7 weeks out. My blood work came back and I was very
low on B1 (thiamin) & iron. Kaiser gave me a B1 injection and started me
on iron pills. I have noticed increased energy levels since then. I am
feeling real good, most of the time I forget I even had surgery! I am
starting to mentally accept that I can not eat portions as large as I
used to. When the surgeon first allowed me to start eating regular food
(chicken, turkey, veg, carbs) I would serve myself a huge plate or order
a big meal. Of course, most of it went to waste! However, my mind is
starting to catch up! I now use smaller plates and serve myself smaller
servings. When I am out I typically order from the child's or senior
menu. I have a little card my surgeon gave me that I can show to
restaurants, it tells them I have a had a procedure which makes my stomach very
small and to please allow me to order smaller portions. Now that I can
eat pretty much anything (except red meat) my life is much easier and I
am much happier! Sometimes I eat too fast and pay for it with extreme
discomfort, and sometimes I get really nauseated but for the most part I
am feeling good and doing well with my new eating habits. I have lost
43 lbs. now, which is very exciting for me!  My next goal is to start
exercising 30 mins a day, 5 days a week. I plan to start that tomorrow. I
will work out in the mornings before work. I am starting to sag from
the qucik weight loss so I really need to get my muscles moving!


It has now been 4 weeks since I had my surgery. I have lost 32lbs. The
weight loss is very exciting. It has been a long, hard road though.
Some days I feel fine but others, like today, I have a lot of discomfort.
I am hoping this is a temporary feeling. It is very frustrating to feel
like you are pretty much healed then wake up the next day and feel like
you did at 1 week out. I am getting so tired of eating eggs, fish and
cottage cheese, I can't wait to be able to add more foods. Going back to
work was a nice change. It was nice to be back and my day passes so
much more quickly with less time to think about food. Although the next
person in my office to make delicious smelling popcorn is going to regret
it!!! LOL I go for a post-op check up tomorrow at Kaiser, which will
include millions of blood tests I'm sure! I am hoping they will add more
foods and tell me that the discomfort will go away soon. I will update
again after I have my post-op results and advice.


Just 1 day away from being 2 weeks post-op!  I lost another 12 lbs.
this week. It is just amazing how the weight is falling off. I feel really
good physically, except that I am still lacking energy but that is
normal. The kids came back from vacation. It is great to have them back.
They are being really big helpers! I go back to work tomorrw. I am SO
ready to get out of this house! I am tired of sitting around and doing
nothing except feeling sorry for myself that I can't eat! I am hoping once
I get back to work I won't be consumed thinking about the foods I can
no longer have. I really need to start focusing on getting my protein
supplements in daily. I know that will help with my energy levels and my
body needs the extra 60g of protein a day to heal. The supplements are
just so gross!


Today is one week post-op!!  WOOHOO I went to surgeons office and had
staples removed. Much to my surprise it didn't hurt a bit. I am feeling
sooo much better than just a few days ago. What a difference a week
makes! As of today I have lost 12 lbs!! I can not believe I lost 12 lbs.
in a week!! They told me to expect that but I just figured that my body
would be like...hell no...you ain't gettin that lucky..LOL! Seeing that
weight loss really made my breakfast of broth and jello taste a lot
better!! Kids will be back in 3 days. I am so excited for them to come
back but a little worried about having enough energy! I still get tired
pretty quickly. I am sure it will all work out.


Well I am now 5 days post-op and let me say it has not been an easy
road! The recovery has been much harder than I expected. I am so thankful
my kids are out of town with my family. I would not have wanted them to
see me like this. There is no way I could have pretended I was doing ok
for their sake! When they get back I will be almost 2 weeks post-op and
will feel much better I am sure. Everyday seems to get a little better.
I have adjusted to the way I have to eat right now, which is 1-2 oz. of
food every 15 min. It has been quite interesting getting used to this
since I previously would scarf down a burger, fries and large coke
within 5-10 mins!! Another big change is that I can not drink with my meals.
In fact I can not drink anything 30 min. before or after eating. That
is still hard for me. My hospital experience was unpleasant to say the
least. I am thankful that dad, Jamie and Elena were at the hospital
often with me. And a special thanks to Jamie for dealing with my emotiomal
turmoil after surgery!! I will write more about all that later. Thank
god I am home now! I actually came home Thursday afternoon the 17th. My
dad and sister have been wonderful, waiting on me hand and foot. I
could not have made it without them. Jamie is coming over today to set up
my scrapbook table and all my stuff for me so I can scrap away this
week!! Miss everyone and hope to hear from you all soon! Feel free to come
and visit, I can not drive until the 28th.


MY WORLD IS JUST SPINNING!!  I got a call this morning at 11am from my
surgeons office. They wanted to move up my surgery date due to a
cancellation in their schedule. OF COURSE I SAID YES!! My new surgery date is
now only 4 days away, on Tuesday November 15!! They told me to start on
a soft diet today, meaning cut out all meats, veg, fruits, and sugars.
I was in total shock so I went out and had a last meal! I had a bacon
chesseburger and Dr. Pepper. I didn't overeat or go crazy. I just wanted
a juicy, fattening burger and a real soda! Then I went to the store and
bought all the right foods. I am so excited and nervous too! I went and
did my pre-op blood work, and got my chewable multi-vitamins and
sublingual B12. I even got myself a fancy scale that keeps track of your
weight loss and body fat percentage. WOO-HOO! :)


Today I had a pre-op appt with my surgeon. The appt. started out
horrible. I forgot that I am supposed to bring a $10 co-pay to each visit.
They do not except checks or credit cards, only cash or debit card. Of
course I had no money in my checking acct. I tried using my debit card
praying it would work, but no such luck. The little witch behind the
counter was like, "Well, sorry we can't see you. You will have to
reschedule your appt which also means rescheduling your surgery." I tried to
plead with her that if they could just see me at my scheduled time I would
drive all the way back home and get cash afterward and bring if back
before they closed. Now mind you that I live 40 mins away. The devil
behind the counter said, "Sorry maam that is our policy. You must pay
before we see you." I was so pissed and so upset that I started to cry, how
embarrassing. All of a sudden a woman came up behind me and said,
"Honey don't worry about it. Let me pay for you. I know how important this
appt is. I just had my surgery 10 days ago." I couldn't believe it. I
was so grateful I started to cry even more. She told me not to worry
about a thing, to see the doctor and that she wished me lots of luck on my
surgery. If I ever doubted that I had a guardian angel, I take it
back!! What an amazing, kind woman. If I hadn't been so upset I would have
liked to hear her story and how her surgery went, even exchange numbers.
But I was so upset that I couldn't even think straight. So I finally
got in to see the surgeon. He says everything looks good and its a go as
long as I don't get sick! I even lost 8 lbs since my consult with him,
I was bummed that he didn't comment on my weight loss. Next, I went
across the street to the hospital. I had to pre-register for surgery and
also have a nurse consult. The nurse went over what to expect at each
stage of surgery and recovery. She gave me the policies on family and
visitors. Then sent me to Cardiopulmonary to get this breathing thing to
work on deep breathing. I am so excited, things seem so real now!! But
more than excited, I am eternally grateful for the woman at the doctors
office. What an angel.  


I finally got my new surgery date!!! November 18. I am so excited
again! I have been making my grocery lists for the week before and after
surgery. I wish my mom could be here to go through the whole thing with me
but things just are not going to work out that way. It works out better
for us both if she takes my children for me so I can get plenty of rest
the week after surgery. However, we will all be spending Christmas
together so that will be nice!


So I went for a follow up with my primary physician today. He says I
look great...LOL  ok I made that one up!  He says I am healthy and ready
for surgery again. He faxed his release over to the surgeon while I was
there....of course my nagging and persistence had a little to do with
this! My surgeons office called me within one hour of receiving the fax!
IMPRESSIVE! They are going to fit me into the schedule ASAP, will call
this week with a new surgery date...WOOHOO! 


The anticipated call was received today. Unfortunately it was not the
news I wanted to hear. The surgeon wants me off the steriods for at
least 7 days before he does surgery. Therefore, my Nov. 2 date is now off.
However, the office says that the surgeon will make a point of fitting
me into his surgery schedule in November. That makes me feel better. At
least I should still be able to do it this month. I suppose I should be
pleased that the surgeon is not willing to take any risks with my
life!! I should have my new surgery date in about 10 days.


Well today is a real bummer. I was in the ER in the early AM hours with
an allergic reaction to something. My throat swelled up and I could
barely breathe. As a result, they pumped 4 meds into me through IV and
sent me home with oral meds. The problem is that one of them is a steroid.
My surgeon will not operate if I am on steriods. My treatment is for 6
days and my surgery is in 8 days. I had the ER fax doctors notes to
surgeon for review. I am supposed to receive a call by tomorrow with his
decision. I am going to be so upset if I have to reschedule surgery. I
am trying to stay positive and remember that eveything happens for a
reason and that eventually I will have surgery.


I started this journey on March 1st, 2005 and today I have finally got
the call I have been waiting for. I have been cleared for my gastric
bypass surgery and the date is now set! I will begin my new life on
November 2, 2005. I am bursting with excitement. It doesn't even seem real
at this moment. I can not even imagine that next year at this time I
will actually be healthy and able to live life to the fullest. I just
thought I would share my excitement!!

About Me
Riverside, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2005
Member Since
