liquid diet

Nov 27, 2010

 I started my liquid diet tuesday.  i didn't start off good.  I started with throwing up and didn't get much in.  but its been hard but is work in progress.  I hope to get over this hunger soon because i know that my next week will be harder. i have to  cut down a lot but i'm ready to change my life.  hope you guys keep track of y page because i'm going to need a lot of support from everybody.  love everybody wish all those good luck.  may the lord guide us in the right path.


Nov 10, 2010

 I'm getting nervous about my surgery date.  I just don't want to mess up on stuff and not be able to have the surgery.  I want to do everything right.  I have to start my two week liquid diet a day or two before Thanksgiving.  I thought I was going to be able to have the last turkey meal with my over sized stomach now.  But its all worth it in the end.  I have to be happy with being about to have this surgery when there are tons on tons of people who can't have this blessed opportunity.

I started going to church almost four Sundays ago.  I'm glad I'm starting to accept God more in my life.  I have always believed in him.  But I guess I never really got to let him into my heart.  So I'm learning to let him in there.  It's hard to believe that one man made this world and things and people on it.  We should all be THANK FULL of everything he gave us.  I know I do and I'm learning to let him lead me!!

So I wish everybody a HAPPY and Blessed lives.  Hope the surgeries and recoveries go well.  I'll pray for you out there.  <3


Nov 04, 2010

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  I'm not really sure I want it to be here.  The holidays seem like the HARDEST  for me.  I know its hard for everybody.  I guess with family and friends coming into town and food making.  Things get so crazy we all stress out.  I eat when I'm emotional and stressed.

I loving writing and nobody reads it so I'm not to embarrassed about things i write.  I just want to be happy.  Once I'm happy with me I can start working on other things in life.

Started to go to church.  I have been two straight Sunday's so far.  I know that might not seem like a lot but from nothing to now.  Its a huge change.  I actually want to go to church.  Most of the times I went was to make my mom happy and because I didn't want to let her go by herself.  But now i want to go because I feel better after I go.  It might were off during the week but I know with time i will enjoy it more.

Well God Bless and i wish everybody a safe and happy journey<3



Oct 19, 2010

Tomorrow is my CPAP day.  Get look over the little sd card in my machine.  hopefully it doesn't take long for me to get a surgery date after that.  I'm so greatful to have people in my life that care. 

The other day my sister told my mother that she wasn't comfortable with me having this surgery.  But I guess she's scared to lose me.   Where only 13 months apart and were best friends.  I know how she feels but either I'm here in five years or I'm not.  In due time everybody dies.  I have faith in GOD that he will take me when he needs me!<3



Oct 18, 2010

This Thursday I'm taking my cpap card into the sleep people.  Hopefully they like what they see on the card.  I'm hoping that the week following I will have my surgery date.  I just wonder if there is something that there hiding that will push my date back further.  I would love to have it before thanksgiving.  You probably think i would want to wait for til after thanksgiving.  But i don't want to because If i can do it during the most eating day of the year i can handle anything.  I hope I can count everybody on this site for that extra help.  I will do the same, because I may not know you but I do know what your going thought. <3



Oct 07, 2010

Hopefully in two weeks I find out what my surgery date is going to be!!! So excited I cant wait.  My CPAP is going good.  I feel well rested and not getting to many headaches.  I'm just nervous about having the two weeks liquid diet before surgery.  But after I not to worried.  Hope for those getting or thinking about getting I hope all works out for you.  God bless you all.

just my thoughts...

Oct 04, 2010

For sure today is Monday.  Its going by so slow.  I love driving school bus, but the hours suck.

I'm getting upset I guess you could say.  I just don't like the waiting game.  I thought I was being patient but I know I'm not.  I have done everything my insurance has asked for.  I have this week on my CPAP and then I don't know what else I have to do.  I guess the only reason I was to have this surgery is because my insurance is only like 9 months or less from me being off of it.  I'm JUST READY TO START MY NEW LIFE!!!!<3


Oct 03, 2010

I got my cpap mask on Sep.27.2010.  I've been using it every since I got it.  I don't know how long I have to be on it to get my surgery date.  This is the last thing I have to do but nobody is getting back to me how I would go about getting some answers.  I hope I get it soon I'm so excited something is actually going my way this once in life.


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Sep 18, 2010
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