A new update...

Aug 28, 2009

I can't believe it has been 3 1/2 months and I have lost over 100 lbs!!! That seems crazy.
I still look in the mirror and see the "old" Lora. The mental part of all this I think has been
more difficult than anything. But what a crazy ride it has been. I know I LOVE having this
much weight off and can hardly wait to get the remainder of it off. It is VERY hard for me
to think I can now walk in most stores and DO NOT have to go to the BIG sizes to buy
something to wear. It will all come in time I am told....

Surgery 05-13-09

May 26, 2009

What a ride....I showed up for surgery on time on May 13, 2009. And to my suprise and everyone elses, I had gained some of my weight back. I have been on this constant roller coaster all my life and this should be no different.
Dr. W. thought it was safe enough to move forward so we did.  I came through with no problems, except I seemed to have an extreme amount of pain. Now I know I'm not the best and have gone through allot over the past 5 years, but I'm not that big of a whimp.. I went home the following day only to return on Friday evening in even more pain.
A second surgery was performed on Saturday where 2 liters of pooled blood in my stomach was removed. I don't think I have ever been more terrified. But the staff was amazing and I came out of the 2nd surgery just fine and feeling more sore, but much better. I was released and sent home on Sunday but returned on Monday to check blood counts and get more fluid.

I think what has suprised me most in this so far, is that I am starving!!! I had no idea how menatally hard this part of it would be. I thought I was more mentally prepared and I truly was not. I remember that first meeting where the woman who spoke said she hasn't been hungry in two years! Really? Did she just forget? I hope I forget...because this has been tough. I have never looked forward to scrambled eggs so much in my life. But tomorrow is the day, I go for the diet class and get to start eating soft foods. Bring it on!

I know I have allot to work on in this head of mine. Because right now...it is controlling my stomach and it says someone is trying to starve me to death...and the crazy thing...it's ME! I have along way to go, but the road seems to be the right path.

This surely has to get better!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2009
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