I did it!

Sep 06, 2009

It has been 6 days since my surgery.  The surgery went very good.  I had it on Monday and the doctor made me sleep over night.  My daughter has been taken care of me.  I am soooo thankful for her.  Before I went I had my surgery, the insurance made me go on a 6 month diet plan.  So I did weight watches.  I lost 35 pounds before I went into surgery.   When I went into surgery I weighed 205.  I am still on a liquid diet.  I will be on it until I go back and see my doctor which is in one more week then hopefully he will start letting me eat some soft foods. 

Scheduled Surgery

Aug 27, 2009

O.K.  That was a long 4 months.  My surgery date is scheduled Monday, Aug. 31.  I am on the liquid diet and having a hard time.  The doctor wants me to have at least 60 grams of protein per day.  I am drinking mostly slim fast and am not to crazy about them.  I don't drink milk, shakes, and malts so its been rough.  I am ready to get the surgery over with but not looking forward to the 2 weeks liquid diet after surgery. 


Apr 28, 2009

Well, its been awhile since I wrote.  I have been so busy.  I have finished all my test and my paper work was submitted to the insurance company yesteday.  Now I need to wait and pray that I get a "YES" and can schedule my date. 

Liver Biopsy & Endoscopy

Apr 08, 2009

Good news!  My liver looked good and the doctor is going to fax a letter over to my doctor saying he approves the surgery.  Yesterday I had my endoscopy and it also came out good.  Tomorrow I am going to see a Physiatrist and Monday I have a stress test scheduled.  I am a little nervous about the stress test because if I walk to long my hip starts to hurt.  So will see what happens.


Another test

Mar 27, 2009

I went to my liver doctor yesterday and he said that I needed to have another biopsy again to see if my liver has any more damage.  If it doesn't then he can take me off the medicine for my liver and he will give me a surgical release letter.  My biopsy is next week.  I pray that everything looks good so I can continue with my test.

Routine Test

Mar 26, 2009

Well, I am just starting to take all the routine test that you need to go through.  Last night I went in to the hospital to take the sleep apnea test.  That didn't go so well.  I had so many wires hooked up to me I may have gotten 1 1/2 hours of sleep.  The nurse said she would give the results to the doctor and I pray that they have all what they need.  I do not want to do it again.  Today I go to my autoimmune hepatitis doctor to see if she will give me a release letter to have the lap band.  If he will not give me a release letter I will be upset because I do not want to do any other weight loss surgery.

About Me
Mar 05, 2009
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