Almost to Wonderland!!!

Sep 23, 2010

10 more pounds to go!!!  YES send lots of prayers this way that my stall will stay broken for a while!! 

Onederland in sight

Aug 23, 2010

 Whoooo Hoooo only 19 more pounds till onederland I thought i would never get this close.  I am so excited this has been an awesome journey!!


Aug 06, 2010

ok so i got some baked pork rinds and they had no carbs seven grams of protein and only 5 fat grams. I ate about five then immediately my mouth started to water and I dumped. UGH... Man I really thought they would be ok to eat. Just dont think I can touch that anytime soon.


Aug 02, 2010

ok I wore a size 16 pants to work today!!! i hadnt done that since before I got pregnant with my last in 2003!!! I am so excited I could just jump up and down ..... Now if only I could get to the 14 before we leave for vacation on the 6th of September that would be AWESOME!!


Jul 11, 2010

Really starting to feel good losing something every week so that helps  starting to feel like reality isnt too far away anymore!!  

Had a bad weekend

Jun 07, 2010

ok this past weekend was horrible, I was getting sick on things that I could eat and drink last week. I stayed in bed most of the weekend. My daughter told me I was boring but I just didnt feel good. I am having a hard time trying to get in all my fluids I never was a big fluid drinker. I was in a stall for two weeks but after this weekend I lost three pounds so I finally feel a little better about doing this. This weekend though I was really depressed and was wondering if I made a mistake by having this surgery. I just wish I could fast forward a few months and see that things will get better and easier.


May 16, 2010

Ok so liquid loratab was wearing off one to two hours in  so they had to start suplimenting with morphine in my iv. They would bring each time on my tray green jello, chicken broth, crystal light and popcycle. lol. The Dr came in later and asked if I wanted to go home. I should have stayed but my kids were like come home. I get home and I cant even sit on the toilet because it is too low  so my mom went and bought a huge tall toilet set to put on it. I forgot to mention my husband started a turn around on nights so me and the kids will be staying with my mom while I recoup. This night wasnt too good I hurt and It was hard getting in and out the bed because it didnt go up and down like the hospital bed.

surgery day 5/11/2010

May 16, 2010

Got at the hospital for 5:00 went to the back got changed and came back and asked the nurse if she had anything for heatrash that I had on my legs? OH no she says we have to have some people look at that may not be able to move forward. I will go ahead and ask questions etc but will not start an IV. I must of had five people come and look the last one being my Dr who said we will move forward. They came to get me and still didnt have an iv, no relaxation meds nothing. So they wheel me into the OR and start my iv I am surprise I didnt have an anxiety attack. Then I hear you will get sleepy and that is all I remember until I woke up. I remember waking up in pain and the nurse kept asking me to take deep breaths. They finally brought me in my room where my mom, daughter and husband were. My mom would wake me up every hour to do the breathing machine, I was hurting so much!! I woke up with a cath which now I am glad because I didnt want to get in and out the bed. They did take it out the next morning so after that it was all on me.

About Me
Prairieville, LA
Apr 04, 2010
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