Its been awhile

Aug 20, 2010

Hi everyone I know it's been ages since Ive updated. I am now sitting on 97 kgs I still have about 27 to get to goal but I am guessing when I get down to about 85-80 the rest will be skin cause I ve got a heck of alot of extra skin already ick ick anyways. I fit into a size 18- 16 right now its so exciting to go shopping and actually fit into clothes that I would have never dreamed of wearing the extra skin is annoying thou especially with fitted clothes, but all in all everything is going well Ive lost just over 40 kgs in 6 months and I am really starting to feel happy with my body image. I am not happy with my eating habits thou they are starting to slip again.... and I really wanna get motivated to work out hardcore over the next few months to firm up for the plastic surgery. Wish me luck I wil update again when I have more good news.

Its been awhile

Mar 17, 2010

Well I know its been awhile since I have wrote, I have some free time so I will do my best to get it all out. I went into hospital on the 10th of feb for my gastric bypass, I was really nervous but everything went fine, I woke up hazy and my mouth was so gross. I stayed in hospital for 7 days only because I was having alot of trouble fitting anything in without wanting to throw up. I was kinda scared to go back home knowing that I was on my own from then on. Now 5 weeks later here I am feeling great I am able to drink alot of water and I have started on solids. I can eat just about anything but I make sure I eat fruit and veggies, protien first and low fat dairy I have been able to eat rice but I have chosen not to. The biggest thing I am concerned about is the ammount of water I am able to drink in such a short time. I am starting to feel hunger pains now then as well o and I am so paranoid about getting enough protein and taking my vitamins and eating before bed which I really have to quit. I have lost a total of 21 kgs so far 13 since hospital. Which is amazing !!!!!!! I never want to put it back on.


Feb 02, 2010

Wow I am so excited, I am going into hospital on the 10th of feb just 6 days from now. I saw my surgeon yesterday and signed the consent forms and so on. I also weighed in at 134.8 woah so much loosing weight before the surgery. Ive been on the liquid diet for 5 days. I have cheated a couple of times but now that there is only 6 days left I am going to stick to it. I am going to take some pics and video soon. Wish me luck..


Dec 22, 2009

Hi again, I am now just 2 months away from surgery I have had my appointment with the dietician and the respitory doctor, he thought he found a heart mumur and I was refered to a specalist for a echocardiogram but everything turned out fine I have also had my blood tests. I am just waiting for the phyc consult now its not until the 12th of jan. Then I can book the date. WOOHOOOOOOOOO... I am still the same weight but I am more active now ( also eating more because my mother in law is staying with us and cooking fantastically fatty egyptian food every night.)


Half way there

Jul 18, 2009

Hi its me again, Im 24 now and only 6 months away till I can get a date !! I hope everything goes smoothly. I have put on weight since my last post which sucks, I am going to try and get back to the gym. I want to loose at least 20 kilo's in this next 6 months pray for me..

Hi Im on my way

Jan 30, 2009

Hello my name is natasha Im 23 years old. I just opened an insurance plan so I have to wait a year before I can claim the op (poop) but it will be worth it. I plan to get to the gym regularly to help keep me fit and active I feel terrible having to wait a year it feels like a life time.

About Me
Melbourne, XX
Jan 30, 2009
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