Catching Up... 9.4.09

Sep 04, 2009

Hi everyone - It has been such a long time since I have posted a blog and decided to catch up on where I am at.  At my last official weigh in with my doctor (8.24.09) I was 162... putting me at a 58 lbs loss so for.  My initial goal was 150, so I have 12 lbs to go.  Once I get there I may set a new goal, but not sure.  So my "honeymoon" period has definitely ended at 7 months and I notice I have to work much harder at trying to get the weight off.  I noticed I can consume more food, and as I had the sleeve I do not have any problems with "dumping", so I can eat pretty much anything... which is not exactly a good thing.  I'm sooo happy with the weight loss so far, but I have noticed my thought pattern and eating habits are returning to the old me, which scares me.  I am starting to beat myself up again emotionally when I eat wrong. So, because of this I started some counseling to try to figure out "the head hunger" issues and why I am doing what I am doing.  I have also joined a boxing club and started training in boxing.  I always like the idea of taking my anxiety, depression or frustration out by punching a bag and I have to say I am 2 classes in and love it, even though it's kicking my butt.  I like that I don't mind sweating and being physically challenged...  the old me would have never done that.   I am committed to sticking with the classes for 3 months at least as the old me always started something and never finished it when dieting or exercising.  I recently went to Tennessee on vacation and actually like myself in the pictures taken.  Some pictures even shocked me on how different I look.  What a great feeling!!! 

So that's where I am at.  Hoping the therapy and exercise helped me get back on track to lose the 12 lbs to get to goal and continue in a healthy lifestyle.  Hoping all is well with all my OH friends.



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Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2008
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