Why do I care what other people think?

May 08, 2008

Why do I care what other people think? I am sick of trying to live up to other people's expectations. I'm sick of hearing the word lowcarb. I am sick of my Mom giving me money for diet pills. I'm sick of competing w/people. I just want to live my life in peace w/my family. I want harmony. I want to be healthy. So why am I not telling anyone that I want this surgery? What am I afraid of? Do I think that they will judge me? Discourage me? Make fun of me? Maybe...or maybe because I think I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to be completely happy. Maybe I don't think I can have it all. And why not? I do deserve it. I deserve to be happy...completely. Not just about one part of my life, but about it all. I want it all. Is that too much to ask? I think NOT! So I'm going for it. Who cares what my Mother thinks, my husband's family, my family...I'm going back to school, I'm getting this surgery to be healthy, I'm gonna have more kids, and I'm gonna get a great job and pull myself out from under this rock and finish something for once in my life. WOW! I feel so much better!!!! - Slo:)

About Me
May 06, 2008
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Why do I care what other people think?
