3 months post op

Feb 17, 2009

Just wanted to give a quick update....feeling pretty good...I am terrible about taking my vitamins and supplements.  I know I need to though.  I am down 66 pounds in just three months!  YAHOOOO! 

4 days post op!

Nov 23, 2008

Well, all went great and I am happy to report that I am home!  Sore and weak, but getting better everyday!  Will post my update in a few days when I have more energy!  I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the support and well wishes!  OH is the BEST!


Nov 18, 2008

I am scared, nervous and excited all at the same time!  I have just finished packing for the hospital and I'm sure I forgot 100 things!  LOL!

Fingers Crossed that all goes well!

I will update as soon as I'm able to!

Thanks for all the well wishes!


2 Weeks From Today!

Nov 04, 2008

Well, here I am two weeks away from having a MAJOR life changing surgery.  I could not be any more nervous...it's just not possible.  I can't sleep very well and I am constantly fidgeting with something.  I have even cleaned out my kitchen, bathroom closets, etc.  At least my house is getting clean, LOL! 

I have my pre-op nutition counseling on Tuesday.  From what I hear that will take up most of the day and I'm ready for it!  I can't wait to hear all the final instructions and education!!!

I am having a "Last Supper" Party on Nov. 15th with friends and family to celebrate Early Thanksgiving and my surgery.  I know it will be a really good time and am looking forward to it very much.  Plus, my best friend, Alison, is flying in from Ohio to spend the weekend with me before surgery.  I am so excited!!

I met Teri (Happytall1) while she had her surgery last week....she did wonderful and it was so nice to meet someone going through the same thing I am about to....AND with the same doctor as me!  I am so excited for her!!!  GO TERI!

I finally talked with Hayley (My Angel) last night for the first time...that really helped too.  She is very informative and has lots of suggestions for me...which I am so thankful for!  THANK YOU HAYLEY!

I have purchased some new PJ's and slippers for my hospital stay.  I am loading up on books, DVD's, etc. to make the time go by fast.  My husband is planning on staying with me the whole time, but that "bed-chair" thing doesn't look to comfortable!  LOL!  We'll see!

Things are going very smoothly and I am enjoying my last bit of "food freedom"....however, I am having mixed feelings about what my emotions will be the morning of surgery and afterwards.  I am a very emotional person and I am banking on all my supporters!!!

I will update again soon!

Surgery Date!

Oct 08, 2008

November 19th!  The countdown has begun!  I am so nervous and excited all at the same time.  I just hope that I am a success!  I mean this is MAJOR surgery, life changing FOREVER!  I am ready for the challenge!!

About Me
Denton, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 5
4 days post op!
2 Weeks From Today!
Surgery Date!
