TLC's Skin Tight: Melissa King

Jan 20, 2016

TLC's show Skin Tight aired an episode tonight with a woman named Melissa King. She is my Husband's ex wife and is truly an evil person. She thinks that anyone who has had medical intervention with weight loss is a weak person who has taken the 'easy' way out. She told me that I was weak and didn't have the self control to lose the weight on my own. She couldn't afford to have the skin removal surgery so she begged, borrowed and stealed to take whatever means she needed to get the surgery. She is an ugly person inside and out and spent 13 years abusing my husband mentally, physically, and spiritually. There are so many strong courageous people out there that are much more deserving of help and it's very sad that she is the one that got it. I truly believe in Karma and she will get hers. She is a grotesque person and I hope people will see through her fake facade


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Santa Rosa, CA
Jul 11, 2011
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