
Aug 15, 2008

My surgeons office called yesterday afternoon and told me they have good news. They said I was Approved and I have to come in for my pre-surgery appoint for the test on tuesday 8/19/08 10 am. I screamed.. Not too loud because I was at work.It felt good to have been approved my first go around. I started my 6month diet in Jan this year, did everything on the list they gave me..and look, its 8 months later and I am approved. Approval never felt so sweet. LOL. I have to give many thanks to God for all of his good work. I am forever grateful. I need to Praise him more and not only when I'm asking for help. My paper work was received by UHC on 8/5 and I was approved 8/15. Not bad! 10 days. The first person I called was my Fiance.. He was happy for me. I love him so much. He has been 100% supportive regarding my surgery. 

Just Vibe..Ing

Aug 01, 2008


Jul 28, 2008

Today I listened to a meassage from my surgeons office stating to call them. Cool. They have been keeping in contact with me ever since I had to contact the doctor bc things weren't getting done. I got my date It is on September 9. I'm excited but can't get super excited b/c its still pending insurance approval. Can't do anything until the money is there. Thats how it goes. I'm still excited. I told my man and he was happy for me. I have to continue to pray and be thankful for my blessings.

Calling My Surgeons Office Today

Jul 18, 2008

Well today I just had it!!! Let me back up... Well I handed in all my paper work 3 weeks ago on 6/25/08 to be sent to my insurance company for approval of the RNY. Well my surgeons office hasn't done a thing. They have sat on my completed paper work for going on 4 weeks. I have called numerous times just to be told that they coordinator will be sitting with the doctor shortly to hav emy chart completed. I was patient week 1 calling twice a week. Week 2 still patient, calling 3x a week. Now week 3 i called each day and couldn't reach the coordinator. Keep in mind when I did get through to my surgeons office the assistant was  telling me she would call me back be patient they just had the orginal nurse/coordinator leave so they are trying to get things orginized. Well that was why i was being patient. I decided today after leaving messages all week that I was goint to send an email to the coordinator (who hadn't called me back ) and the surgeon himself. The email was direct, not nasty , and exactly how I've been feeling. I explained that I feel nothing is being done, I have concerns if I want them to perform my surgery, I am very disappointed in the response time to my inquires, and I am requested a call back with a date. Well  within 30 minutes the coordinator called me and I received a email back from the doctor. The Doctor thanked me for bringing this to his attention and advised me that I will have a contact on Monday from his office. WOW. Was this what it took to get things moving. I tried to be patient but that got me know where but upset. I shoulda did this 2 weeks ago. LOL. Well thats just proof that you must be agressive and persistent. Now hopeful things will get moving. If not I will be seeking a new bariatric program wlse where.

My birthday was yesterday.

Jul 18, 2008

Its been a while since my last post. Just as a refresher.. My job didn't have the strike. Thank good ness. My birthday was yesterday and I enjoyed myself so much. When I came into work my coworkers had confetti all over my desk and ballons everywhere. I was beyond surprised. I felt so loved. I'm usually the one who organizes the office parties so to see this happen for me was different and great. They ordered so much food. omgoodness. lol. We had fried chicken, baked chicken, rice and peas, yellow rice, macaroni and cheese, macaroni salad, regular toss salad, biscuits, beans, italian bread, ice cream, cake, and they ordered me my separate order of oxtails, rice and peas with cabbage. Can u say DAMN?? It was so much. Then I had to prepare myself to go out to dinner with my fiance later that evening. Well to make a long story short, It was wonderful. Then that evening I went out with my man to THE WATER CLUB right beside the FDR highway and directly beside the river. It was beyond beautiful. We ate dinner with candle light. I feel so fat. I ate a whole 2lb lobster, mash potatoes and pastries. Omg I could have rolled out of there. My baby can be so sweet (at times). why cant that be all the time? I love him so damn much. After that the night wasnt over even though I had to work the next day. After dinner we went to the Casino.  Well the gaming in yonkers. Awesome time!! I hate to gamble b/c i hate to lose money but it was still fun. I didn't win a dime. My baby left 200.00 in the negative. LOL.  A good B-Day all in all.

When it rains it pours

Jul 01, 2008

My jobs contract has come to an end so the union is renegotiating the terms and we have come no where. The govenor has come in and called a break. Now what does that mean to my surgery?? If we dont come to a resolution by midnight tonight we are officially on strike and I have no medical insurance past 7/30/08. Oh and on top of that we don't get any pay.. So I'm praying that we do not strike and I'm also praying that we get what we deserve as far as pay increases and benefit upgrades. God knows i need this strike to happen as much as I need 20 more pounds. lol. I'll keep you posted. 

Ready To Send To UHC For Approval.

Jun 24, 2008

I went to my primary care doctor today to pick up my letter of medical necessity along with my supervised 6 month diet plan. I have done everything that was advised to me from Dr. Kini's staff. I have all my blood labs done, Endoscopy,psych visit, nutri,and 6 month supervised diet through PCP. I also have my 5 year weight history and a letter of medical necessity from my PCP. I will be faxing this information to my surgeons office tomorrow. They said to call them back by Thursday. I must say that im excited that im getting closer to my goal of having the surgery done. Through my supv diet I lost a few pounds then gained like 10 then lost the ten and back to where I began when i started the diet plan. im so tired of the ups and downs. I'm hoping and praying that this surgery will help me become healthy and live a full life. I have to go so keep me in your prayers.


Jun 08, 2008

I'm feeling overwhelmingly emotion at this moment. I always believed that love, respect and appreciation is what u should show your significant other. How can you truely say you love someone yet you don't respect their feelings or them as a person entirely. I also believed that when you love someone you must comprimise! A little give and take.Even when your mind wants to kick your ass for allowing things to happen to you. But at that very moment you heart jumps in and says it's alright it will get better. When is it time to stop comprimising and love your self more. Why do you constantly worry about making that man happy when it probably never crossed his mind as to what would make you happy. You love that man to the point you accept is love child. You love him to the point that you allow him to disrespect your family. But you push those things to the back of your mind all in the name of LOVE. How can you allow love for this man to hurt you so bad. Cry.. laugh.. cry again. Yesterday you said to yourself how lucky u are. What a wonderful man he is. Today you see what your heart wont allow you to see. You see pain..hurt..disrespect. Which one is fantasy and which one is reality? Deep inside you know.  When can you finally say enough is enough? Do you wait to the point when you can't breathe from disbelief. Disbelief that the man you love and would damn near die for could care less for you.. is enough enough when you stare into his eyes and wonder where the love went. Today I looked into his soul. His soul told me you aren't $h*t! Bi%&ch. What a stab I took. I would have passed out from the pain of the stab but I have responsibilities. I looked to my left and saw my responsibility staring back at me with her little brown eyes. As I pulled the blade out my chest I continued to bleed until i reached my apartment. Sitting on the couch I wonder how much can I take. I want to SCREAM, " I LOVE YOU..STOP FIGHTING ME." " I LOVE YOU! JUST LOVE ME." I want to ask why is everything an argument? Why do you always feel you are right? Are you trying to hurt me? Don't you love me? Don't you want this to work? Don't you see that you mean the world to me. This man must want to break me. I've put up with so much. When do I get a break. When is it my turn to be happy. I believe I've paid my dues. I did wrong.. real wrong..but I've learned and grown to be a better woman. A woman who has morals and integrity. He tried to take my integrity from me this evening. I almost let him steal it from me. He believes I was wrong. That's a damn joke. Wrong for wanting to better my home. Wrong for trying to get everything done on a day that I'm feeling well and have some energy. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT AM I WRONG FOR? TRYING TO GET MY HOUSE IN ORDER. You need to talk to me? guess what? I'm listening. You need me to be somewhere? Guess what I'm there. You need me to pick something up? Guess what? I'm getting it. Your back is hurting baby? I'm getting the baby oil. You give, give, give,give and what do you get back nothing. Nothing but a quick 7u&k in the middle of the night and a roll over. But guess what? I'm still believing it will get better. When will it get better? When I have no more to give? Please lord let me know.


Jun 06, 2008

About Me
bx, NY
Surgery Date
May 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 65

Latest Blog 19
Things are getting better
month out since surgery
10 day liquid diet:(
Late to post
