September 2008

Sep 02, 2008

September 25, 2008
     My appointment went very well.  Dr. Merriman said that I am on I will be pleased with the progress I have made.  I did find out that the last time I was in his office....he had to take out 2cc.....that put me at 4.5 and now he added .5 which brings me to 5.0 in my 14cc band. 
     My husband will have a hernia repaired in November and he wants to lose as much as he can before then.  Overall he wants to lose 60 maybe he will help me with the program I am trying to follow.
     School is getting a little better.  I have 3 IEP's that need to be finished as the parent did not attend today.  She is suppose to come tomorrow and I have another IEP right after that.  Then I will have one Monday or Tuesday and that will be the ones that I HAVE to have completed.  There are a couple of ones that I need to ammend...but that isn't urgent.  So.............maybe soon I can get back to enjoying the kids and enjoying my "free" time at home.
     I am almost over the sinus infection....and hopefully it will not go to my ear.  (It is trying)  I want to get back to the gym next week....I may try to go this weekend and just do one set of reps. 
     I am planning to do the Walk From Obesity on the 11th.  I think that Dr. Merriman was pleased....I have the information and will read more tonight when I get home....we left Shreveport and came straight to my husband's office where he had a meeting.
     If you have any wonderful recipes...I am not a fan of fish....I will try them.  I have 3 months before my year bandiversary and would like to see more weight come off.  So here is to us....we are all doing great! 

September 24, 2008
     Do you feel it?  FALL IS COMING...It may not be quite the fall that I used to have when I lived in Michigan...but it is coming soon.  The breeze today at car pick up was cool and refreshing.  Maybe it was just being out of the building and getting a breath of fresh air.  Whatever the reason....I enjoyed it.
     I go to see Dr. Merriman tomorrow.  I hope that he is able to put back part of my fill....I am going to get the paperwork again that they normally give everytime you see them.  Well, something happened to my I will ask for them if they don't offer. 
     I am almost finished with the paperwork for this other words...the hardest part of the paperwork is almost finished.  Thank goodness!
     I stayed today until 5:30 and organized the kids IEP folders, filed the old information and put them in the cabinet where they belong.  
     I am ready to begin enjoying my kids and teaching.  I hope to see an improvement with the stress level and have fun.  My kids are they need to see that side of me too.
September 21, 2008
     Okay!!!!!  I've got it.  I have been really upset with myself for bad choices, not losing...going between my lowest weight and a 1-5 pound difference. know what I have finally done????  THOUGHT POSITIVE!  I have been under a tremendous amount of stress.  If this had been any other year besides the 9 months after my band....I would have a 20-30 pound weight gain.  I am not condoning my gain and loss and gain....I am just saying THANK GOD FOR MY BAND AND IT REALLY IS WORKING....EVEN WHEN I AM STRUGGLING!!!!  Does that give me permission to continue to make the choices I have been???  NO.  As we say all the is a tool...we are still in control. 
     So I hope that within this next week...I will be well and back to exercise....the last 4 IEP's are finished and I can focus on the kids and not the paperwork or the pressure.  If I can get through this first six weeks of school, I hope that things will begin to fall into place.  I can get back to things I enjoy and relax.
    I had just a minute before I needed to finish up my planning for the week.  I see Dr. Merriman on Thursday and will talk with him about the walk.  I will also hope that he can give me part of my fill back.  I must try to relax between now and then so that my pouch will cooperate with the fill.

September 20, 2008
I can't believe it has been so long since I have updated.  Where does time go when you are having so much fun...LOL!  I am contemplating about participating in the Walk from Obesity.  I have never done anything like that before.  From what I can read, it is a 1-3 mile walk.  I have come a long way with physical endurance...I don't know how far I can walk.  Also, it is that time of year again...I am fighting a sinus infection and trying to not let anything go to my chest...WHY?...this is the time of year I end up with pneumonia and the hospital.  I have been sick a week already and still can't talk at present.  School is a little better....I have 4 IEP's left and hopefully then part of the stress...of at least the paperwork will be lifted.  I usually get to school between 6:30-7:00 and don't leave until 4:30-5:30 and come home, eat supper and by 7 I am working again, until about 10:30.  I am ready to get back to painting, sewing and getting back to the gym.  I am really disappointed with myself....because for those of us who have had our band for a while...we truly know that this is a tool to enable us to reach our goal....but "issues" are not resolved by having the band in place.  Sometimes I wish my band worked more like others....I have not had any trouble at all with anything....I am NOT AT ALL unhappy with my band.  I LOVE MY BAND!  I am unhappy with me and making unhealthy choices due to emotional eating.  I CAN DO THIS!  I WILL DO THIS!
September 5, 2008
     I think......that I am trying to be more positive.  Thank goodness for my band....that with the emotional roller coaster I have been on and not made good choices.....that my band is working.  I am trying to make better choices and not fall into old habits.....the band cannot change that.....sometimes I wish that mine would make me so sick when I ate something I am not suppose to.  I am one of them that I have had very little trouble with my band.....and when I have had "episodes"...they have been my fault or being under stress. 
     The weather is much better.  We are still very cloudy and it sure looked like it wanted to rain.  But we did not get any.  I am keeping those in Hannah's way in prayer.  
     I wonder where ole IKE will go?  Hang in there Florida.....
     We will be back at school on Monday.  I have almost completed all my IEP's and I am working on the flashcards to work with each group.  We have a new reading series, so I am making everything new.  The good news will be....this series will be in the system for 6 everything I prepare will be able to be used.

September 3, 2008
     OK, it is time to get the old bubble bath out and relax.  The water evidently flooded some homes, some of our schools and there are trees and debris blocking some of the roads.  School is out until Monday.  That gives me a little more time to try to get my thoughts together.
     Tomorrow is suppose to be only cloudy.  So with no threat of thunder and more importantly "lightening", I want to try to work on the quilt I have told you about and my husband's curtains.
     Maybe when he gets home tonight, I can get him to help me turn the mattress on the bed.  Actually, we need a new one.  Maybe that will be a Christmas present or maybe this summer.  But soon......
     I hope that Hurricane Hannah is kind to folks....this has not been fun and I don't even live close enough for the force of the eye.  But the aftermath has been bad enough.  Hold on Florida and east coast....we will be praying for you.

September 2, 2008 update
When I wrote earlier...we were really doing OK.  My house is fine because we live on higher ground.  Many of our community are beginning to wonder.  The ditches are full, the water is at their doorways and cars are moving quicker than they need to and the ripple effect is coming closer to flooding their home.  Our neighbor behind us had to park his car in front of our house because the road to his house is flooded and he cannot get across it.  It has rained hard and steady since around 4 o'clock.  Surely Gustav is almost out of here.  We are suppose to get rain for the rest of the week.  Everyone take care.
September 2, 2008
     Hey Everyone....Well Gustav has come and the remains will be leaving soon.  I live up in the North of Louisiana and we had to be concerned with gusty wind, heavy rains, and possibly tornados.  I am happy to report that we faired well.  We have some limbs down, but those around us had trees fall, power outages and damage to their property.  God watched over us.  This hurricane could have been devastating.  We are still dealing with heavy rain and winds through tomorrow.
     I am working on vocabulary cards and plans for next week.  I also want to finish my husbands curtains for his office, the baby blanket for my mom's friend and begin on the curtains for my classroom.  I would like to work on the painting(s)--as it covers 4 canvases--for my husband's office.  I have the rest of today and tomorrow.  I will see how much I get accomplished.
     Everyone who is in the path of Hannah....I will say a prayer to keep you safe.  
     Ike and Jospeh are following right behind.  Looks like a busy hurricane season....I really think we need a "himacane"

August 2008

Aug 05, 2008

August 31, 2008
     I am overwhelmed at work.  But to keep my spirits up I have renamed my school "Tara".  I have decided that I will have "Rhett" days...Frankly dear.... and I will have "Scarlett" days...I'll worry about this tomorrow....and when it becomes more than I can stand I will have "Miss Prissy" days....I don't know nothing about birthing no babies!  And in light of the hurricane....It could be GONE WITH THE WIND!  lol
     I am going to take advantage of this afternoon and work on some of the 11+ IEP's I need to have written.  Due to the hurricane and the evacuation...our schools are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. 
     My weight is at a stand still at the moment...but I am trying to change this.  BUT I tried on a top today that was way too tight and it fit!  Another blouse that I couldn't wear....I wore to the store this morning.  So even though the weight has body must be readjusting itself.
     To everyone who reads this in Louisiana...stay safe.  For those on the east coast who are dealing with Hannah...stay safe also. 

August 28, 2008
     I will truly have a "Labor Day".  I will be working on IEP's and setting up the meetings with the parents.  That means writing the IEP and sending notices home to the moms and dads.  
     Everything is going as well as can be expected.  I am doing the best I can....I will remain as positive as I can and do the best for the kids.
     I am so very tired right now.  I slept well last night, but it feels like I didn't.  I am going to bed early again tonight. 
     I guess I need to go in there and make lunch for tomorrow.  I went off today and didn't take lunch.  I was so hungry tonight.  I ate about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.  I had carnation instant breakfast this morning.  I need to do better.

August 23, 2008
     Whistle while I work!  I made a list the last part of July of things I wanted to get done before school started.  Well here it is, almost a month later and I am finally almost finished with it.  Yea!!!!!!!
     I am going to paint and sew today and then work some on the scheduling for school.  I have focused so much on school, that I need a little time for fun!  So this is it. 
     I am going to look in a minute for a WLS recipe to make for supper tonight.  After all the dinners I had to attend with my husband, I am ready to be back on track.
     I made mock enchiladas tonight.  They were great and I will make them again.

August 22, 2008
     OK!!!!  The good has to overcome evil!!!!!!  I have really been fretting about how to be all I need to be to everyone I work adults!  So I feel like I am beating myself over the head!  I have even come home today thinking...alright!  I am 7 days closer to May.  Y'all....this is just the beginning!!!  I know that in a couple of weeks when the routine is established...I HOPE....I will have a better outlook.  Just please help me pray for  a quick solution to scheduling the kids and meeting their needs.... I am the type of person who does not like feeling as though I am letting someone down....but if I am not careful...that will also mean me....and I have come too far with this surgery to let myself down.  Speaking of which....I was in my room when I heard an awful sound from down the hall...later looking sounded like something exploded or a loud I took off down the hall....I have a couple of kids that I really have to look after and I guess that is where my subconscience was.....anyway...teachers looked out their doors but no one moved....all I kept thinking was a teacher or student under a bookshelf or ended up that a TV being moved fell off a cart and broke in a million pieces....I was relieved....everything was fine...the kids went out a back door into the other room and it was cleaned up.  After school, one of my teacher friends, who has been a cheerleader for me, said "wow, did you move down that hall? or what?"  In other words....I made it down the hall faster than they had ever seen me move....guess I was glad that it was a tv and not some nut that I could have encountered.  lol....I was very grateful that it wasn't anyone trapped under any furniture, etc.  I am grateful to becoming more like a gazelle than a beached whale!  Have a great weekend.
August 20, 2008
     It is going pretty well.  It could be worse and it could be much better.  I went to the grocery store tonight and picked up a few things to make sure I had breakfast and lunch....I made the mistake of going to school, just knowing the menu was right....breakfast was suppose to be scrambled eggs.  It wasn' was breakfast pizza.  So I didn't eat breakfast....then I didn't take lunch...and it was so busy today that I didn't really get to be in the room much.  The cafeteria gave me two chicken legs....I ate those and it almost got stuck.  So when supper came around tonight....I was hungry....I didn't have control over the menu as we had to go to a business supper with my husbands company....definitely not a good choice for our band....but I ate...tomorrow night I have to attend another dinner with him.  Fried fish is the I am going to try to eat something before.  I am tired tonight.  So this will be short and I will write more later.
August 14, 2008
     I made it through day 1.  It wasn't too bad and each day will get better.  I will just pray and try to be patient.
     I went to Shreveport for the support group meeting and then to see Dr. Merriman on Wednesday.  The support group was really great....Kim did an awesome job.  I hope that I will be able to attend some more or we get one started locally.  I went to Dr. Merriman's and really did not know what to expect.  I felt like I was restricted ok for the moment and probably would wait until the next time before I would get a fill.  Well, first of all I was very anxious about seemed that no matter what I did at home I couldn't drop the three pounds I was up since the last visit.  So when I got on his scales....much to my surprise, I was down one pound.  Yipee!  So he located my port, drew the fluid out, and when he put it back in...I felt the band tighten around my stomach.  I had never felt that after several attempts...we took some fluid out instead of putting some in.  My next appointment will be Sept. 25th.  I expressed my concern about taking it out and becoming seems that the stress of the summer and the anticipation of the beginning of school...created my pouch to be tighter than it had been.  So he assured me I would be ok and the nurse said that it was possible that either the exercise (which both of us are thankful I am doing) or being a little tighter than normal could help hinder my weight loss.  So I will keep on keeping on....I am not discouraged...I was just surprised about having to remove some saline instead of putting more in.  
     I have done ok today as far as hunger....I did notice that I was HUNGRY by 10:30 and couldn't leave for lunch until 11:00....those candy bars on the inservice table were sure calling out to me....but I didn't listen.  Before...I would have not been hungry at lunch and would have eaten just enough to satisfy my calorie and protien, etc count....and then would have been hungry by supper if I hadn't eaten.
     Removing saline, never crossed my mind.  There was a woman at the support group that had her surgery in March...has the same band as me and already has 9.2cc in hers.....mine was 6.5 and now I don't know how much is in it.
     Talk with you soon.
August 12, 2008
     Have you guys seen the commercial where the man tries to pay for items with pennies?  That is how I felt today.  I had some change...I stopped at the bank and tried to get bills for the quarters.  Nope...had to be rolled.  So our Brookshires has a machine to change was out of order.  I went to the window and asked if I could do it at the office since the machine was broken.  Nope....they don't buy change.  So I went to the dollar store...needed a cheap umbrella...and laid down 8 quarters and 2 dimes....and smiled at the lady when I said, "It could be could have all been pennies!"
     It sure has rained here the last two days.  We needed it so badly....I know other areas did also.  I will be leaving for Shreveport shortly, and we are suppose to hit rain all the way there.  I will just take it slow and drive carefully and watch out for the other nuts!  I love rain, I don't like to drive in it.
August 11, 2008
     Yep, that looks just like my husband.  I tried a new recipe that I found on the internet for WLS patients.  You wrap potatoes in foil and season a chicken and place it on the foil in the crockpot.  You cook it on high for 4 hours...well evidently my crockpot cooks slower....Now the potatoes are in the microwave finishing and the chicken is in the oven.  Then I was told....I thought dinner was finished.  All I can say is... I tried.
    I went to workout today instead of tomorrow, because I will be in Shreveport tomorrow.  I will attend a support group tomorrow night and then see Dr. Merriman on Wednesday.  Then school starts on Thursday.  I am as ready as ready can be.  It will be ok as soon as I get there.
     I am going to leave the chicken with my husband and go on to art class.  I haven't decided if I will work on my painting that I have already started or work on one for my husband's office.  It won't be is just going to go on four canvases.  I might work on it tonight, just to do something that doesn't take a lot of thought.  I just need to look for the picture of what I am making. 
August 9, 2008
     So my husband has been wanting to see the new Batman movie.  I have tried very hard to find someone to go with him.  So when I got home from getting my perm today he tells me we are going to eat with friends and guessed see a movie.
     So being a "good" wife, I sat through the movie.  It wasn't horrible...but I can't stand violence, and tear off body parts movies.  So I went, but I didn't enjoy it.  A word to the wise....this is NOT a movie for kids....and there were some there.  They will have nightmares tonight...and the parents will wonder why.
     For those of you who enjoyed this movie...I am glad...just not the type of movie that I enjoy watching.

August 8, 2008
     I exercised and did fine.  Then when I came looked like rain!  I thought...the yard sure needs to be mowed before then.  I was going to take the lazy way out and use the riding that was not written in the plans.  It would not start.  Someone had left the switch on and the battery was depleted.  So the next item on hand....yep...the pushmower.  So I mowed the yard.  I was absolutely exhausted by the time I finished.  No one had to tell me twice to go to bed.  I am just now watching the movie I rented last night...because I couldn't keep my eyes open to see it last night.
     I worked at my husbands office all day and when he got home from his conference...we went to the mexican restaurant and I had a grilled fajita chicken salad.  It was really good.
     I have a long to do list for the weekend.  Monday is my last "free" day....then Tuesday and Wednesday I will be in Shreveport and then back to work on Thursday.  Ready or we come! lol

August 7, 2008
     I go to exercise again today.  I am not discouraged nor am I dreading it.  I am just concerned with how much trouble I had on Tuesday.  I wish I knew what was up with my heel...and I know that I need to have it checked.  But if it is a heel spur...the last time they wanted to give me shots.  That is not the best spot for them to put a shot.  I will see.  I know that it has sure slowed my exercise down.
     My afternoon is kind of busy, but when I get home, I am going to try to complete some more of my "to do" list.  I still can't believe school is starting...I just can't get over how fast summer went.  But with school starting...I am looking forward to the coolness of fall.  It has surely been hot, and with the exception of last week being stung, I do not take more off than necessary.  Lol.
August 5, 2008 

     The reunion is over and the quilt is finished!  It was a hit!!  (See the pictures I uploaded)  They decided to raffle it off so that everyone had a chance at winning.  My second cousin put her quilt in the auction and together we almost brought in a thousand dollars.  Not bad.....
     I have decided never to wait until the last minute again.  lol
     The relative that won the quilt said that if it had been auctioned....he would have started the auction at a thousand dollars.  Made me feel good.  I personally could see all the faults...this was the first quilt I have made that ended covering the top of a king size bed.  I quilted it too.  I divided the quilt into 4 sections and then finished the middle section.  I have been asked by another cousin to make a quilt like time when I do this one....I will work from left to right.  That should make it easier.
     The reunion went great.  I had to of the relatives was trying to figure out where in the family tree I she laughed and asked how I was related or was I crashing.  So I laughed back and said..."you heard of the wedding crashers?  Well I am the reunion crasher...and I have been coming long enough now I know all the family secrets and stories...."  We all had a good laugh....MAYBE next year I will create me a shirt along the lines of being the REUNION CRASHER?  AND YOU ARE WHO?
     School starts next week.  It will be ok....It will be ok.....It will be ok....I am going to keep telling myself that....Kindergarten and First grade ought to be my greatest challenges!  So if you will....please say a prayer!!!!
     Working out is going great.  Today was a little more difficult....I don't know why...unless it was because I ate before I went.  I won't do that again.  But I have been there everytime I was suppose to unless something came up that was unavoidable.  That hasn't happened often...but sometimes things just happen.  
     I ate lots of protein while I was gone....but not enough vegetables.  So todays lunch was just that vegetables.  I need to start thinking about lunches to take to school.  I am also going to make some of Jean's cottage cheese pudding mixture.....satifies the craving for something sweet yet it is so rich that you can just eat a little.
     I cleaned the living room carpet today....and I want to do some more things before school starts.  I need to finish a baby quilt before next week and I want to do some painting on my picture I am working on.  I need to paint more at the house and not just on Monday nights.....I really enjoy this....and yet I don't seem to do it except for that night.  We have a craft show coming up in October and I need to look and see what we have on hand and what still needs to be made. 
     I am so excited for all of us bandsters!  I cannot wait to see what the year holds....I just need to keep disciplined and follow the rules.  I admire those who travel constantly and can keep focused....I found the reunion hard to make good choices....because some of the restaurants they chose only had fried everything.  I did ok that night...but still could not make the choices I knew I needed.


Jul 01, 2008

July 25, 2008
Today has not been a great day.  I have been on an emotional roller coaster ride.  I did not do as well today with my eating.  But I will get back on track...

My brother in law will have a pace maker put in on Monday.  I know he will feel better....he felt his heart "pause" the past...he could not feel it.  This has nothing to do with my feelings....I know he will be fine.

I will be glad when we get some rain.  It has rained all around us and our yard needs it badly.  I need to find out where the pesky wasp nest is...I have killed 3 wasps in the last month in the house.  I have to be careful...I am allergic to stinging insects.

I am working on the quilt still.  I hope that it goes together quickly as I waited til the last minute.  I was very unsure of how to put it together.  I think I can do it now.  I just don't know how large it will end up.  I hope that I have enough to make it at least a lap quilt.  Always a learning experience. 
July 24, 2008
School will start in 3 weeks.  I always wonder where summer goes.  My husband always laughs when I mention retirement.  He wonders what I would do....stay home and look at the walls?  Shoot!  I stay as busy, if not busier when I am off.

I am working on a quilt for the family reunion.  I am using my embroidery machine and putting all the family names on it.  I am using the "mock cathedral" quilt pattern to make the project go quicker.  I have put off making it because I was a little intimidated...never made this before.  So I made a sample of two squares....that went pretty we will see how it goes with the "real" thing.  When do I have to have this done?  Next Wednesday, of course!  ha/ha

Ok, I am fixing to try to save this.  I am keeping my fingers elementary does this sound?  lol



Ok, this is my third try since July 19th to make a post.  I have lost all the information I have put here since that date. 

Everything is going well.  I have a heel spur or something on my right heel and I am hoping it lets up soon.  I have to stand a few minutes on it before I can walk on it.  Once I get going, it is painful but I can do it.  I am just not willing to try to do aerobics with it just yet.

I have been going to the gym religiously.  He has me doing two reps of 8 different machines and back to back...not resting at the same machine and then doing another rep.  The bike is set at level 2 and he changed the riding to "random hills".  It still isn't too bad.

Now with that being said.....I have not attended the gym this week like I should.  I did go today as scheduled...but I skipped on Tuesday because I had an outrageous headache and a temp of 101.7.  When I called him the next day, he told me to skip Wednesday and get back on track today.  He made me go a little slower today and said that we would go full force again on Tuesday.

My weight is fluctuating again.  Still  no complaint...I just know that if I could increase my aerobic activity, I would see a difference.

My brother in law came home from the hospital on Sunday and was put back in on Monday evening.  He has an infection and possibly will need a pacemaker.  The doctor has been pleased though...the medicine they have him on right now has regulated his heart rate and the pacemaker may be put off temporarily.
July 13, 2008

I hope that before today is over....I have worked out with Sweating to the Oldies....I need to sew Robert's curtains and see how they work in the office.  I only bought one curtain rod for the present as I want to see how one looks, inculding the valance I am making.   It is so hot here.  There has at least been a breeze.  While I was watering the flowers, a big ole skink ran out and up the long as he was going the opposite way, we are ok.  And I do a little better with them than a snake.  I haven't seen one of those for a while at our house.   I hope that you had a productive and restful Sunday.  I can't believe that half of July is almost over.  One day at a time....that is what I keep telling myself.   I tutor tomorrow and would like to go to both the afternoon and evening art class.  We will see.   I have been doing well with what I am eating so far after this last fill.  Today I ate some butter beans and yellow squash.  For breakfast I had an egg cooked over low heat with a cheese slice on it and then mixed together.  It was really great.

July 11, 2008 Kisses 
All is well.  When I went to his office, I had lost about another 6 pounds.  That makes a total of 64 pounds since surgery in December.  I hope this fill kicks in and I can do what I know to do to increase the weight loss and lose more inches.

He put another 1.5cc in my 14cc band.  That means that there is 6.5cc in my band now.  My next appointment will be August 13th....the day before I go back to school.  Where has summer gone?

I weighed this morning and granted...all I have had is liquids..but I had lost another six that now makes 70 pounds since surgery....I am working very hard to keep that off...but when I add my solid food back...some of that seems to come back too.  We will see.

I finally took my measurements.....I guess I will check with my friend at Curves and see if they still have my measurements when I started there.  That way I can compare.  

I hope you have a great day. 

PhewJuly 8, 2008
 I just thought I was STUCK the other day.  My aide and friend at school had a birthday today.  My husband and I treated her to dinner at our favorite restaurant.  Tokoyo, japanese food.  I was really looking forward to it and had already planned what I would eat and not eat.  I thought that I chewed really well, I guess I was wrong.  That darn piece of chicken would not go down...I sat there trying to just be quiet and not leave the table.  That was mistake number two.  My husband looked at me and said, "Don't wait too long...."  So I took his advice and left the table....just before the bathroom and where they serve sushi...I thought this is it....God...PLEASE don't let me be sick here.  Well, I did make it to the restroom....I never "threw up" but I did manage to eleviate the problem.  I don't ever want to feel like that again.

She had a good time and all ended well.  Tomorrow I go and see Dr. Merriman.  Talk with you then.
July 1, 2008 Scared 2 

I had my very first, absolute, STUCK moment.  It was at parents were here....I guess that I didn't chew the meat as well as I had thought.  There have been times that I swallow and it hurt going down...but it would pass....well this hurt like you know what....I sat there and it would not hurt horribly!  I even resorted to trying one sip of my husband's tea....BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC mistake!!!!  That didn't do anything but make things worse.  Usually I do the slime thing...and then I am ok.  Just within a matter of seconds....I knew that this was more than a slime...I left the table and was very concerned that I would "get rid of the problem".  I sure was hoping that I wouldn't....I have done great in that aspect...never threw up this whole time.  I ran to the bathroom, walked the living room and finally it went down.  I don't ever want that feeling again!

The lumps on my wrist and palm....the wrist is a cyst and the palm is a nodule.  He wants to possibly have them removed, but not until the bloodwork he did comes back....the girl who took my blood laughed and said, "the only thing he hasn't checked is a prostrate!" told her I was going to be a quart low by the time we finished.  I will probably hear from them in the next few days.




June 2008

Jun 02, 2008

 Thinking June 26,  2008

I saw the doctor today.  He is going to do bloodwork.  I will have it done in the morning.  As far as the lumps....the one on the top of my wrist is a cyst and the one in my palm is a nodule.  He wants to get the bloodwork back first and then have me see a surgeon.  I will see.  The lumps in my arm...same side as the rest...he says it is nothing to worry about...just "fat" readjusting.  I guess I wouldn't have worried if it wasn't the same side as the two new cysts and the same side I have a renal cyst on.  So for now....I will not worry.

My workout today was great.  He increased the weight for resistance and increased reps.  He still had me ride the bicycle 10 minutes but said that next Tuesday I will ride for 15 minutes.  I hope to see results.  After this next week, he is going to pair me up with a female trainer.  She will take my measurements then and work with me for 6 sessions.  

I still have my goal of losing about 30 pounds before school starts.  I hope that I can make that one.

June 18, 2008 Stationary Bike

Yesterday was the day.  My first official appointment with the gym.  I have to say I am quite pleased with myself and them.  He really went out of his way to make sure I was ok and that I was comfortable.  Even when it came time to ride the bike....the one in the woman's only section was being used.  He asked me if I would be comfortable in the coed section to do this if there wasn't many people.  I said I would try.  I walked to the door and there were quite a few people...and I froze....he rolled the bike into the door that separates the two rooms and set it up.  He told my husband this morning that I am his official project.  I guess that is a good thing.

My brother-in-law may get to go home today.  Can you believe it?  I am so grateful that God took care of him and he is doing so well.  I will know later when he is going.

I am making another baby quilt.  This is for a lady that mom and dad had at the doctors office and took such good care of them.  She is due in July.  So I am trying to get it done as quickly as I can...I will have to wait for the baby to be born to finish.

I also need to get busy on the quilt for the family reunion.  I hope that it is as easy to put together as I think it will be.  We will see.  That will be my project once I finish this baby quilt.

   Bench Press June 13, 2008

I got up this morning and mowed the whole front yard!!!  I am excited.  Normally I have to take turns with my husband or rest in between rows.  Not today.  I am getting ready to call the gym back and set up an appointment for my husband and I to go and talk with them.  This is a HUGE step for me.  I hate doing things like this....but I know that it is time and he promises to take baby steps with me in order to help me become fit.  A trainer is part of the cost and will work with me and then I will have everything on a card to do and then they will meet with me again and set up a new routine.  Sounds like a good deal and if I want to meet my personal goal for the summer....I need help.

June 11, 2008 Treadmill 

Can you believe it??? I called the gym today.  I think that I am going to sign up.  I will talk with them more in the next few days.  I have to make a year committment.  All right .... someone convince me...that as self conscience as I am...I will do this and stick with it.  

I have been spending most of the day at the hospital with my sister-in-law and her family.  I need to really think about healthy ways to be there.  I did not eat yesterday until around 5 or 6 pm  and I paid dearly.  I had the worst headache.  I did better today.....but was up on weight some.

I just wanted to stop in and say hi.  I am really tired and will be in bed soon.  I worked on a quilt some today.  I need to have it finished by next week.

June 10, 2008

Well, once again, this has been an interesting couple of days.

We received a phone call last night that we needed to get to the hospital.  My brother-in-law had clots between his brain and skull.  There was also a new bleed that was causing the brain to shift past the midline.  He had surgery this morning.  Evidently it has been occurring for a while, but just now created problems.  He is ok.  

My daughter's uncle passed away this morning.  I will tell her when I get home from the hospital tonight.  I do not look forward to that.  

Other than that, today has been good.  I am tired and will be ready for bed when I get home.

I didn't eat right today.  They didn't want to leave in case they needed us.  So I did not have anything to eat until 5 pm tonight.....1 bottle of water.  That was it....and I knew I was starving when I sat down....please don't put yourself in this situation.  Take something with you that you can have....or if you like doing some things on your own....I will do this for tomorrow if I stay for any period of time.

June 7, 2008

Well my trip to Shreveport was good.  I was asked to let them take my picture and then I was asked to talk on video...the only thing I wish....I wish I would have known so that I could have had my thoughts together....I felt like I rambled.  I have lots of wonderful things to share and probably didn't share 90%.  I don't do well in front of adults, cameras or when put on the with that said....I did ok.

I feel like his meeting went well....I even gave my email address out to a couple of them.  If they have any questions, I will be glad to talk with them.

Richard Simmons and I have a date this week.  I will exercise with him and if they can do can I!

Have a great rest of the weekend.

June 4, 2008

Well, I am on my way to Shreveport today.  Dr. Merriman is having a meeting for educators who are considering having lap band.  I was asked to come if I I am going. 

June 3, 2008 No 

I am so disappointed once again with my ex-husbands side of the family.  When he died, they called my daughter and had her come down.  She did not get to see her dad before they cremated him.  There was no memorial, no funeral and she was handed his ashes to do with as she pleased.  I asked her later, as she did not want me there, how it went.  No one told her what to her simple response was...he went kurplunk as he splashed into the water.  Instead of the ashes....she threw in the whole bag.  Needless to say there was never any closure.  I have tried to get her to go to grief counseling...but so far she has not.

Well last night when I got home from art class, I had to return a phone call.  I did not recognize the name...they are notorious for using aka names.  Well it turns out it was her common law "step-mom".  She has not made contact with my daughter in at least 4-6 years.  She was calling to tell her about her uncle dying.  NO ONE HAS CONTACTED MY DAUGHTER OR KEPT HER INFORMED OF FAMILY SINCE HER DAD PASSED.  This is truly one of the most disfunctional families I know of.  I was torn of how to handle the situation.  

My daughter's response was as I expected.  SHE IS ANGRY.  No one came to her when her dad passed.  Nor have they tried to make have her remain part of the family.  But how surprising is that, when they don't keep in touch with each other often and they live near each other.  She told me that she will be extremely upset if there is a memorial or funeral when they did nothing for her dad who was there anytime there was a problem in the family.

I know I am wandering on and off topic....I was married to her dad for 4 long years.  I was in an abusive situation all the way around....and so were my other sister-in-laws.  They were extremely upset when I divorced him.  They came from a family of 8 children who were given up, then brought back and some man married the mom so they could have the same last name.  I admire them, my sister-in-laws, somewhat for remaining in the situation for the kids....but I couldn't do it for me or my daughter.  I do not have to be beaten into submission.  Anyway....all that said because they had problems and some of them were beyond their control.  Counseling did not help and it was one of the most devastating decisions I have ever had to make.  I truly feel that her dad wanted a family...but never had any guidance or the love to know how to do it.

Anyway...I am trying now to talk my daughter into some grief counseling....there was never any closure for her and there is a great deal of anger toward that side of the family.  And the past 6 years have been very hard to watch, as I see her not dealing with a lot of issues the way I know she can.  I have had a difficult time understanding her reasoning and non responsible behavior....I was terrified last night that I would tell her and she would just up and leave and jepordize her job....y' just don't know how crucial it is to try to get her to see the trees beyond the forest when it comes to  responsibilities.....not that she hasn't been raised with them on at least this side of the family. 

I could not believe my band.  I was really wondering if the fill worked.  I didn't feel any less full than before...but yesterday was the first day of actual soft food.  It is working....I felt full all day yesterday...I ate protein...but lacked in vegetables.  When it came time for supper...I was still full and knew that I would be eating just to be eating.  So I didn't.  I packed up my water and went to art class.  Well, I was still extremely full, UNTIL this phone call.  All of a sudden, my stomach emptied and growled loudly.  I finally gave in and ate a spoon of peanut butter.  Boy did this bring back old memories....eating emotionally!  This was not head hunger was stomach hunger....But after the peanut butter, I felt better....listened to my daughter being upset...and then went to bed exhausted.

Thanks for listening....I don't even know if this made any sense, but it at least let me vent.  

Today is a new day.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.

May 2008

May 04, 2008

May 28, 2008

Well, I thought I would stop in and say hi.  I am getting ready to leave to go to Shreveport for my appointment this afternoon.  I am feeling better about things today.  I will let him make the decision if he thinks I need another fill or not...he has not led me astray yet.  I am glad that the heavy rain came through yesterday.  If I have a choice, I would rather not drive in the rain....

Did I tell you that I tried the noodles made from soy?  Only 2 or 3 carbs.  The only thing that I found with them.....they are a different texture than what regular noodles have.  But not bad for on occassion when you really want a noodle.  I bought them at the health food store.
May 26, 2008
Well it has been a while.  I have been very busy with the end of school and being tired.  I have worked very hard today even though it was a holiday.  I have been working on cleaning.  We remodeled a year ago....and the guy was suppose to come back and needless to say....I didn't finish some of the projects of putting things where they belong...because they were very messy.  Anyway....I have the fireplace completely finished.....and then started going through my sewing room, trying to organize items.  I made a huge dent....but still have a ways to go.....something inspirational about watching CLEAN HOUSE!  

I go to the Doctor on Wednesday.  I am a little anxious about the visit....I shouldn't be....I trust him completely and so far everything has been fine with my band.  I have only had a couple of episodes where something has tried to get stuck.  After reading, this could have been from being stressed out.  I just want everything to go as smoothly as it has been.  We will see.

I am so proud of what I accomplished know....75 pounds ago...I could not have done what I did...including the fact that I locked myself out of the house today and had to go around the house to the back door....climb be able to get back inside.....I have been pretty much nonstop today....THANK YOU DR. MERRIMAN AND THE BAND!!!!  Why was I so hard headed and waited so long?????  No looking back....I am just grateful for my future.

May 18,2008

Boy does time fly.  This has been a very eventful week.  Monday was pretty calm.  Tuesday, everything changed.  A friend called me to let me know that his sister-in-law's mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The worst storm was passing through and she was following the ambulance 2 hours away so that she could be with her mom.

Then at midnight, my sister-in-law called.  My husband's nephew was missing on the river or the bayou.  By the time she called us...he had already been gone for at least 12 hours.  He went fishing somewhere between 10 and 12 that morning.  The storms were so bad that the wildlife and fishery could not even get in the water until about 12:30 or 1:30 on Wednesday morning.  They were gone searching until 5 am.  The 3 men got out of the boat and let us know that they could not find him.  They would have to wait for daylight and more men.  So I went to work and let my principal know what was happening and that I had called a sub.  Then I went back.  They began searching around 6:30 or 7:00.  They finally found him about and sound.....cold and wet....but alive....GOD IS GOOD!!!!  Thanks to everyones prayers here.....This is such a great family.

The week has passed quickly and I have had a hard time catching up on sleep.  There is so much left to do at school, and I know it will get done.....but tomorrow I will have my aides working with the kids and get the final items ready to be turned in.  The kids last day is Thursday and our last day is Friday.  Part of me cannot believe this year is over and the other part is absolutely grateful it is.  I am ready for summer and concentrating on new recipes, exercise and losing this weight...toning up and making positive changes.  

I need to go now.  I need to go to my other computer and type in some names that will be embroideried on towels.  My friend asked if I would do this so that she could see what they would look like and the size.  So I hope that everyone has a great week and I hope the weekend was great.

By the way....the scales are finally trying to move again.  WONDERFUL.  It is about time.  I go to see Dr. Merriman a week from Wednesday.  I bet I get a fill this time.  I am ready...I turned the last one down, because I wasn't hungry and losing was still happening.

May 10, 2008

Guess I was a little crabby the other day.  I am feeling better now.  I guess I just need to learn how to let go and just let what happens, happen.  It is just hard...being a mom and watching your child make mistakes that can be avoided.

Field day went well.  The cards are put back in order, ready for next May.  Two of my IEP's are complete and I have several next week.  

I am going to complete as much of the testing as I can by Monday and Tuesday.  I have one little girl that I will work with over the summer.  Other than will be quiet one.

I am trying to get back in my exercise daily.  I have been lax due to working late hours at school and then coming home and working some more.  But how hard can it be to get in at least 30 minutes?  I am going to put for the effort this week.
May 8, 2008

Sometimes you just need a good cry.  I guess this is my time.  It is almost Mother's Day and I don't feel like celebrating.  I always wanted to be a mom.  I was blessed with a beautiful daughter.  She is a good kid (young adult), but in saying that.....I don't understand her logic or choices!  I am so sad right now.

Today was an ok day.  I ate what I was suppose to, went to work and prepared for a sub.  I had an inservice today.  I left the inservice and went back to school to do car pick up.  Tomorrow is Field day as long as we don't get any more rain.  It rained pretty hard last night. 

Then we have two weeks left of school.  I am looking forward to it.  I guess that I will have to find things to do around here....gas prices seem to be going up and don't look to come down until closer to time for school to start again.

Ok....enough self pity.....I hate crying....I hate feeling like a failure as a mom.  I love my daughter, I just don't understand why being responsible is such a hard concept to grasp.

May 4, 2008

This time will pass so quickly.  I still have so much to do and about 3 weeks left to finish.  This week will fly by because we have field day on Friday.  That means testing will be on Thursday and that leaves Mon., Tues. and Wed. to get some quality learning in.

We mowed the lawn again yesterday and I didn't have to "take turns" as many times this time.  Pretty soon, I will be able to do it all on my own.  I can't wait to begin planting some flowers.  I usually do this as soon as I get out of school so that I can give them "tender loving care".  ha/ha.

It sure stormed here Friday night.  I am thankful it didn't hit here, and prayful for those who was in its path.  We have been lucky so far.

Mom and Dad are coming for lunch.  We are having hamburgers.  You know....I guess that it about the only thing I TRULY miss....a hamburger bun.  So today instead of wrapping it in lettuce. I will just eat the patty and make a salad from the rest.  

April 2008

Apr 04, 2008

April 29, 2008   

One IEP down and many more to go.  But yesterday's was the most involved concerning the amount of time it took to write.  The others are at least half written or more.  Now it is just getting the parents to come.

Overall it was a great day.  I ate bacon for breakfast and chicken salad and a banana for lunch.  Tonight my husband wanted pizza.  So when I got there, I made a salad and when the pizza came....I ate just the topping of two small pieces

I am in awe of many people here.  You are my inspiration. I am going to call Dr. Merriman in the morning and make my next appointment for the end of May.  I think I can do it.  Besides that.....SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER! then.  Good excuse to go and have a play day in Shreveport.  Mom should enjoy that..  

April 27, 2008

I think that I will go and take a nap.  I left this weekend, knowing that I was having difficulty with either allergies or a cold....well whatever it is...I have it now.  

I had a great time.  We didn't go to Dolphin Island, but that is ok.  We drove along the coast.  I cannot believe how devastating it still looks after all this time.  Life changed for those living there....something we take for granted.

I didn't weigh before I left, but know what I weighed on Thursday.  I worried about what I would weigh when I came home, because there were not many choices for lap band patients.  I got home today about 1:30 and weighed....I had lost 3 pounds.  I was excited.  I guess that all the walking I did helped.  That was definitely a NSV....walking everywhere and not being out of breath or having to sit down.  So hopefully, I am back on track.  

Talk with everyone soon.....I need to feel better by tomorrow.

April 24, 2008

I won't be here for a few days.  My husband is taking me to Biloxi for the weekend to celebrate my 50th birthday on Saturday.  I think that we are going to Dolphin Island.  I have never been there before.

I had a response from my doctor about the hair loss.  He wanted to make sure that I was getting enough protein, at least 30g.  Hair is made mostly of protein.  And if I was taking a multivitamin.  If so, maybe switch to a prenatal one.  If the loss continues....we will discuss it at my appointment.

Have a Great Weekend!

April 23, 2008

Well HAPPY SECRETARY'S DAY....or excuse me....Happy Administrator's Assistant Day.

I emailed my doctor's office today, just to ask about hair loss.  I have seen some discussion on it....but felt like I needed to hear it from them.  

I had a perm yesterday, and when she was rinsing my hair she said she was getting a lot of strands every time she ran her fingers through it.  I know that there has been quite a bit in the shower, on my sink and in my brush....thank goodness I have thick hair....anyway...I am waiting on a response.

This has been a strange day at school.  The kids were exceptionally loud and wound up.  We even took them outside and tried to release a little energy.  We didn't stay out long, but at least it helped us to regroup. 

April 22, 2008


Today has been uneventful.  I did go and get a haircut and a perm.  I stopped on the way home and bought a Subway salad for lunch tomorrow.  I was disappointed while I watched them make it.  I guess that will be my last salad from there.

School is going well....I accomplished some today and I am feeling a little of the pressure lifting.  Of course, the next few weeks will fly by.

Weight is ok...I think I am losing some inches right now....the weight is going up and down a few pounds....and that is ok.  I am so pleased with my band....I can't complain....not one bit.

April 21, 2008

Did this look like how I felt today?  YEP!  I wrote IEP's until midnight.  Some of them I had to rewrite because the program did not save it.  Oh well......

I am getting ready to go to art class.  I have the oven on and hopefully Gordon's fish (garlic butter flavored) will be good.  I hope that I am not disappointed.  I will look in the cabinet to see what to put with it.

I felt so sorry for a little girl at car pick up.  She had put her "Hannah Montana" CD down to take the flag down.  Well instead of handing it to me, she put it on the ground.  Needless to say, someone took it.  She was heart broken.  I reported it to the office.  We will see what happens.

It is suppose to begin raining. I just hope that it doesn't rain Friday.  I hate traveling in the rain.  But if it does....what will be will be.

April 20, 2008 

Remember the paperwork I told you about....well my brain must have been in gear before leaving school.  I had it in my tote bag, that means I can fax it tonight so I won't forget tomorrow.  yippee!

I have to watch myself on the weekends.  That is when I can really spend time on the internet and get caught up on everyone on the message board.  I love keeping up with everyone.

I guess that I will have to try Jean's cheesecake fluff.  Sounds good.  My birthday is next week and my parents came over today for Sunday dinner.  So I made a Hershey's chocolate cake and ate 1 tsp. of the icing for my part of the cake.  ha/ha.  I ate strawberries for my dessert.  They were good...and I enjoyed watching everyone enjoy the cake...and just to smell the chocolate was great.

I am still hoping that I will not get another fill until school is out.  I am still ok and if I still feel this way next week I will change my appointment from May 8th to sometime after May 20th.  I think I can do this.

I am still pleased with my band.  I know why I didn't lose the weight this week like I have been....but I didn't gain either.  So with that said...I will do better this week.  I will do better with my exercise too.

I think that I will try to take my measurements today also.  I didn't do that at the beginning...or take my picture.  I hated the camera...still do...but I did take a picture the other day...the shirt I have on is 2 sizes smaller than I had been wearing.  I have decided that school had better hurry and get I can remake my clothes...they are starting to bug me....too much material and it makes me uncomfortable.  I will try to post it today.

I hope you had a great weekend.  I have some more to do tonight for school, but maybe I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

April 19, 2008

Good Morning!  Well, overall the hamburger supper was a success!  We sold over $400 dollars above the tickets sold ahead.  The cake walk was enjoyed by all and of course everyone enjoyed the silent auction!

My paperwork that was due on Friday was finished.....but I remembered this morning it was still on my desk....I guess that I will try to get there early Monday and fax it to the central office....

There is still a lot to I plan to make a list and cross out as things get accomplished.....

It is still so cool here....I know that this will end we had better enjoy it.  I cannot believe that Ill. had an earthquake...I was used to California having them....and my aunt said that they had them in Reno too.

Maybe I can talk my husband into taking me to the nursery and getting some tomato plants....I may try to make my own "topsy turvy" planters to plant tomatoes in.  My squirrels JUST LOVE MY TOMATOES!  I am beginning to not like 'Chip and Dale" as they run across my yard toting my tomatoes above their heads!!!

Well, I guess that I had better go.  I am trying to get to the bank and make a deposit.

April 16, 2008

I will be ok....once these last few weeks of school are over....this is really a busy time.....The smiley truly shows the mixed emotions I have during this time.

The hamburger supper will be this Friday and that will be out of the way...don't get me wrong....I enjoy this is just a combination of all that is going on...

IEP's are to be rewritten through Dec. 1st and that is over half of them...each one takes about an hour to write.

DRA (a reading test) has to be given to my students in K-3.  Nine of them.  This is given in the fall and spring.

I hate this time of year when I have to say goodbye to students I have worked with from K-5th.  I have two this year and they are wonderful students.  I will miss them terribly.

A stack of paperwork that is due Friday to Special Education, I did take a few minutes and completed some of that during lunch.

I also need to give each of them a comprehensive post test for the end of the year...somewhere in my free time...

I am really not complaining....I just always feel overwhelmed at this time each year......and I have been so tired this week...I don't know what is up with that!  But this too shall pass.  And I will miss them and the paperwork (ha/ha) and will be ready for school again in the fall.  I do have special children...God blessed me with my job!

April 13, 2008

Woo Hoo!!!!  I helped mow the front yard today!!!!  I haven't done that for at least the last 2 years.  It helps that Louisiana is having exceptionally cool weather for this time of year.  We will only pray that when the heat arrives, I will still be able to do this.  I have found that if I get up and work outside from 6-9 a.m., it can be done....because at 9 a.m.....the wind ceases to blow and it becomes very

Well, I guess that I had better get back to writing my IEP's and helping my husband finish up the house...he has a club meeting at the house tomorrow night.  I will be here for a minute...but Monday is my art class night and I don't want to miss it.
April 12, 2008

My weekly weigh in went well.....I am now officially 3 months and 17 days out....I have lost 53 pounds since surgery.  I have lost a total of 72.6 pounds since my highest weight.

I am still doing well with what I eat and so far....thank goodness....I have not had any episodes.....I am scheduled for a fill on the 8th of May, but I might try to make it until school is out around the 23rd.  I think that I can do that.

I am in the process of trying to increase my exercise.  I have been doing my dvd for bariatric patients and walking some....but not enough.  

School has been busier....all the paperwork that is involved at the end of the year.  I am tired when I get home.....and I know that if I would go ahead and walk....I would feel better and have more energy.  That is what I am working on now.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

April 10, 2008

What I am fixing to confess may not be a big deal to a lot of folks....but for me...a substantial milestone.  I have not been able to weigh on Doctor scales for at least the last 10 years.  Yesterday, I walked into our school nurse's office and stepped onto the scale.  I wanted to cry right there...........I finally don't have to be embarrassed because I have to argue with them about not being able to weigh me....I guess that they thought I was just a wise guy....I would just pull out my Weight Watcher chart and then they would write it down.....NOT ANY MORE....bring the scales on and I will stand on them proudly!!!!

April 7, 2008 

I know that we all feel the least the majority of us....

Today has been a true seems to be the case the last few.  There is just a lot of paperwork due at this time of year in Special Education.  I am also on the school building level committee...which also screens for gifted/talented art....we are working on our hamburger auction...cake walk...and talent show.  This is just a few items that keep me busy....not complaining....just no time to slow down on this day.

I am heating my dinner and getting ready to go to art class.  I will be back at 9:00 tonight and get ready for tomorrow.

Talk with you again soon.

  April 6, 2009

It is that time of year.  Spring!  And almost summer vacation....I cannot wait.  I expect great things to happen this summer....I wish I had done this sooner.

But you know what?   I wasn't ready.  I wasn't ready one or two years ago to make the committment to my band and I probably would not have succeeded.  Even though you can lose weight with our band, I truly understand that I will have to make conscience and nutritious choices in selecting food.  I see that some have difficulty with items they are eating and this may still happen to me as I get my fills.  As of today...I have been able to eat what I put into my mouth without a problem.  I have followed the rules, to the best of my understanding...and reformed if I was told by my doctor or his office that I didn't quite understand something.  The other day I ate something totally "illegal" (ha/ha)--just one--and nothing happened---EXCEPT my brain said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"  Just because you didn't have trouble with the food....why are you eating it?  Why are you sabbotaging your loss with a "head hunger" craving?  And so I stopped....Because even though it was just could lead to another and another and those unnecessary calories will add up and slow or postpone my weight loss and God forbid even gain.  I did not come this far to do this to myself.

Has anyone else felt this way? 

April 5,2008

I am down 69.8 since my highest weight and with 50.2 pounds of that since 3 months and 10 days!  Not Bad....I AM SO EXCITED!  My birthday is the 26th and I cannot wait to see where I am at that point!  But you know matter what I do I am healthier even at this point than I was a year ago. 

April 1, 2008

Thank goodness.....I made it through a school day and did not fall for any April Fool

I certainly did one year....and now remember every year.  ha/ha...especially the year that my co-workers had me call the zoo to talk with Mrs. Ella Fant......and the only elephant there was by the name of Shirley.....boy did I feel foolish!

My new shirts came....they fit nicely with the exception for a few days or weeks I will unbutton the bottom button when I sit.  But that is OK...they are 2 sizes smaller than I wore....I have patted my own back...I am so excited about this band!

March 2008

Mar 21, 2008

March 29, 2008
Non Scale Victories

1.  Was able to drive my mom's Kia...couldn't fit behind the wheel a month ago.

2.  Mom bought me my first pair of jeans since I can't even remember when.  lol  2 sizes smaller than I have been wearing!

March 29, 2008

I have lost 48 pounds since surgery now and a total of 67.6 since the very beginning.  I am so excited!

I finally ordered some new shirts....I ordered them 2 sizes smaller than what I am currently wearing....hopefully they will fit fine...the ones I am wearing are way too big.  While I was in Shreveport the on Thursday, I looked at the clothes there.  There is still nothing that I would wear.  Sad isn't it?  To lose this much and still not find something suitable.  I refuse to just settle on items anymore.....I have had to do that for too long!

So I will wait or either get brave and try to alter these shirts myself.  I may try one shirt anyway....just to see....taking up the sides will not be a is just that they are needing to be taken up in the shoulders too.  I have made clothes bigger for me....never smaller.  ha/ha.  What a wonderful dilema!

March 28, 2008

Well, well, well.

I had my second visit with Dr. Merriman's office yesterday and all went well.  They are very pleased with my weight and overall my following their plan.  The only thing that they cautioned me about was my Kashi Go Lean....I needed the extra fiber, but they don't want me eating it for two liquid and solids know our don't drink when you eat.....and....two....the amount of carbs in the they had suggested that I purchase this fiber I did.....OMG! .... I think that it compares to the protein supplement that my husband had to take when he had gastric bypass.  I managed to down a half of scoop...I will have to try to be creative to take it....ha/ha.

I did not get a fill yesterday....I am staying full between meals and we all decided that I would not have to have one now, but schedule another appointment for 6 weeks (May 8th) and if I needed a fill between now and then to call and make an appointment.  

I have complete faith in my doctor and his staff, but have worried about some things since reading all the posts I discussed with them about ports flipping, bands slipping......they have had a small percentage of this occurring.  That made me feel better.....She asked about any vomiting episodes and I told her that I have not had any instances of this.....she was pleased....another reason we decided to wait on the fill...if I was too tight...that might occur.

So for now, I will continue to do what I am doing and increase my exercise a little and enjoy this new journey.  I hope everyone is doing well.

March 23, 2008
2 bunnies


I am starting to see weight loss again.  I weighed this morning and lost about another pound.  I now have lost 42 pounds just since surgery!!!!  Am I betcha!!!!!

I wish that I had taken my measurements at the beginning....because I know that I am losing them.

I am going to have to do something about clothes.....these are really getting too big and my husband says that I am wearing my moo moo shirts.  I just can't find anything I like at this point....especially for the price they want and just to turn around and have to buy more soon.  What a dilema!!!!  I LOVE IT!

March 22, 2008  

I had a pretty good day today.  I weighed in and I have lost 60.2 pounds since my highest weight and over 40 since surgery.  I am going to have to do something about some clothes.  lol

My daughter is moving into another apartment....she is working 2 I went and moved her furniture in place and hung up her clothes.  I am so sore today.....The muscle where my port is knows that I worked.  Tomorrow I guess that she and I will unload some of her boxes after Easter dinner.  She has tomorrow off and will have to be at work again on Monday morning before 6 am.

Part of me cannot believe that school is almost out and part of me is very excited that it will be.  I hope that when I go back in the fall...people will be able to see a "huge" difference.

I hope that this will be the beginning of keeping my journal through this.  I cannot believe that I have lost a lot of my blogs...but this is all a learning experience.

Happy Easter to all.

Mar. 21, 2008

Happy Spring to all and Easter too!

Don't you just hate it when you add a blog and then you accidently hit the backspace button and you lose it all.

Well, that is what happened the other night.....I finally sat down and updated and lost it all in a matter of 10 or less minutes.


I am finally starting to lose a little weight had slowed down, but I was and am losing inches.  I was beginning to wonder what I was doing wrong.....but I think that everything just had to catch up.

I always get so excited when I read about someones first anniversary here.  I can not wait!


I will be glad to lose enough that I can find some conservative cute stuff to wear.....everything here that I have found so far....I wouldn't wear out in the

I will see Dr. Merriman again on Thursday.  I don't know if they will give me another fill....I don't know if I need one yet.....I stay full, but I am just not losing as quickly as I was before my first fill.  We will see....I really don't know if it is automatic to be filled every six weeks or if they determine it by how you feel.

I will let you know.

January 2008

Jan 26, 2008

January 26, 2008 
WOW !!!

Can you believe that it has been a whole month?  I am happy to say that some of the minor situations have resolved themselves and I couldn't be happier with my decision.

This has not been a bad journey at all.  This decision has been a long time in the making.  My husband had gastric bypass in 2003....and for 4 years I have tried to triglycerides were out of sight and I was told that if I didn't do something soon....I would die.  What an attention step.  I waited until Christmas vacation to have surgery in order to have time to heal.  I would have returned to work on time if I had not had a 102 temp from a bug I picked up.  

I recommend this surgery for anyone who is in medical need of an intervention.  I feel like with time, this will save my life and the side effect will be a smaller me.  Just think.....A LITTLE DEBBIE AND NOT A SNACK CAKE!  Lol. 
Comment by suetomimati on Jan 27, 2008 at 09:39am

Yay for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are things at work? I am so glad to hear from you. Take care my friend and keep posting your wonderful news...

Love ya,


January 22, 2008 

I feel better today....thank goodness.....I am so grateful for this site....some of the questions we have but don't want to ask.....the brave souls venture out and give us answers....ha/ha

Almost a month....unbelievable! 

January 21, 2008

i have to laugh....Everything with surgery went like clockwork.  Then the Saturday after I came home, I ended up with a bug and 102 temp.

The continuing story....Friday when I got up....I noticed that my foot hurt (by my right big toe) to put in my shoe.  Nothing had changed....I had not stubbed one stepped on it....and it was the same shoes I have been wearing.

The more the day progressed......the worse the pain was.  I ignored it.  Saturday, I put my shoe on....but it was horrible to try and walk on the foot.  By Sunday, after soaking it in warm water several times and mom putting ice on it several times....she practically kidnapped me (lol) and made me go to an after hours clinic.

It seems that my foot has cellulitus and gout.  Never in my life had I had this before.  It is possible that I have NOT been getting enough fluid in during the day....which created uric acid in my system....which attacked my arthritis and ended up in the joint of the big toe.

Ok.....I am ready for life to settle down and to begin to enjoy this new band.  I am almost a month out and for the most has been ok.  I have just felt lousy...and it has had nothing to do with the surgery itself.  

Eating has been going well....getting enough fluids in has been tough, but I have done better.  I am really concentrating on getting more in.  

PLEASE everyone....I hope you learn a lesson from me....drink, drink, drink....according to what your doctor has told you.  Have a great day. 

January 14, 2008

Everything is going good.  I hope that everyone who had surgery when I did , are doing well.

School is going good too.  I need to try to get more walking in.  

Is anyone else cold since they have had surgery?  I use to be so hot natured.... now I can't seem to get warm enough.  ha/ha.

January 12, 2008

I had my weekly weigh in today.  I had lost a little over 5 pounds (not quite 6).  I have noticed that my body is adjusting to the mushy stage over the full liquid stage.

I am one of those who weigh daily....and I noticed that I had gained today after 2 days on mushies.  I am not going to fret.  I am still following the rules and this will come off.  With as fast as it has come off in approx. 3 weeks...I expect it to slow down a little.

I am excited no matter what I took me a whole year to lose already losing close to 15 is wonderful!!!!

Y'all have a great weekend.....

January 10th

I went back to school yesterday and am doing better.  Not as sore...healing great....lost between 14 and 15 pounds.

Do you realize that this is another half of what took me a year to get off?....My medicine played a big part in hindering weight loss and I couldn't do without my medicine because of my weight.

I hope that everyone is doing great.....and for those of you waiting....the journey is worth it. 

January 8, 2008 

Boy am I glad that I am beginning to feel better....I am so sore from coughing...but the fever is finally coming down.

I guess that I will get ready for the mushy stage of my diet.  If the fever is gone....I will be back at school and I want to be ready for the change in my diet.  

Any suggestions for the pureed casserole part of this stage would be greatly appreciated.

I hope that everyone is doing well.  Stay safe with the weather and healthy on our journey.

January 6,2008

I have been doing so wonderful.....and then last night I felt like when I was in recovery.  I ran anywhere between 99 to 102 temp.  I did not sleep well last night....

The nurse was very impressed with my healing....this is not surgery related.

I have still felt horrible today, so I went to our after hours clinic.  I still was running a 102 temp and they did a flu test on me.  I did not have the flu but have picked up a bug of some kind.

So much for going to school tomorrow.....and then I will miss Thursday because I have my follow up with Dr. Merriman.

I feel a little better today .... just still very sore from coughing and still have a 99.9 temp....which is temp for me...I run 96-97 on a normal basis.

This too shall pass.

January 4, 2008


It is the small accomplishments!  I see where almost everyone is losing faster than i am....BUT that is ok.... I am following exactly what I am suppose to do...and I can claim 5.6 pounds lost since last Saturday.

I had come home and weighed on the Saturday after surgery and had gained 3.2.  So I am pleased that it has come off and a few more.

January 1, 2008

Can you believe it?  2008...... isn't it great!!!  Look at the new beginning we all have.  I can't wait.

I already feel better than I did.  I know that all of us will have a healthier and more productive New Year.

You all have a wonderful day.  God Bless Us All....




January 3, 2008

Jan 03, 2008

I am so glad to be home.  I am glad that I had the lap band.  I am glad that most of the minor pain I had is subsiding.

I will go back to school next Monday, so I guess that either tonight or tomorrow I need to go ahead and get my lesson plans ready.

I wonder how it will be those first few days?  I did very well at the grocery store yesterday....but it wasn't for 8 hours.

We will see.....I can't wait to have the success I see others are having.

December 2007

Dec 28, 2007

December 29, 2007 

Today is even better.  With a little difficulty, I got myself out of bed.  My husband has been helping me by grabbing my hand and let me pull myself up.

I don't feel as swollen today and I am a little less sore.  I am glad that I did this.  I was worried about feeling this "object" in my body.  I don't...with the exception of feeling a little tightness.

I can not wait until the weight begins to fall off.  I am ready for the new chapter of my life. is almost time to go to bed and be ready for the morning and all it holds.  I am excited for those of us who are beginning this new and wonderful life....and hopeful for those who are still waiting....we are just one step ahead, but stand beside you in  your new beginning.  May God Bless us all and watch over us.




December 28, 2007 

I am doing better....I am still very sore.  But with that said....everyday is a little better.  I have been making the circle at least twice in my house every hour or two.  I hope to do this more..

The ride home was kind of tough because of all the bumps on the highway.  I got bumped around several times.  I still would not trade my doctor for the world.  

Do or did you have a hard time the first couple of days getting in the food and the water you are suppose to have?  I am worried about becoming dehydrated so I am trying to make sure to sip on my water as much as possible.

Even as sore as I am.....I am glad that I did this.  I know that there is an end to my obesity and unhealthiness.  I am ready to begin being on the "other" side.

Thank you for all of your support.

December 27, 2007

I am home.  Everything went fine.  Recovery room time was tough...but I am ok.  I got up and walked two times yesterday and again this morning.  I laughed....when I asked about my diet...they said that today would count as day tomorrow is when I can begin the next stage of the diet. 

December 25, 2007

Thank you again for all the encouraging words you have given.  Thank you for Obesity Help and the friendships we gain by being part of this group.  See and talk with you soon.

December 25, 2007


Ok....I guess that the insurance company thought that I needed a Christmas on Christmas Eve they gave me my DENIAL.  

But that is ok.....I am NOT giving up.  I still plan to fight for myself and others like me who NEED this surgery.  I pray to goodness that the people who made this decision or any of their family members never need this surgery...but if they do...I HOPE they have to fight as hard as we do to try to get what we deserve in the first place.





December 23, 2007 

Not much longer now.  I am still not nervous....

Funny.....I was very nervous when I had gall bladder surgery.  I was convinced I would not return home from it.  Why?  I don't know...I had written a letter to my daughter, prayed all the way to surgery....and when I woke up...felt foolish.

I wonder why our brains work the way they do?????

IF I CAN....ha/ha....I will write before I leave for the hospital....we will get up at 3:00 I can take the shower with the special soap.  Leave here at 4:00 am and be at the hospital by 5:30 am.  Surgery should be between 6 and 7.

I tried today to buy some of the items my doctor's nutritionalist suggested to have when I come home.  Of course, the store didn't have some of the items.  So I guess I will go to Wally World (Wal Mart) tomorrow and try to get the rest.  

Thank you again for the kind words you have written.  I appreciate your thoughts and prayers....because honestly....I am not nervous now...but that drive to Shreveport gives me lots of time to

 Merry Christmas.




December 20, 2007




IT IS OFFICIAL.................


I had the EGD today and everything was fine.  I am still a little concerned about the congestion in my chest...I do not want to end up with pneumonia again.  But I know it will be ok.

I tried talking my husband into going over Christmas night so we would be there....but he says we will just get up at 3:30 and drive over...I have to be there at 5:30....I am the first one he will operate on.

I will keep everyone posted.




December 20, 2007




All of you will never realize how much I needed the Surgery Support Comments.  I guess I knew that section existed....but never paid attention to it.  Then I was checking my home email and there it was....messages from OH.  

Thank you for all of your support.  This sure has seemed like a very long week.  I have not had time to even be nervous about surgery....I have been nervous about him saying it will have to be postponed.

I really think that I should have invested in that bubble suit after all.  Last Saturday....I finally had that rattle in my chest.  Due to the tooth extraction, I am on hopefully I will be ok...I meet with  him tomorrow to have the EGD.  I would even be willing to be admitted to the hospital if we could get me well by the 26th.

I am probably over exaggerating....hopefully everything will be fine.

Thank you again for all of your kind words and thoughts....On this site you can hear successes and horror stories....I am glad that most of them are positive.

Keep the faith.




December 16, 2007




I have a congested chest....NO  NO NO

i refuse to be sick...I am taking Mucinex  and hopefully it will go away quickly...I am going to do breathing treatments too.

I am too close for this to happen....


I am ....  I need this surgery and the devil keeps putting obstacles in my way....


The tooth that was suppose to be an easy extraction....well we ended up having to surgically remove it...the roots were curled.....oh well it is out.




December 13, 2007 

I went to my regular pulmonary doctor today.

I am running fever...they think it is my tooth....PLEASE PRAY....I am too close to surgery to get sick now.

I will call the dentist in the morning.  I am trying so hard to not miss school.

Talk with you soon.


I am having the tooth pulled on Monday.  They don't seem to think that is what is causing the fever.  They said it would have to be pretty abcessed to do that.

Anyway...I called went from pre determination to legal...we will see what that means.




December 12, 2007




I had the appointment with the pulmonary, cardiologist and nutritionalist today.  

I am cleared with them for surgery.

I go next week and have an EGD and pre op visit.

2 weeks from today I have surgery....can you believe it?




December 10, 2007




Continuing the story of trying to stay well..

Robert has been sick...and so far I have stayed well....thank goodness.

But last Wednesday, I ate a Curves bar for breakfast so I could take my medicine....also that was the day when I was late because of getting bloodwork.

Anyway....I took a bite of the bar and it felt like my jaw had a knife being plunged through it.  It has been very sensitive, so Saturday a friend of mine felt like her dentist had an opening on Monday...(today)...I went...come to find out I had cracked an old filling....the tooth behind it is loose...and since I can't be on antibiotics for two weeks....the option was to extract it.  So I was given the shots to numb it and while I was sitting there...I began thinking of everything I had to do between now and the 26th.  So I remembered that I have a pulmonary function test on my friend walked in and I asked her.....her eyes got big and said that i needed to mention that to the dentist.  Because if it involved in sucking on anything like a straw I could make the clot come loose and then end up with a dry socket....evidently something I do not the decision was made that we would take care of the filling and if it still bothered me...we would take it out on Thursday.

So.....AM I MEANT TO HAVE THIS SURGERY????  Is God trying to tell me something or do I just have perfect timing????ha/ha..

Talk with y'all later.




December 9, 2007




16 sleep nights left before surgery.......a friend told me this the other day.  She used to tell her children this before she shared it with me.

I am so disappointed....I have tried really hard to lose the 14 pounds that I gained while on medication since September.  My surgeon probably won't believe that I have tried .... but I have been writing it down.  

I am going to mostly liquids this week with one small meal....we will see.

I hope you have a great week and maybe I will hear something from insurance tomorrow.




December 7, 2007




My approval from my PCP has been sent to my surgeon.  Next Wednesday I have my appointments with pulmonary, cardiology and nutritionalist.

I called insurance again today....I am still waiting for the letter of approval or denial on the appeal.

I have already begun my 2nd appeal.  I deserve this and they need to do it to help them with the long term health cost.  We will see.

I would even be a study for them if they wanted.  I cannot believe that surgery is about two weeks away.  A little more, but who is counting when it is this close.

So good....staying well...My husband is sick...and I am trying to be helpful and keep my distance at the same time.  




December 4, 2007




Today was my first of the appointments I have before surgery.  I had my chest x-ray, ekg and visit with my pcp.  I will have bloodwork in the morning.  All of the results will be faxed to Dr. Merriman.

The 12th I will go to the hospital and have some type of pulmonary function test, meet with the pulmonary doctor, go to the cardiologist and then meet with the nutritionalist.

The 20th I will meet Dr. Merriman at the hospital and have my EGD.  Later that afternoon, I will meet with him for my preop.  

I have been doing great with all of this.....just have been anxious about staying well until the 26th....UNTIL today...

A few nerves kind of were frazzeled....the lady who did my ekg had this surgery 5 years ago....when she found out that I was having it she was very supportive and said "Good for you."  Then she let me know that she had the surgery 5 years ago....well she proceeded to tell me that she started with lap band and she lost weight rapidly and the "band cut her stomach because of it".  She ended up having to have gastric bypass and according to her-  her stomach was made too large.  She began at about 400 lbs. and lost around 130 lbs.....and that is where she stopped....she is not happy.....she made sure to tell me to do LOTS of research.

This is just a fluke, right??????  Has anyone had this happen also?




December 1, 2007




Reality is beginning to set in....this surgery is about to happen....

I have talked about it since June...but here it is.

I have one doctor appointment on Tuesday....get cleared by my PCP and have tests run.

Several appointments on the 12th....Pulmonary...cardio...and nutritionalist...

And then on the 20th I have my EGD and preop....then surgery on the 26th.

Can you believe it?  I am still trying real hard to stay well....the kids at school now have some kind of virus and most of them have a cold...I talked to the pharmacist yesterday and asked whether to take just vitamin C or Ester C...they told me to take plain vitamin C and zinc.  So that is what I am doing.

I am still waiting for insurance...I have spoken to insurance and I am still waiting for a decision letter.  But that is long as I can stay healthy between now and Christmas...I will have this surgery and still fight.

About Me
west monroe, LA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2005
Member Since

Friends 88

Latest Blog 49
