My story....hummm.....well I have always been heavy or stocky but was always athletic.  I played softball and did track in high school but then after I quit these activites that is when the weight just came on.  A pound here and a pound there and before I knew it I weighed 362 pounds.  I was miserable, not being able to walk up the stairs in my house without pain and being breathless, it was time to do something.  I started the process to get a lap band.  There was a 6 month waiting period with my insurance and during that time I had pre-op weight to lose and had to do a supervised exercise program.  I actually didn't lose any weight during the exercise program and had to convince my surgeon to do my surgery.  I had my first, yes first surgery May 2009.  After struggling for a year and not losing much weight and not having much restriction in my band and finding a doctor to believe me that I wasn't just eating too much, they found that I had a leak in the system.  So on November 22, 2010 I went in for my second surgery.  My surgeon found the leak just about the port.  The leak was caused from a previous MD poking the tubing with a needle while trying to access the port.  She replaced my port and I am off to a brand new start and loving it.  Amazing when things work the way they are supposed to!   So here we go on the journey to the rest of my life!

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 4
