
Jun 06, 2010

Tomorrow is definately the day!  It seems that the liquid diet for the past few days has worked.  I'm down a pound from my weight at my pre-op testing.  THANK GOD!!  I was so worried that they'd turn me away if I gained.  I gave myself my Lovenox blood thinner shot this morning.  I so glad thats over I definatlely did not enjoy giving myself  those shots in the stomach twice a day.  I just hope that I won't need them after surgery too and I just start back up on the Coumadin.  I called and confirmed my surgery time it's scheduled for 1:40 pm.

So on to the next chapter...


Jun 04, 2010

I'm just a few days away from surgery now.  I went down to Tufts two weeks ago for some pre-op tests and I had lost 10 pounds.  The PA said that should be enough but I should try to lose another 3 or 4 pounds and to NOT GAIN.  Starting on
Memorial Day I started eating at a barbecue and have had a hard time stopping.  I've put back on 4 lbs and now I'm so scared that I'll get down to Boston and they won't let me have the surgery.  So starting today...nothing but liquids.  I hope that I can at least get back to where I was.  I am not the least bit nervous about the surgery itself.  I will be so psyched and relieved when they finally wheel me into that operating room.  It's been along time coming.

I'm more scared about afterwards.  I'm afraid that I'll still be hungry all the time and it won't work for me like everything else I've tried.  I know that this is going to be like a new begining and I'll have to teach myself how to eat right.  I have to learn to "Eat to live not live to eat".

About Me
Nashua, NH
Surgery Date
May 29, 2008
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