Two week check up

May 29, 2010

I went for my two week check up . I had lost 20 and a half  lbs. I was so excited. I can already tell a difference in my breathing and in my knees when I stand up. I can start on appesauce consistincy now. I had my fist egg this morning. So far everything is ok.

after surgery

May 16, 2010

I had surgery last Thursday. I was so surprised at how great I feel. I had RNY gastric bypass. I do not have pain I feel a little like I have to burp and I cant lay on  my left side yet or I have a little pain, but on the whole I feel great.I still Have the pain pump in my stomach, so dont know how I will feel when I take that out in a day or two.

I an so excited about losing this weight. I weighte 406 when I went in for surgeryand am in a wheel chair from being heavy.I'm excited to see if I will be able to get around again.

I am trying now to figure out all I need to drink.I am doing pretty good at getting the protien down and have done fairly good with getting the water in. I do not feel hungery at all,In fact I went over to my daughters for a barbque and I didnt feel upset at all that they were having hamburgers and I was drinking protein.


May 06, 2010

I leave Sunday to go to Dallas for my surgery. I will have a screen put in Monday to catch any clots I might throw and Have my gastric bypass done on Thursday.So remember me in your prayers.
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Surgery Date
May 06, 2010
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