
I have always struggled with my weight but there are times in my life that I was able to diet down to a weight I really felt was "me." This only happened when I severely cut my calorie intake and ate small portions of a balanced diet while limiting junk and white stuff and exercised regularly. Of course, I did the yo-yo thing but for the last 10 years it has been overwhelming. The more I was not able to get control the more out of control things became. It truly is like a snowball rolling down hill.

So I've thought about weight loss surgery for sometime but always got the same thing from doctors, friends and family. Even now people say I carry my weight well. I feel like the blown up dough man in "Ghost Busters." I know that dates me but let me clue you in that I am not going to die young. No, but I want to die happy and I think loosing this extra weight is at least 80% of why I am unhappy. I am looking into finding a counselor to address the weight loss and other "issues" so I don't transfer my addiction. Although in my heart of hearts, I think for me I will never be truly rid of my addiction to food but I will be able to tame the beast and recognize it for what it really is a robber baron of living life to the fullest.

I am excited about having surgery. I respect my surgeon and I feel like I'm in good hands. I also realize that the biggest key to success in this ride is my commitment to following the plan and giving back to the universe what the universe has given to me.

If all goes as planned, I will have my surgery in 4 days October 12, 2011. I started the latest push for surgery in the beginning of March 2011. It has taken so long to document everything for the insurance process. I know I was determined to find out everything and go further than ever before but this website has been truly a Godsend. I may have had surgery a lot sooner, even if I had to self pay if I had known of this resource. I don't know why it took me so long to find Obesity Help but it was the breakthrough and support I needed to sustain me through the process. Much love goes out to those of you who have shared your stories, offered advice and suggestions and just were there for me when I needed to reach out. I am forever grateful and humbled by your openness and kindness. This is a very good place to start my new journey.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2011
Member Since

Friends 9
