Jenn's Journey

1/9/2006 -- Visit to PCP

 I went to go see my PCP to ask him about looking into WLS. He was very supportive and immediately gave me a referral to the Wish Center. 2/8/2006 -- Initial Appt. at the Wish Center My appt. was at 8:30 and I didn't get out of the appt. until 2:30 later that afternoon. I met with the Surgeon, RN, Nutritionist, Excerise Physiologist, and Insurance Coordinator. They were all very nice. I especially like the Nutritionist. The Exercise Physiologist was a bit hard core, but I guess that's her job, right? All in all, I left with a good feeling. I have a trial diet and exercise program that I have to do for 8 weeks. I also have to meet certain goals. Below is an overview of the goals I should meet by my next appt. -- the pre-op! Primary Goals Include - Keeping a Food/Exercise Diary - Exercising 6 days a week - Measure Food, up protein, lots of water, etc. - Completing all lab work, chest xray, gallbladder ultrasound - Meeting with my Therapist at least 6 times and getting a release - Meeting with my Psychiatrist and getting a release - Taking Vitamins everyday and crushing all medication - Read "Overcoming Binge Eating" I am excited about surgery, but ovewhelmed by all the goals I need to accomplish.

2/16/2006 -- Visit to PCP, Physical

Today I met with my PCP and had my physical. I've lot 5 pounds since my first appt. in Jan. YEAH!!!! He had me do all my required lab work and I had a chest x-ray done. I also got a order to have my gallbladder ultrasound the following Tuesday morning. He was happy to see how well I was doing and told me if I needed anything to call him. I really like him, he's the best doctor I've ever had and is completely "fat friendly".

2/21/2006 -- Gallbladder Ultrasound

Well, if I can offer any advice make sure you get the very first appt. in the morning when you get your gallbladder ultrasound done. I had my appt. at 7:15am and I'm glad I did. You have to fast at least 6 hours before, no nothing. The ultrasound was easy, and everything looked A-OK!

2/23/2006 -- Results of Physical

Got my physical/lab results today. Looks like I'm healthy so all is good. BTW, I have my nipples pierced and when I had my chest xray done the technician pulled me aside and said. You know you have to take those out for the surgery, right? That was really an awkward moment. So for those of you with piercings keep this in mind.

2/28/2006 -- Progress Report to Wish Center

 I have to fax my food/exercise journal to the Wish Center to show my progress. From there they will tell me what areas I need to focus on. 3/9/2006 -- Approved I got a call today from the WISH center letting me know that UHC has approved me. BCBS-GA will approve me once we get the documentation from my PCP that he agrees with my need for surgery. I faxed that to the WISH center and it looks like once they have that documentation I'll be approved. :)

3/15/2006 -- Approved by both Insurance Co. & Pre-Op frustration

 Today was an interesting day. I went to see my therapist and had a productive session. :) So when I got home I decided to contact the Wish Center to see what timeframe my surgery would take place. Myhusband and I have such a tight schedule as it is, however, he can only take time off the last week of April and the first week of May. All his co-workers have used up the weeks before and after so he couldn't take time off even with FMLA. So when I called and I asked if I could have a date the last week in April the rep said that normally that would happen at the Pre-Op. So I said, "Yes, I know, but I'd like to be prepared so my husband can sign up for the time he needs now". I told her my Pre-Op was scheduled for April 6th. She then says that April 6th is not my Pre-Op, that in fact its a 2nd First Visit. I was livid, and I'm sure she could hear in my voice that I was upset so she had me speak to the RN. The RN said that because of "binging" concerns that they wanted to allow me more time. More time??? First I don't take this surgery lightly, it was a tough decision for me. Second, I'm totally dedicated, a few slips here and there with nutrional choices and exercise, BUT in no means have I had a binge episode. I've been avoiding refined sugar to discourage the trigger of a binge. So she was nice enough to work out a deal with me. On March 29th I have to meet with their Psychiatrist and prove that I'm on the right path. If he feels that I'm ready, then my April 6th appointment will take place on April 6th. I also need my Therapist to FAX in a progress report. I kinda feel like I'm in grade school, making sure I get an A on a test. I keep telling myself that this whole process is a journey and that all this red tape is just an obstacle. I'm sure I'll laugh later in hindsight, but in the here and now -- well let's just say its frustrating. 3/22/2006 -- Therapy & Progress Report Today I went and met with my Therapist. I believe she is a perfect match for me, and I've been working with her for about 10 months. We talked about all the challenges I've been having lately: Dad very sick due to my opinion a surgical error, my son a nd his autism, yesterday his sister was diagnosed with autism, and her twin sister with speech delay. Oh yeah, and did I mention the RNY surgery, not something to take lightly and requires a lot of dedication as well. Life isn't easy, and fortunately the anti-depressents, mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medication are helping. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II and GAD in June 2005. Anyway, she said she would be more than happy to send in a progress report. She's been really great helping me handle everything on my emotional plate. So we made sure to schedule an appointment a couple of hours after my meeting with the Wish Center's Psychiatrist. Hopefully I'll be able to share some good news.

3/23/2006 -- Today really SUCKS!!

 So today I got word that not only is my son (3), oldest twin daughter (20 mos) autistic. youngest twin is also. ALL 3 of my kids!!! I'm in shock right now. Although my husband and I have been working with them in Therapy, I never would have thought both twins were on the autism spectrum too. There's not much more to say, except it sucks. I'm still eating well, etc. BUT I lit up a cig today because after quitting a few weeks ago, cuz I couldn't handle the stress. Hopefully tomorrow I can get back on the wagon, cuz I need to make sure that I've quit so I can get an official surgery date.

3/29/2006 -- Appt. with Wish Center Psychiatrist

 So today's appt. was to sit down with the psychiatrist and see where I'm at with my mindset regarding WLS and how I'm doing with diet/exercise etc. Well the "Dr." kept inferring that I had been binge eating when I wasn't. Okay, yes I've had a coffee or two, slipped and had a smoke after finding out all 3 of my kids are autistic, but come on now. This hasn't been the easiest 3 months I've had lately. So I started getting upset so much so that I was angry and ended up having a major panic attack. I felt like a college student taking my finals. I used to get panic attacks before exams all the time. So in any event, I ended up telling him that he was frustrating me cuz I felt like he wasn't listening to me and then I proceeded to call him an "ASS". At that point he told me the conversation was done and began to leave the room. I was still hyperventilating at that point. Later spoke to the Office Manager who basically told me that I wouldn't be ready for surgery with all my "life stressors". kids are autistic its not like they are going to be cured anytime soon. PLEASE!!! When would I be able to get over life stressors, when you have 3 special needs children it really doesn't go away. I got in my husband's truck since he had my minivan to take the twins to therapy. I was still visibly upset, went to starbucks and bought some coffee and then pulled off the side of the road called MY psychiatrist and asked him the best way to handle my panic attack, meds to take? he told me what to take and then I continued on home. When my husband came home with the girls I talked to him about what had happened and he was completely on my side. I have lost 25 pounds what is that dumb ass psych dr. at the Wish Center think anyway...they never even weighed me or anything. My husband told me to hang in there and that he was glad I already had an appt. scheduled with my therapist. I totally love her, she is such a great person that I can talk to. She is a cognitive therapist which is totally my style. WE had a great chat, and reiterated from previous talks that the "wish center" is not the only place to have WLS. Of course I was putting all my energy into them and she thinks that's why I probably had a panic attack.

3/30/2006 -- A new Surgeon ???

So last night after all the chaos I decided to go ahead and research some various surgeons in the area that I felt might be a good fit for me based on reviews, history, etc. Well I think I may have found someone. I called his office this morning to have a meeting with him on April 12th @ 10:30. I told the receptionist that I wanted to chat with him to make sure we were a good fit before I commited to anything. I don't want to put all my energy into something and then have it fizzle before my eyes again. That would hurt the momentum I have right now with my diet/exercise. So for now I have changed my surgeon to Dr. Lauter, but it is only temporary until our meeting. I wanted to get the Wish Center surgeon off my know leave the negativity behind me. :)

4/12/2006 -- Visit with Dr. Lauter

Well today was a very very good day. First off...Dr. Lauter is an extremely down to earth overall nice guy with a lot of knowledge about bariatric surgery. He was straight and to the point answered all of my questions, and assured me despite the disappointments that I encountered at the Wish Center. He was happy to hear that I have all my requirements complete and at the end of the appointment asked me if I was still interested in having him perform my RNY surgery. I said, "of course". I just felt like I got a great vibe from him and that's important to me besides the compentency I feel he has by reviewing his surgical history. So by Friday, I should have an official surgery date if I can get final approval by the Insurance for Dr. Lauter specifically. This shouldn't be a problem since I already received approval through UHC and BCBS-GA. I also have to get a referral letter from my therapist and psychiatrist and complete a new EKG and Lab work. I should be able to get most of the red tape done by EOD Friday, and should get my surgery date at that time, at the latest Monday. Once the date has been set (looks like 1st week in May) then my husband and I will attend the pre-op next week. So all in all its been a very productive day, and I'm so excited I could scream. :) Perserverence has kept me on the right path despite the obstacles.

4/14/2006 -- I have a DATE!!!!!!!!!

 Today I called Dr. Lauter's office and spoke to Mae. She okay'd it for me to go to Overlake to get my EKG and Lab work done. She also said she had put me down on the calender for Wed. May 3rd. I couldn't believe it, I'm in SHOCK and totally excited!!! I actuallly have a surgery date! YIPPPEEEE! My husband and I will be attending my Pre-Op appt. on Tues. April 18th. It's gonna be a great weekend. Happy Easter everyone! :)

4/18/2006 -- Pre-Op Appt.

 Well today my husband and I attended the Pre-Op appt. Originally it was scheduled for 10am, then Mae called me to push it back to 10:30 and Dr. Lauter didn't show up until close to 11:30am. My husband kept complaining, however, I have another take on it. Mae had explained that he was delayed to being in surgery. If it was me on the table, I would want Dr. Lauter there making sure everything was good to go too, and so what if someone had an appt. and they had to wait a little longer. I'm not sure why my husband was so irritated or irritating to me because he didn't have to be at work until 1:30 and his job was right around the corner. He claimed he just doesn't appreciate ppl being late. Well it was a little embarrassing to me that he kept making a big deal and I was so worried that someone might hear him complaining. :( The pre-op appt. went well otherwise. Dr. Lauter answered all my questions, and understood that although I was really excited I was also nervous. I received paperwork from Mae to fill out for Registration for Overlake. So at this point, its a waiting game until the official day. :)

5/02/2006 -- Day Before Surgery

 Well its the day before surgery and I'm flooded with a sea of emotions. I'm totally excited and scared of complications with surgery. I'm also going through the "I will be the only one who fails" thing. I know these are all normal responses from what I have read, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling emotionally overwhelmed at this time. Its funny you read all these things people go through and you think to yourself. Gosh, at least I know what I can expect, but everyone is different on how you handle the situations. I've been working like mad in my yard the last 2 weeks. Spending every single moment of free time pruning, weed whacking, mowing, transplanting,etc. I even created a new flower bed and installed new borders around the entirety of the front yard beds. That in itself took me 3 days. I think I'm going to use the new flower bed as a model for my weight loss journey. I'm going to need to tend to it to make sure that the soil has lots of nutrients (vitamins/eating well), lots of water (no brainer), sun/shade (exercise & more sleep) and to make the flower bed pretty with flowers and shrubs (taking pride in myself). I think if I remember these things I can be successful, and since I have a metaphorical representation of what I aspire to do and be I know I can do it.

Pictures of Me Day Before Surgery... 

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I've been thinking a lot about things I want to be able to do/feel/accomplish once I've lost weight and feel more energy from the lack of FAT attached to my body frame. So here it goes. List of things I want to be able to do again after WLS.

1) Have more energy to play with my 3 year old Son and 22 month old Twin Girls
2) Feel like I’m a better Mom because I’ll be able to chase down my kids if they elope (All 3 kids have Autism and elopement is a huge problem)
3) Cross my legs comfortably without having to lean to the side to stabilize myself
4) Walk into Vick’s Secret and actually buy something Gorgeous and Sexy off the rack
5) Shop in one of the hip stores in the mall, and feel like I can go in there and buy something for me
6) Wear heals and not feel like an elephant on stilts
7) Have Extra Energy PERIOD
8) Learn to play Guitar – I just got one for Christmas 2005, but am too big to hold it correctly. :(
9) Be comfortable with my body
10) Sit comfortably in an airplane seat and not need a belt extender
11) Audition for Seattle’s Mic
12) Learn all the various steps for Tap Dance without losing my balance (use my Tap Dance DVD)
13) As my husband put it, be able to fit more than 3 pairs of underwear on a clothesline (he was being funny)  :)
14) Controlling my stress and anxiety via Healthy Alternatives
15) Sit in my husband’s truck without having to put the seat all the way back so that because otherwise the belt won’t fit properly
16) No need to circle the parking lot when running errands because I’m too lazy to walk across the parking lot to get to the store
17) Feel embarrassed about my body
18) Fit in a normal size chair with armrests when I am in a public location
19) Not waddle when I walk
20) Walking without being out of breath, back pain, or any other joint pain
21) Lifting my arms isn’t painful because the fat weighs them down so much
22) Using a normal size bath sheet instead  of of an extra extra big one to wrap around myself after a shower.
23)  Not using a towel under my breasts and under my fat apron after a shower because of fear that I'll start chaffing.
24)  Being okay with leaving food on my plate
25)  Being okay to saying No to desert instead of saying no in public and gorging on sweets when I get home

There are more things I will be adding, but this is a start :)

5/20/2006 -- About 2.5 weeks after surgery

 Well, its been a while since I've updated. Surgery went flawlessly. I remember trying to get up and out of the bed in the recovery room, but that's about it. I did get pretty nauseous from the anathesia, but they were able to give me some anti nausea medicine. At first I wasn't really responding to the anti-nausea medicine so they gave me a small patch behind my ear and I felt a whole lot better. The night after surgery I decided I needed to start walking up and down the hall, not very far, but it was 2am and I was pretty drugged up. The following day I kept at it and by the 2nd day in the hospital I was doing laps, it felt great to move. The day after surgery I got a lunch and it consisted of tea, jello, and chicken broth. I took not more than 4 spoonfuls and felt completely full. I didn't want to overdue it. I went home the second day in the hospital and was on oxycodone for the pain. The following day I was going out with my husband shopping at target and the supplement store. My family & friends were amazed. I continued to stay busy, focusing on getting better and not laying on the couch. I took care of my garden, kept up on laundry, cleaned the house as soon as the kids went to bed every night. It has been great to have so much energy. Well, here's the good news. I'm on day 17 and have lost 24 pounds since surgery and 38 pounds since starting the process in Jan. 2006. I'm sooo shocked, but extremely excited. Although I must admit I've been having some trouble with the puree diet and then retreat back to the fluid diet. I have been able to eat yoghurt, tomato soup, chicken broth, water, crystal light, protein supplement (2 oz fruit flavored), medicine (crushed), etc. I had some issues with cream of wheat and mashed potatoes that were pretty thinned out for a puree. Both of these made me feel so full and uncomfortable. Even though I ate it very slowly, it felt like it was just sitting there, those are the times I feel like I need to revert back to basic fluids, etc. Although I have been busy, I do need to get on my treadmill and begin "real" exercise. I think I could be more successful and feel a whole lot stronger if I do. I do notice I have more energy, but to have energy and feel strong would be the ultimate. I hope to update again soon, but wanted to leave the latest update and how surgery and the start of the weight loss was going.

7/10/2006 -- About 2 months after surgery

Sorry I haven't had a chance to update my profile. So far, I've lost 60 lbs since surgery and 77 lbs since beginning this process. I feel great, and move around better. I have more energy and am taking better care of myself. I'm starting to wear make-up again, cuter clothes, and would you believe I got into a size 20 capri pants. WOW! That was crazy since I started out a 26/28 to 30/32 and they were tight. Eating still tends to be a challenge though. When I eat too fast I get sick. I'm really trying hard to slow things down, its not easy though with my schedule. I also tried two sips of a apple martini 2 weeks ago, and got so drunk and didn't feel well ( I think the sugar) so I won't be drinking again for a long time. I hoping to workout more, since I've been totally slacking in that dept. I'll try to get another picture up here soon. Everyone keeps complementing me on how great I look. It's a complete mood lifter, and I feel so proud. :)

8/17/2006 -- About 3.5 months after surgery

 So I weighed myself today and I'm 240.3. That means that since Jan. 2006 I've lost 97 pounds and 80 pounds since surgery. I'm still having a hard time with food, but I'm learning to live with it. I was sick with the stomach flu last week and it was horrible. Not the same feeling as when my insides were not all rearranged. I couldn't vomit like before when I was sick. All I got was foam, and the diarehea took longer to kick in. So of course...I was miserable. Sometimes it feels better to just get it out. At least that's my opinion. Anyway, feeling better and things are going well. I'm wearing an 18/20.

8/30/2006 -- About 4 months after surgery

 Well today I weighed myself and I'm now 233. Which means I've lost 104 since Jan. 2006 and 90 pounds since surgery. I feel incredible and I can't stop living and enjoying my life. Seriously, the best decision I've ever made in my lifetime so far. :) BMI is now...38.8! That from a starting BMI of 56.1. All I can say is WOW!

9/1?/2006 -- About 4.5 months after surgery

Well today I weighed myself and I'm now 222. Which means I've lost 114 since Jan. 2006 and 101 pounds since surgery. I still feel great. Its funny cuz I'm still getting lots of oooo's and aaahhhh's from friends and even the lady at the starbucks drive thru write -- you look fabulous when I get a vanilla sf vanilla latte. Life is good. more later...

10/26/2006 -- About 6 months after surgery

OMG!  I can't believe how long it has been since I've updated.  Shame on me!!!  However, I've been so busy.  Like that's an excuse, but its okay cuz I'm LIVING instead of sittin around.  I'm loving the new me, and getting reminders when I try to be the old me.  Sugar -- say it -- NO NO NO!  :)  Still don't tolerate Sugar, Hi Carbs, Breads, etc.  The old me would've died without it, but I have a new way of looking at it now, which is why I love the new me.  So here goes.  Today I weighed myself and I'm 205.  5 lbs away from being in the 100s...that's so absurd, and I'm so excited. :)  So since January I've lost 132 pounds (yes a person) and 115 pounds since May 3rd (the infamous surgery date).  I still wear my diamond butterfly pendant everyday to remind me of where I am on this journey and to encourage myself to be strong during the hard times.  Life is good.  :)

11/10/2006 -- About 6.5 months after surgery

TODAY is a BIG day!  I am under the 200 mark!  The scale said 198.8 this morning.  :)  Woo Hoo.  I have lost 139 pounds since January and 125 since surgery.  I'm looking good and feeling great. 


1/13/2007 -- About 8.5 months after surgery

Well after a plateau, I'm losing again.  I'm 182, that's a loss of 155 pounds.  Pretty Amazing!!!  I'm in a size 12 jeans.  Its friggin' crazy insane, and I have so much more confidence.  I'm still getting used to this new exterior, but I'm re-learning how to love myself, saggy skin and all.  :)

Here's a great site to figure out your weight loss plan and what to expect after surgery.




I normally wouldn't post this but I thought it was fun... :) I hope I look this good when all is said and done. Yeah, right! :) I don't think at this point I'd need implants. LOL Hidden Beauty
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About Me
Kent, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2006
Member Since
