I have not always had a weight problem. In fact as a teen I was able to eat just about everything and not gain weight. This was both good and bad. Good that I didn't gain but bad in that I didn't know how to control what I did eat. I didn't give any thought to what I was eating and how much. When I was pregnant with my first child I had numerous complications that landed me in bed for six months. Consequently everything I at caused me to gain. I gained 90 pounds with that pregnancy. I never lost the weight and with each pregnancy to follow I gained more.

When I was 30 years old my husband suddenly died and I was left to raise our three small children alone. I had lost my best friend and I felt as if my whole life just fell apart. I turned back to my old friend food. The pounds have just kept creeping up.

Now don't get me wrong I have tried every diet you can think of only to loose some weight but gain it back again. I realized that for me the hunger never went away and all I think about is what is there to eat. I know this process is not a cure to this or a miracle it is a tool. A tool that I know will help me meet my health goals once and for all.

Another thing that bothers me about being big is that I am the big one in the family. My sister is thin, my mom is overweight but not much and my dad is fit. I go to family functions and I am the big one the fat one. I feel as if I am constantly  under a microscope with them. I would like to feel as if the elephant in the room was not there.  I look forward to my journey and finding the healthy me inside that has just been waiting to make herself known again.

About Me
Jul 08, 2013
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