How Time Flies!!!

Oct 31, 2007

Wow, almost a whole year has gone by since I posted last!!!  Warren's B day is on Friday, 8 years old!  Let's see, I am done to 117 now, I had my tummy tuck done on October 8th...I weighed 130 that day, premenstrual.  Then I had a blockage, went into the hospital overnight for that, and when I got home, I got a stomach virus!!!  No eating for about 5 days altogether!  I lost 13 pounds through that whole process (about four in skin).  I am still happily married, got my PA real estate license in May.  Love it one day, hate it the next....don't like when they fall through.  I will post pics soon!

November 2, 2006

Nov 02, 2006

Happy 7th b-day to my baby.  I can't believe he is 7 already.  How time flies.  I weighed 139 this morning right on the nose.  I have been sooo good following my diet..  I have been going to, and entering all my info in the am, then following it.  been working pretty well, I just pack my food for work.

October 30 2006

Oct 30, 2006

140 this am.  10 More pounds to go.  I have a visitor right now, so hopefully I will lose more this week.:)

My Journey

Oct 24, 2006

8-9-05 Hi! My name is Nicole. I'm 31, married to a wonderful man, and we have 2 boys ages 9 & 5. I have been overweight most of my life since high school...I slowly gained weight starting my freshman year. I did lose weight here and there, I think I was actually at my thinnest when I was pregnant with my first son. I was in a car accident in 1996, and my weight has just increased since then.

I guess I should give you my stats....I'm 5'2" (according to the nurse, I was always 5'1") and I weigh in at 224.

I have already had my consult with Dr. Motto on July 14th . Everyone in his office is fantastic. They really put you at ease...even Dr. Motto is very down to earth and easy to talk to.

I had also saw the dietician that day. She gave me a 1400 calorie diet plan which should be easy to follow. I have been having a hard time actually following this month because a charge of mine has been in the local hospital for the last couple of weeks and now has been tranferred to Hershey Hospital, so I have been very stressed out and have been eating on the go, not following the diet plan. I am planning on doing everything right today as it is the first day I don't have to run, run, run.

8-11-05 I had my 1 month appointment with the dietician today, and Surprise! I lost 4 pounds! I was so shocked when I got on the scale, I thought I had GAINED 4 pounds. now at 220.

8-12-05 I see Dr. Motto again on September 29. It would be nice to have my expected date moved up then. I am writing everything down today like the dietician wants me to....being a good girl. I am going to try to lose at least 10 pounds before I go back to see him. That would be 14 out of the 22 pounds they want me to lose and back at the same weight I was at the end of 2004. I can't believe I gained that weight back after losing it, I guess I should explain. I started seeing the dietician in Dr. Motto's office in Nov 2004 at 226lbs and by Dec 31 I was 210, so I lost 16 pounds and then I chickened out about the surgery and stopped following the diet. Hence, back up to 225, now back on track and down to 220 AGAIN.

9-04-2005 Just a quick update, I am down about 8 more pounds since my last entry...212. I have at least 4 more months until I can send in my records to the ins. co....I hate waiting.

9-11-05 What a sad day to look back upon...please remember all the great people that have been lost. I just looked back on the beginning of my profile and have to update..I am now 32. My birthday was 8-31. Still doing ok on my weight. It seems to go up and down anywhere from 212-216. yuck.. I have an appointment with the dietician on the 16th.

9-19-05 Had my appointment with Christina on the 16th. I am down to about 215. She said that next month we should be able to schedule my surgery soon!!!!!!!yes!!!! I see Dr. Motto on the 29th, maybe he will set one? That would be awesome. I am starting to get real excited. I still have quite a few months to go, but we all know how fast time can go. I am having a hard time following the diet plan, I keep eating the same things the kids are because I don't have time to make my own stuff. I have recently had 2 foster children come into our home, so now there are 4 kids in the house, hectic.

10-01-2005 I went to see Dr. Motto on Thursday. I weighed 218! Thanks to PMS. Yuck! Hopefully that is ALL that it is. I think Dr. Motto was a little disappointed, but too nice to say. I will have to go for a sleep study. What fun! I guess the nurse will be calling me to schedule that. I really didn't want to have that done, now I will have to find someone to stay at my house overnight because my husband leaves for work at 4 am, leaving the children all alone is NOT an option. Also we have a female foster child placed in our home now, per agency rules there has to be an adult female in the home overnight with her. Oh well, it will all be worth the hassle in the end....if I ever get there! It seems like so long away.

Only 84 days to Christmas! Hard to believe. I guess my surgery is sooner than I think. Dr. Motto said my surgery will most likely be in January!!! No exact date yet..I have to get my weight down a couple more pounds...I will see Christina the dietician right around the middle of October. So hopefully the date will be set then. :)

10-12-2005 I have an appointment with the sleep Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully he will tell me that I do not have to have the study done. It will be very inconvenient for me to have it, and I really don't have any fears that I do have sleep apnea. My tiredness comes from being a mom with two boys and a girl! my weight loss has stuttered and now I will have to really buckle down.

11-05-05 I have a lot to update! As far as my weight goes, I am currently at 216 as of this morning. My last dietician appointment I was at 218, apparently they were not water weight pounds, they stayed! At one point at home I was at 220 in between appointments, so I am happy with the 216. I am back on the diet plan and following it faitfully now. My next appoinment with Christina (the dietician) is Nov 22nd, and I HAVE to hit that 212!!!! So about 2 more weeks and pounds to go...I hope I will be able to do it!!

As for as the sleep study I have to get one. The doctor, who was excellent, said that my tonsils have never disolved and that the opening in my throat is rather small, so better safe than sorry. I am scheduled for November 11th...I'm trying to look at it as a mini vacation, it is not often I do not sleep in my own bed. We currently do not have any foster children living with us, but are scheduled to get on on the 9th, but he is a boy, so no worries as far as having a approved female come to the house overnight. I really do not think that I have sleep apnea, but I am excited to see the results.

I went to the support meeting at Evan hospital in Lewisburg on the 2nd. It was a very interesting meeting. Doctor Motto was there and showed a video of the surgery and explained everything that was going on and compared it to the way he did the surgery. He also explained why he did things differently on some things. I have complete confidence in him. I talked to the one nurse Laree there and she said that if I am at close to my goal weight at the next dietician appoinment she will be ready to schedule and she said that she is looking at January 16 th or the 23rd..whhooowhoo!! Get your butt moving Nicole!!!!!!!

11-06-2005 I have been sooo good following the diet plan!! I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 214.4!! I feel terrific...I hope that it stays off and is not just water weigh fluctuating around...anywhoo..that leaves me with 2.4 lbs to lose until Nov. 22nd for my dietician appointment. MAYBE I can go even lower that would be so awesome!! The more I lose now the less I will have to lose later. The doctor's goal weight for my surgery is 203..another 11 pounds, and I have until January to do it....I should be ok.

11-12-05 I had my sleep study last night. It was not that bad, but is definately not as good a night sleep as usual. The unofficial word is that I show no signs of sleep apnea! YeaH! The tech said that I did wake up several times but for no reason she could see. The word is that I do have a slight snore, but not loud and only occasional..I guess my hubby was right! She did tell me that for the first half hour or so that my legs were very restless, but after that they stopped.

11-14-05 I got up this morning and weighed myself....212.8!!! I am SOOO happy! I have to admit I have not been eating that much, I recently started taken welbuterin for my anxiety, and it has a appetite suppresant quality, so I am hungry, but not really have head hunger. You know, where you eat something just because it's there, even though you're not hungry. I am finding I don't eat as much at meals either. WEIRD! Now I know that I will be able to get my surgery date at my next appointment, at least it will set all that in motion!!! Thank God! I still have 8 more days until my dietician appointment, so maybe I WILL get down to below 212...crossing fingers.

11-19-05 I weighed in at 210.8 this morning. I can see my stomach is a bit smaller....Christina will be happy! Surgery date here I come!!!

11-23-05 I went to the dietician yesterday and I was 208!!! When I came back from picking the kids up at the bus stop, there was a message from the nurse with my surgery date!!! January 23rd!! She also gave me a whole lot of other appointments, so I think the time will go real fast.:) The dietician said to try to not lose anymore weight this month, (I lost almost 11 lbs since last month) because of the insurance, so my bmi doesn't go too low...can you imagine, after all this time trying to lose weight now I have to not lose!!!! Crazy!

About Me
Shamokin, PA
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2004
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 4
How Time Flies!!!
November 2, 2006
October 30 2006
My Journey
