Day 4 Cont..

Oct 05, 2012

Today has been a pretty easy day for me.. No cravings really.. I had some cream of potato soup tonight.. I did not puree it LOL  I did strain it and ate only half of what was there maybe a 1/3 of a cup.. I did eat less then a 1/3 cup of  chocolate frozen yogurt and it is sugar free.. I thought I got just fat free nope sugar free which is good seems how I am still a diabetic.. I honestly have to say that I haven't had much today.. I mean I have drank my 4 protein shakes and I have had 2 bottles of water and 16oz of Gatorade but it was mixed half and half with water.. I did my walking tonight.. I walked another 4 blocks.. Tonight seemed to be a lil easier.. But I have to say that since Oct.3 when I took my water pills i have lost a total of 27lbs.. I weighed and I am at 300lbs.. As of today I have officially lost a total of 50lbs.. LOL lets just hope that it don't come on again from all the water I gain.. I would like to be under 300lbs when I go into surgery on the 17th.. My blood sugar has been great I just checked it and it is at an great 88.. 4 days down and 12 to go until surgery.. 

Day 4

Oct 05, 2012

Today has been very easy on the liquid diet.. I guess because I haven't been anywhere besides doing my laundry... Ive already done 3 loads of laundry, folded and hung up clothing and put them away.. I have cleaned out my closet and have already taken some clothing and given them to my boyfriends niece cause they are to big for me.. I have just been keeping myself motivated so keep my mind busy on other things then food.. I feel that if I stay motivated that first of all I will be burning calories from moving all the time plus it helps not thinks of the food and cravings.. I am 4 days in and 12 days to go until surgery.. I see my Dr the dietitian and do pre-op all on the 9Th.. The good thing is my blood test come back on the no smoking so the Dr will have it when I see him.. I am very proud of myself for making it this far and doing the walking and keeping with things..  

Day 3

Oct 04, 2012

Today was harder then the first day on the liquid diet.. The cravings of food is getting worse only because if I go somewhere I smell the food.. But I cant stay cooped up for 2 weeks I will go crazy.. But I got through another day and just keeping myself busy and trying to keep my mind free of negative thoughts.. I am a Strong woman I can do this.. I started walking last night and I pushed myself to walk 6 blocks.. Well I walked again tonight but I didn't push myself.. I walked 4 blocks I think that is plenty to start out with.. Last night I hurt so bad from walking that I started crying.. My back and hips were hurting bad.. I mean I have back problems anyways but still...  I am doing good though.. I have been drinking 4 protein shakes a day and drinking like 3-4 bottles of water a day as well as having tomato soup, strained chicken noodle soup, beef broth and chicken broth and from time to time some frozen yogurt.. I tried pureeing my chicken noodle soup and I took like 2 drinks and trashed it.. NOPE not my thing.. LOL   I have met a new friend on here.. She seems like a nice lady and I am happy to be able to have someone to talk to who is going through the same thing as me.. She got her phone call about her surgery the day before I got mine and her surgery is the day before mine.. So its so good to have her to talk to this way maybe we can help and support each other through all of this since we are both at the same point of all of this.. I am very impressed with my blood sugars though.. I started off with a blood sugar of 121 first thing this morning and after dinner it was 87.. My Dr said today he is going to fax some paper work over to my surgeon and let him know he approves me having the surgery and that my A1C should be in the level that Dr Fisher would like my surgeon.. So I was very happy with that and plus to find out he has taken me off 1 shot completely and cut the other one down to just one shot a day and that's first thing in the morning and no more metformin pills..  I'm very happy with all of that.. My family and boyfriend are very supportive and I am so grateful for all of it.. Without their support I don't know if I could do this or not.. 

Diabetic Dr Visit

Oct 04, 2012

I am very excited today.. First off I weighed this morning and from yesterday weighing in at 327lbs to this morning weighing in at 309lbs.. I lost a total of 18lbs in just water weight.. I was so happy to have that off.. Then I went to the Diabetic Dr today and because of my blood sugar being so good he has taken me off my novolog flex pen shot in which I was taking 3 times a day before meals.. Plus my levemir flex pen shot I now only take in the AM instead of taking it in the AM and PM like I was.. Plus I am no longer on the metformin anymore..  Yay 

Liquid Diet

Oct 03, 2012

I am in my 2nd day of my liquid diet.. Its been pretty easy in a way for me..  I was never one to really get hungry so the food cravings hasn't been that big of deal.. But its still kinda hard cause there is times that I do smell the food and go... YUMMY I want and know I can't have.. I have drank more milk with making my 4 protein shakes a day then I have in forever ha ha.. I am drinking water water water plain and using crystal light.. Chicken and beef broth I like the chicken better.. Tomato soup it really helps when your feeling that hunger.. I did have some frozen yogurt my first day of my liquid diet.. I know its not ever easy giving up things that you love but I wanna be healthier and live without all the medications and breathing problems.. I have started walking up one side of my block and down the other side of my block.. Its 2 blocks per circle.. I have 1lb weights that I carry in each hand so its 2lbs all together when I walk.. My first night I walked 3 circles which is 6 blocks.. My hips started to hurt by the 4 block but I just pushed on.. I want to get this weight off..  

About Me
Oct 03, 2012
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