
Jan 06, 2004

Well, I just had my 6/7 mo checkup with Dr Wood. I was so happy finally see him. This is the first time that I have seen him since my surgery. I must say he seemed really impressed with all my weight loss. I weighed in at 169 fully clothed which is a 109 pound loss since surgery. He wants blood work to make sure my protein level is fine. I do not have to see him again for 6 mo. Which is good because it is almost three hour drive. He said he would like to see me at 145-150 which is cool. I can do that. He has also informed me that I can start inquiring about plastic surgery. The only things that I want done are a breast lift and a tummy tuck. He has referred me to Dr Gursell, who I will give a call to on Monday. Well just wanted to fill everyone in on a wonderfull office checkup. He also informed me that when by body stops losing and I get to where I want to be, I will no longer have to supply extra protein to my diet. YEAH no nasty drinks!!!! Until next time!


Jan 02, 2004

I am now 7 months post-op. Hubby took new picture and I currently weight 168 pounds which puts me down by 110 pounds. I never ever thought that I would ever see myelf at this weight. It is so exciting. My hubby whistled at me this morning. Felt REALLY good. He even sang his little morning song that he has not sang in years. Things are so much brighter in our lives. We sure have been busy with the holidays and all. We have decided to take a two week vacation in March. We will be going on a week cruise and then staying a week in Florida. I am looking forward to this vacation. With the busy 2003 that we had. I hope 2004 slows alittle so that we can enjoy it. Really looking forward to some snow so that we can get out on the snowmobiles. I will need to get a new suit. Hubby took one look at me in my old suit and started laughing. Said I could fit one of the girls in there with me and still have room course my grown daughters are on the slimmer side! :) "Thank Goodness!" Younger daughter is coming home tonight to see some friends before they all start another semester at college. Dont get to see our eldest much seeing she lives in Kentwood and lives 3.5 hours away but she is coming home on the 19th so it will be a nice weekend. Maybe some snow will be in order so we can have a ride or two. Well heres to 2004 and may it bring more excitement and love in our lives. God Bless!!!


Dec 09, 2003

I DID IT!!!!!! I finally hit 100 pounds lost! I am soooo excited. I have been looking for this part in my goal for some time. It is really exciting when you reach each goal that you have set for yourself. This is a huge one for me. I am 6 months and 1 week post-op and now weigh 177lbs. YES!!!!


Dec 02, 2003

Well, I am now 6 months post-op. It is hard to believe that it has been 6 month already. I am doing very well. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Was really worried about not being able to EAT alot of food but I did not miss the food at all! I ate a little taste of everything and felt very satisfied. I believe I am now on my way to a healthier me. Going to see Dr Wood on the 10th of January. Am going to see when I can start checking out tummy tuck options. I am going to use Dr Weise in Saginaw. Pretty popuar here in West Branch and I am not looking forward to another 3.5 hour drive home from Detroit for another surgery. Saginaw is alot closer. Really getting excited about everything. Winter blahs are setting cause there is not enough snow to ride or ski in so I am kinda bumming but soon we will be able to head to the U.P. and do some serious riding. I am currently still at 180, I think I have finally hit my first plateau. But that is ok, cause I only want to lose another 20 pounds so hubby feels I am finally done "crashing" as he calls it and will be able to work on losing now! Well, have a great holiday and heres to a new year!! ;-)


Nov 16, 2003

I am now 5.5 months post-op. I am doing really well. I am eating very well. Somedays I can eat every two hours and then there are days when I only eat maybe twice a day. I now weigh 180lbs so I am 2 pounds away from losing 100lbs. I am really happy about that. Had my blood drawn after my 4 month post-op visit and everything came back GREAT. Family doctor was really happy about that. Hair is not falling out so bad now. Am taking biotin for my hair and it really seems to help. Am still taking Centrum liquid. Do really good with that. Cannot eat breakfast yet. Can't tolerate eating until 10:30 o 11:00. Am tolerating wine really good which I have always liked. Tried my first hamburg at Wendys. Ate 1/4 of it and kept it down. Hubby was really amazed. Will have a VERY FULL house for Thanksgiving. Even was a nice person and invited my hubby's ex-wife because his girls will be here and she would be alone. He thought I was nuts but I looked at him and said: "I have power!!! I have lost 98 pounds and I look damn good!" He said I never have to worry about her and I told him I knew that but I feel wonderful and am not worried about her anymore cause I FEEL WONDERFUL ABOUT MYSELF NOW!! So everyone have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING


Oct 02, 2003

Yeah!! I am currently 4 months post-op and I have finally done it! I have reached 195lbs which puts me under my 200 lb goal before I see Dr Wood next Friday! I cannot wait to see him and show him my before picture! My husband bought me a photo book and has taken a picture of me every month so that I will be able to see how much I have changed. It is amazing to see the difference. My girls are still getting use to seeing a thinner me! :) One lives in Grand Rapids and the other lives in Saginaw in college so I do not get to see them that much so I guess they notice alot more than I do because I see myself everyday. Which is another first! I am actually catching myself looking at my figure in the mirror! That is to funny! My husband and I always tell each other that we love one another and his favorite saying is: " I love you more even though there is less of you to love!" I simply adore him! He makes me smile so much! I am such a happier person now! Thank you Dr Wood and all the wonderful people on this sight who have without knowing it, helped me out ALOT! May god shine on you always and keep you in his embrace!


Sep 16, 2003

I am now 3.5 months post-op. I am doing ALOT better at eating. Have had alot of help from people on the micropouchlosers group. They have helped me figure out what I could eat and what to stay away from. I am keeping very busy with our crafts show, this is the easy time of the year. I am doing some canning, first time in my life and am really enjoying it. I have decided that my husband will also learn to eat health. He still has his snacks but his meals are healthy now. I am currently at 204 which makes me down by 74 pounds. Can't wait to be under 200. Hope to be under 200 by the time I have to see Dr Wood in October. Until next time!!


Aug 16, 2003

I am now 2.5 months post-op. I am doing really well on the weight loss part of this. I am curently down 63 pounds. But I am still having a problem with most of my food. There is still not much that I am keeping down. I do not know if it is because I am eating to fast or if I am just having a hard time adjusting to food. My oldest daughter has been married almost two weeks now. It was such a relief to have that over with but it was also alot of fun to see people who I have not seen in awhile. They could not believe the weight that I have lost. I see Dr Wood in October so I am going to go over the food bit with him.


Jul 02, 2003

I am now 4 weeks post-op and still feeling very well! I am getting around more but still tire out easily. To be expected I know. I was this way with my hysterectomy also! Just seem to be more inpatient this time around. I will be really happy when I can eat REAL food. I am really getting tired of eating the same things. I see Dr. Wood on the 11th of July! Can't wait. Hopefully he will put me on regular food finally. Daughter's 19th birthday was today, seemed funny to watch everyone eat cheesecake and not even be tempted by it! :) Must be I am healing well!! Daughter took my 1 month picture. I don't really see any changes by my honey thinks I am looking really good! Guess he sees me better than I see myself.


Jun 20, 2003

Well I am 2.5 weeks post-op and feeling very good. Still need to wear my support belt when up and moving. Have alot of gas rolling around. Don't really know how to get rid of it. Have a craft show in Ludington this weekend but my husband will not let me go, says it is still to early for me to travel that far. Told him I will be going to the next one! :) Really worried how he will set everything up but I will enjoy my time home with my daughter who will be leaving soon enough for college. :(

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2003
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280 vs 180lbs
144 lbslbs

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