We shall see

Feb 21, 2008

I am suppose to call and see about my date for my endoscopy and my pre-op appoinment about 4pm today.  Supposedly after I get that done my surgery should only be about 2 weeks away.   It is a long process.  It is like dring down the road and only seeing 2 feet in front of you and not knowing what is going to happen.  I shall see. 

Still No Surgery Date

Feb 18, 2008

I am very discouraged.  I was suppose to have my appointment for my Endoscopy and my pre-op appointment at the same time on the 14th of this month. Last minute I found out that what the Naval Hospital told us that all these appointments went under the original referral.  Found out on Monday appointment suppose to be on Thursday.  Got everything straightened out still was not good enough my appoinment was cancelled by the Nurse.  Very discouraged.  I first went to the Dr.  Inquiring about this because all other things failed.  Every day I live in this body and can not stand it.  I feel so hopeless at times because it seems like I am at a stand still.  I try to think positive and think I can just diet and exercise and lose some weight while I am waiting but nothing seems to be working which was why I made this decision in the first place.  Anyway, I am going to pray to try to get my heart right and hope that it will all work out soon.

Still No Surgery Date

Feb 03, 2008

Still no surgery date.  Working on getting my check list of evals done.  I am really hoping/praying that my date is by the end of this month.   I don't know what is realistic though.  

My eating is out of control.  I really would like to lose a little before the surgery but for some reason every day I start with hope and then by the end of the day I blew it.  I guess that is why I need the surgery in the first place.  I have some victories here or there but of course not enough to make a difference

I am not sure how much I weigh right now.  I don't want to go to my appointment with the Nutritionist on Wednesday 2/6/08 and have gained.  Thinking of a protein shake fast.  We shall see.

About Me
Okinawa, XX
Surgery Date
Jan 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

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2-week follow-up
Surgery 7/10
Same Song Second Verse
still no surgery date
still no surgery date
still waiting
Super Hero Test.
celebrities I look like
