November 15, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Good Evening All! I had my final Diabetes Clinic tonight. It was a little eye-opening to say the least! I really got scared of all the complications due to Diabetes, if your blood sugars aren't controlled and stay too high. I don't even want to type in what they are. Trust me, you do not want to know either, it's kinda morbid and very depressing. But the Nurse did say that I really need to go see my Doctor right away and not wait until my next check-up date in December. She feels that my meds need to be adjusted now. My Blood Sugars are way out of control and I might actually need "insulin". Okay, I said it, that big scarey word that I never, ever wanted to say pertaining to myself. The chick who is seriously afraid of needles will most likely have to have insulin shots daily if I can't get my Diabetes under control, now! I am very frightened and I can't talk to my Hubby about it because he just makes me feel like a big fat loser who can't control this stupid disease herself! So, instead I turn to my profile, where I can write whatever I want and not worry about offending anyone. I feel very secure at this website. It is full of some very lovely and thoughtful people, some of whom I've never even met before and they love me unconditionally. That's not to say that mu Husband doesn't lo9ve me unconditionally, because he does, he just has a very weird way of showing it.

I know he loves me with all of his heart and soul. But he says things without thinking about the other person's feelings first. And I am a sensitive soul. I will cry if my feelings are offended. He tells it like it is and I usually don't handle the truth very well at all. Almost like a child. But I am working on this. One day, I will overcome

So I am going to make a Doctor's appointment first thing in the morning and nip this disease in the bud! Or at the very least, try to anyway...It was a little bittersweet when the class was over and we wouldn't see the other people anymore. It was nice though when a few people asked for my phone number and email address so they could keep in touch. That made me feel nice.

My Blood Sugars are still very high, getting back to topic. They are anywhere between 10-14 first thing in the morning before breakfast. That is sooo high. They should be between 4-6 in the normal range. But, lately for me, the normal range isn't any lower than 8. I am at risk for Angina, Heart Attack and Stroke! How do ya like those Bananas! Not very encouraging news, is it? A little frightening, actually. I have to go back on January 3rd for a one-on-one with the Dietician and Nurse. Hopefully, by then I will have a little more control over it. A couple of Ladies from my class asked me about the WLS. They wanted to know more about it. So I gave them my email and said I would send them some things. I also gave them the OH site address, so if you see any new faces from the Halton area, let me know. I love telling people about this surgery that are actually interested in the proceedure. I feel like I am doing something good for them, I only wish they knew that I was.

The days are just going by so slow since my consult with Dr. Starr. It's only been since November 4th, and it's now November 15th. A big 11 days, and it feels like a few months. I still don't know how exactly we are supposed to hold on? It's tough, ya know! Especially for an impatient suck like me! I don't know if I can make it that long without going totally bonkers! I love you all, take care until next time.

November 5, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Hello All my friends, I just wanted to update you all on one very important little tidbit of information which I totally forgot to include in my last update. The person who is going to be my ANGEL is Christine Galvao. She has been a wonderful inspiration and a great source of information and a running fountain of support. She always knows just what to say to me when I'm down and when I need to talk about something. We are the same personality types and get along very well from day one. I wanted to give her the respect of naming her my ANGEL on my profile so everyone could see. Most days, I don't know what I would do without her. I only hope that all of you have that one great person you can count on in your time of need. Talk to ya.

November 4, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Good Evening Everyone, I had my consult with Dr. Starr today. It was very short and to the point, just like him. Umm, I guess he was okay as a person, a little hard to read. I was so shocked as my appointment time was for 12:00 pm and I had gotten there early so I could have extra time in case I got lost or something. They kept taking all the post-ops in before me or the others who had consults scheduled for certain times. The secretary assured me and the other girls who were there with me that if Dr. Starr took all these post-ops in before us, that he would have all this extra time to spend with us, like "quality time" I suppose. Well, I said okay to that, and when I got in the exam room, I was in and out within 5 minutes. I was shocked. But, this point I just wanted my surgery date to be within the next few months, so I put up with it and I guess I will continue to do so. I was so happy to get a date today, a little dissappointed though, because I had expected it a little earlier than 6 months from now. I was expecting it to be around February or March 2006, not in May. Oh well, anything is better than next Fall-Winter like it would've been if I had stayed with Dr. Hagen, although I did preferr him. He was nicer and took the time with me and didn't just brush me off. Okay, enough negativity, I got a date! I should be so happy about this. I am, don't get me wrong! I am soooooooooooo happy. I am having surgery in just 6 months from now. OMG! I can't wait! I have already asked my wonderful friend and confident from OH to be my Angel when the time comes. I know she will do a great job.

On another note, my Blood-Sugars are still up pretty high. And I found out today at Starr's office that I am no longer 315 lbs, I now weigh 296 lbs. So, since my Diabetic Diagnosis, I have lost a few pounds. That's a positive note. But, those darned Blood-Sugars are around 15 most of the time give or take a point or two. It's not too good! My GP doubled my Metformin dosage from 500 mg twice a day to 1000 mg twice a day. I'm not too sure if that is very high, but to me, 2000 mg of a drug daily seems ultimately high to me. He said that next time, he might have to throw another prescription or two at me along with the Metformin if it stays high like this. All I'm thinking is that if he does give me more Diabetic Meds, then maybe I will get it under control and also maybe even loose a few pounds in the process, cuz actually that will help me tremendously. Right now, my mobility isn't that great. I am always huffing and puffing just doing the regular routine things throughout my day. I hate it so much. Just doing my housework makes me breathe heavy and sweat profusely. It's like "sweating like a pig" syndrome or something. I feel so gross, like the world's big fat sweaty pig! It really isn't the greatest feeling in the world. Hell, I can't even do my wifely duties too well anymore. I hate being like this, I'm at the point where, if I don't get this surgery soon, I won't be around anymore, weather I die from Obesity or Suicide. I need this surgery, NOW! Don't worry, I'm not gonna "OFF" myself tomorrow. If I couldn't have this WLS I definitely would! No doubt about it!

So, let's see, here are my dates; I see Denise, the Dietician on December 15/05 @ 10 am, then Susan, the Social Worker @ 11 am on that day as well. I am still waiting for my appointment with the Internist, Dr. Zupnik. The Secretary, Micca, said she would call as soona s she heard from his office. Oh, BTW, Dr. Starr's staff are just phenominal Ladies. Tracey and Micca, they are wonderful and so super nice, you couldn't ask for more. Well, I guess I should sign off for now, since I feel like I am writing a small novel. LOL. Have a good weekend everyone, I'll catch you next time. Take care. I love you all!

October 26, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Good Morning All, I had my Diabetes Class last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, so I'm not as scared as I was then. Although I did get started on a Glucometer. They gave us them for free, can you beleive that? We had our choice between two of them. The Freestyle and the Freestyle Mini. I chose the Freestyle Mini. I'm glad I did. I like it better. I also learned that if you have Health Insurance, you can have your Test Strips covered. And they are super expensive so I thought that was just GREAT! Also, when they gave us the Glucometers for free, I was so shocked because they are worth $50 bucks. That made me soooo happy. Now, I just have to go to my GP and get a prescription for the Test Strips and I just pick them up at the Pharmacy and submit the receipt to the Insurance company. How Cool! I tested last night at the class and I was at 10.8, which is pretty high. Then we had Wendy's for dinner after that, and when I tested this morning before Breakfast, I tested at 14.8, which is super high, since I am already on Medication. I need to go to my GP and see what's up.
So...I have 2 more classes to attend and I am fine with that. Have a great Wednesday, Everyone.

October 24, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Good evening everyone...well, I have my very first Diabetes Class tomorow night from 4-6pm. I am so not looking forward to this! The reason being is that I really don't want to find out that I am doing everything wrong. I have made so many changes since I first found out that I was a Diabetic last month. It was such a blow to me. It really scared the crap out of me. So, I started making changes to my lifestyle. I cut out COKE. That was super hard for me, since I used to drink like around 4 or 5 cans a day. I totally hate water. It was really hard to start drinking water as my main source of drinks, again. So, I switched to Coca Cola Zero. It tasted so good, I was amazed by how good it was. Then I started drinking the water again, so hard for me, but I have it up to about 3 bottles a day now. I also switched from sugar to Splenda. That was also a huge thing for me, but I did it! I also started eating healthier too. So, I don't really wanna be told how wrong everything is, ya know? My Hubby -JAMIE- is coming with me. He's the brains of our house. So, what I don't retain, he will. LOL! I am funny, I know. Well, I will update after my class. We shall see how it goes. Talk to ya.

October 1,2005

Jan 02, 2007

Well...I have just recently found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes with a very high Blood Sugar level that my GP is very concerned about. He immediately put me on Metformin 500 mg 2x daily, daily dose Aspirin for Heart Attack, because apparently I am at high risk for one, also is making referrals for Opthamologist and Diabetes Clinics. I am so scared I don't know what to do. This is all crazy. Just when I wanna be happy about having WLS next Fall sometime, I get this sprung on me! So, after I calm down about all this, my Doc says he can refer me to Dr. Starr, whose waiting list isn't very long at all. This makes me very HAPPY! But still scared shitless... and as I speak, still waiting to hear about the referral for the consult with Dr. Starr. I am going severely insane every minute longer that I wait!

September 19, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Today is my birthday, hooray!
So here is the beginning of my WLS Journey... I was referred to Dr. Hagen in February 05. I had my consult in June 05. My appointments with psych, nut and social worker are on April 18/06. Then I go back to Dr. Hagen for my surgery date in May 06.
I am very excited about it all, very anxious.

About Me
Milton, ON
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2005
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 27
November 25, 2006
November 22, 2006
November 2, 2006
October 24, 2006
September 5, 2006
August 14, 2006
August 8, 2006
August 3, 2006
August 30, 2006
July 2, 2006
