My name is Tammy.  I am a 42 year old mother of 3 boys.  I do all of the office work for my husband's steel business.  I have been on a diet my entire adult life.  I've lost weight 2 or 3 times but have always gained it back plus more.
A couple years ago I started developing co-morbidities:  sleep apnea, elevated liver enzymes, diabetes, not to mention an almost constant backache.
I had the Vergito procedure on January 2, 2009 & came out of the hospital off of 1 of the 2 medications I was taking for my diabetes.  Even though I am only 3 months post-op, blood work shows that I am no longer diabetic.  I take no medicine for it at all & my A1C was 5.7.  All of my numbers on my blood work were in the normal range.  I have not had a new sleep study done yet to see if my sleep apnea has improved - I'll do that after more weight is gone.

About Me
Dec 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6
