date change

Oct 27, 2006

My surgery date has changed again.  It is now on the 13th of Nov. I am disapointed but I know it is out of my hands, maybe it is in God's greater plan for me to have it on that day.  I actually took it really good I didn't get upset or angry I just was hoping to have this done sooner than later.  I have been looking at this in a positive way, this time will give the extra time to get my lungs stronger and my liver less fat before surgery.
i did ask not to change my date again because I have a daycare and everytime it gets changed I have parents having to change thier work schedules and my helper changing her schedule and then my husband having to change the week he needs to take off from work. So it just ends up in a mess and I would like to avoid doing that again.

I was wrong!

Oct 25, 2006

My surgery is scheduled for the 6th of Nov.  I was a little bummed but I guess you can't have it all.  She was hoping for the 30th but that didn't happen for me, oh well life must move on.  I did get final approval from the ins. co today so this is a plus for me.
I still have to be on this diet until I have the surgery but after some much needed help I am doing alot better.  I have lost a total of 12 lbs. now and this is by my scale so it could be 12 or 1 or 5 so who knows.  I am doing my best and what else can I do. 


Oct 23, 2006

This last week-end was so hard for me.  I am on that liver diet and I am so hungry.  On a week day I am busy with work and my  family, the house and everything else that comes around in my life.  But this week-end my husband and son were gone hunting all week-end and it was me and 5 year old. We went on alot of walks, cleaned the house again, went to the park, did some shopping, so I did keep myself busy but as soon as I was home and wasn't doing anything I wanted to eat.  I have realized this week-end that I am addicted to food.  So I was watching "Walk the Line"  and as Johnny Cash was lying there having withdrawls I could sympathize with that man.  Not that I am a drug addict or anything but I am addicted to food.  I asked a friend to come over and take all halloween candy to her house and since halloween is not going to be here until I am in the hospital she can keep it.  I have also found out that Lean Cusine tasted VERY GOOD when it is the only real food you get for the day, last night as I was eating I was wondering if the plastic plate that came with the meal was included in the calorie count, I wasn't sure so I didn't eat it.
On a happier note exercising again felt great, after I exercise I always wonder why I ever stopped exercising.  I woke up today and feel so much better.  I know what I need to do....................I need to stay focused, exercise and I will feel so much better.
Thank you for listening to the rantings of a starving women.

I have a date!

Oct 19, 2006

i was at pre-op and I was offered the 30th if the ins. goes through by then and I know it will.  I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!  Now I need to lose 10lbs. in the next 10 days.


Oct 18, 2006


I have an pre-op appt tomarrow and this only means I am 1 step closer to having surgery!!  I was told that I would not recieve a call until the end of next week for schedule for surgery.  So I was a little bummed about that but at least I still get to have the surgery, so I am trying to think on a positive note.

surgeon appt tomarrow

Oct 15, 2006


My appt is tomarrow and I am a little nervous to tell you the truth.  i am sure it will all be fine and I have met some people that have really reasured me I will be just fine.  But I do worry, maybe becasue I am a natural worrier, so I am hoping everything goes well and I get to have surgery sooner than later.  I am also getting a ltlle nervous about the surgery too,  I hope everything will be just fine and I will wake up and life will be better than ever.  
One a funny note today I was thinking I will proable see my husband more at the hospital during my stay than I have this whole deer hunting season and duck season has opened now, so I will get alot of visiting in while there, because duck season is not over until Jan.

About Me
Burney, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2006
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Friends 9

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another one off the list
back on the wagon
lost nine pounds!
I am going on a cruise!
so far so good
I have my determination back!!!!!!!
got lazy
35 lbs to go
7 months now
6 months
