Introductions and the Beginning of a Journey.

Jun 05, 2009

Hey all!  My name is Tanya and I'm from Tennessee.  I have been married to my husband for almost 12yrs. and we have no children.  We tried to have kids for 9yrs. but was told, due to my weight and current health problems, I would never be able to get pregnant.  We have decided that we don't want children in the meantime.  We do however have two furbabies.  Two precious little Yorkshire Terriers named Jack and Willie.  They are our children. 

I'm just at the beginning of my journey but can't wait to be on the losing side of this battle.  I guess I have the typical fat story.  I have always been overweight.  Even as a small child.  Started learning to diet when I was about 7 or 8yrs. old.  Have tried lots and lots of things over the years to help me lose weight but with no success.  I did lose 60lbs. in high school but didn't do it the healthy way.  I starved myself and lived off of suckers and water for months.  Yes, I did lose but it came back very quickly after I got married.  Even after losing 60lbs. I was still not skinny.  I was still a size 16 or more. 

I'm only 29yrs. old but I already feel like I should be 50.  I have the health problems of a  50yr. old.  I currently have severe joint wear and tear in my knees and ankles.   I have had both knee and ankle surgeries in the past all of which came from injuries that were made worse by my weight.  I have hypertension, sleep apnea, insulin resistance, PCOS, and asthma.  Not the problems of a common 29yr. old.

I have been thinking about gastric bypass for years but have never actually tried to find out if I could have it myself until now.  I work in healthcare so I have met numerous gastric bypass patients over the years but never thought that I could have this myself.  Then, when a coworker had it and I found out that my new insurance will pay for it. I made the consultation appointment with a Bariatric Surgeon.  My original consultation was in March '09 but I cancelled it due to a problem with my asthma.  I currently have rescheduled that appointment for 6/9/09.  This coming Tuesday!!!  I'm so excited and I can't wait to start finding out who and what is hiding under all of this fat!


About Me
erwin, TN
Sep 26, 2008
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