Still feeling like the only one out there

Aug 27, 2007

Well its almost two weeks to the day and I am not feeling all rosy sunshine like most others I read about. (And just to let you know, my nature is generally an optimistic happy go lucky tough Mom, NEVER giving over to whining........)
I feel weak, sick, shaky. I cannot get all my meds, protein, water down. I am waiting patienly for the burst of enery everyone talks about. 
So far, I am just whipped by this, and it stinks because thats not what I expected.
One blog that has helped me is one written by a staffer here. I don't know how to give correct credit so I won't mention the name, but she is inspiring and actually does food porn shots. Amazing recipes and insight.
My family has also been wonderful, even the
Hope things get better fast  :(    I am loosing hope.

I am home

Aug 18, 2007

I am not going to write on the main board as I dont want to discourage anyone. 
My surgery went fine but from there on out it was horrible. I vomited for two days until they finally quit trying to give me meds orally. I got shots in both hips, both thighs, fat roll shots (those werent bad).Then IV medications. The nurses were absolutely wonderful, I couldn't think of anything they didnt do for me. Ask me in a couple weeks how I feel, right now wouldn't be good.

two day

Aug 12, 2007

Two days. 
Just two until my life is changed forever. No more feeling like I could eat a whale (or looking like one). No more worrying whether people are staring at me, or worse no one is looking at me and I am invisable. No more wondering how to lay in bed so my husband doesn't inadvertantly touch a fat roll. Or see one for gods sake. No more hating being weighed at the Drs more than the pap smear itself. No more feeling like I am killing myself if I eat one more bite of food, and knowing I AM killing myself if I eat one more bite of food. No more living to eat.
I have waxed my legs and waxed philosophical- everything is done and ready. Kids are packed to go camping, Mom is packed to have her works re arranged.

Liquid diet

Aug 08, 2007

Well it's my second day on the liquid diet. I ate a piece of stir fry and felt so guilty. I know I am only cheating myself, but man, did it taste gooood.
6 days to go, hopefully I do not eat anything else (like the cat, or the dog). Do you remember on those old cartoons, and maybe I saw it more recently on a Seinfeld, where people look like delicious big, brown steaming turkeys....... LOL gotta laugh when I start thinking about that.

About Me
Midland, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 16, 2004
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 14
up, down , up , down
this sucks
ok ok, I'm still alive and kickin'
Stalled no more.........
Made it through Thanksgiving ok
October 8th, 2007
Light at the end (begining) of the tunnel
